Toolkit: Plastic Free July – Letter delivery to grocery stores

Letter delivery to grocery stores

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo would not be able to sell their products without retailers and grocery stores keeping them stocked on store shelves. Retailers and big brands must work together to swap single-use plastic for reusable alternatives, and retailers also need to get the memo that by not being part of the reuse solution, they are fueling the plastic waste and pollution problem. As major buyers and sellers of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo’s products, retailers hold a lot of influence in a growing number of voices calling for change. 

Bring a letter to your local grocery store (that sells Coca-Cola and PepsiCo products) and deliver it to the manager. If enough people bring letters into their local stores, the message can travel into the hands of the people who deal with Coca-Cola and PepsiCo directly. 

Here’s how to deliver a letter

  1. Download a sample letter. Print a copy to deliver OR copy and paste it into an email. 
  2. Date and sign your printed copy. On your next trip to the grocery store, visit the customer service desk and ask if the manager is around. If you meet the manager, you can use the same talking points listed for the Coca-Cola & PepsiCo phone calls to help inform your conversation. If the manager is not available, ask that the customer service representative kindly give it to them. Not into a face-to-face conversation in the store? No problem – you can print and mail your letter if it makes you more comfortable!
  3. Want to share your experience? Post about it on social media and tag @CocaColaCo and @PepsiCo with a picture of you with your letter! Tag your grocery store too if you know their handle!