6 months of inaction: Where’s President Biden in Protecting our Oceans?

by Arlo Hemphill

December 15, 2021

Can you find President Biden to call on him to protect global oceans?

This June during National Oceans Month, we celebrated with optimism that President Joe Biden was on the brink of taking historic strides toward global ocean protection with the announcement of his domestic 30×30 plan — a plan for the U.S. to set aside 30% of national land and ocean for protection… However, six months later, we are still asking — Where is Joe on protecting the oceans?

That’s why we need your help to find Joe in the picture puzzle below to demand global leadership on: ocean sanctuaries, global ocean plastics, offshore drilling, deep sea mining, and illegal fishing and forced labor at sea.

Did you find Joe? Download here for a bigger version!



Thanks for playing! The United States simply cannot afford for ocean protection to be a game to the administration when the world needs us to be a leader in transformational governance on international ocean policy. Share this puzzle with your friends and family and challenge them to find Joe, and call on him to protect global oceans!

Found Joe? See how many of the following items you can find!

  • 11 Candy Cane hats
  • 18 Dolphins
  • 6 Whales
  • 17 Greenpeace scuba divers
  • 7 Turtles
  • 34 Coca-Cola plastic bottles
  • 11 Octopuses
  • 9 Sharks
  • 10 Clownfish
  • 7 Jellyfish
  • 1 Greenpeace ship!

For oceans and community!

Arlo Hemphill

By Arlo Hemphill

Arlo Hemphill is a senior oceans campaigner at Greenpeace USA on board the Greenpeace ship Esperanza en-route to the Sargasso Sea.

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