TOOLKIT: Tell JPMorgan Chase “Stop Funding Pipelines!”

Take action to stop banks from lending their money to fossil fuel pipelines! You'll find simple step-by-step instructions below.


Across the country, companies are attempting to build oil pipelines that threaten our environment, our water and the rights of sovereign Indigenous nations. And around every one of those pipelines, indigenous activists and local communities are standing together to fight them. 

First and foremost, we should be raising their stories and following their leads. But we can also take action in our own communities by pressuring banks not to fund fossil fuel pipelines.  Here’s the thing — pipeline companies need bank loans and investments to build their projects. Without that money, it’s really hard for them to build these invasive, dangerous pipelines. As one of the largest financial institutions in the world, JPMorgan Chase has already recognized the responsibility of the financial sector to safeguard our global climate and protect human rights — yet they are still one of the largest investors in pipelines.  

That Is Where You Come In:

Greenpeace researchers have determined that by putting massive, *visible* pressure on banks, we can make them stop bankrolling pipelines. If banks need to see visible public outrage to withdraw their funding, then let’s show it to them. We’ve created stickers that call out Chase Bank in very simple terms: STOP FUNDING PIPELINES. We’re challenging you to use these stickers to get Chase — and its customers — attention and make it clear that we are not ok with their investments. There are more instructions below, but get creative with this. Chase needs to feel public pressure around their investments, and activists across the country are using these stickers to bring that to them.

Putting the stickers up where banks will see them is one important step — but sharing it on social media is even more important — because this will show banks that it’s happening all across the country.

Getting Started:

  1. First, make sure you are signed up to receive the stickers in the mail. You should receive a text from Greenpeace staff once they are on their way.  
  2. Once you receive the stickers, it’s time to take action. Think about where the sticker would make the most impact in telling Chase to stop funding pipelines. Where would it be seen the best? Where will folks connected to Chase — customers and employees — see it? Where would it stay the longest?
  3. Once you have your location, place the sticker.
    • Remember, these stickers are removable and won’t leave any residue but be smart when using them. The point of these stickers is to be seen — the best way to do that is to put it in a visible location.
  4. Take a photo and post it online with the hashtag #NoPipelines — tag Chase too. 
    • Make sure that you are posting it somewhere public facing. Twitter or a public Instagram will be the most visible.
    • Take that chance to let folks know why you are protesting Chase’s investment into pipelines.
    • Don’t have social media? Email us the photos at [email protected]!

Don’t have a “Chase” branch in your town? No problem. You can look at the list of the 26 banks that finance these pipelines and choose a different bank. We recommend Wells Fargo or Bank of America. You’ll notice that some of the stickers you received aren’t directed at Chase but at Banks — use those!

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