The search for David Koch continues, and we need your help!

by Mike Gaworecki

April 21, 2010

We’ve just posted a new video we put together of our Climate Crime investigative team up in NYC searching for secretive billionaire oilman David Koch.

Check it out:

When we first launched our report, Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine, we asked folks to go over to the Koch Industries Facebook page and communicate their concerns about Koch’s funding of climate denial and opposition to clean energy legislation directly to the company. Well, it turns out the Kochs can dish it out to the tune of about $25 million since 2005, no less but they can’t take it. They promptly pulled their Facebook page down rather than have to listen to our concerns.

Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial MachineBefore they pulled their page down, however, Koch posted a response to our report in which the company claims to have “long supported science-based inquiry and dialogue about climate change.” If that’s the case, why are they hiding behind their front groups who do their climate denying for them? And why won’t they respond to our letter asking them to participate in a debate and answer some questions about their funding of climate denial?

I happened to notice that Koch Industries quietly put its Facebook page back up this past weekend. And surprise, surprise their response to our report is still posted, but all of the comments we left for them before they scurried into hiding have been deleted. I guess they’re only for “dialogue” when they can secretly participate. So why not head over to the Koch Industries Facebook page and repost your comment, or post a new one? One good reason not to is that then you’re on record as “liking” Koch Industries (Facebook recently changed from having people “fan” a page to “liking” it, in case you don’t know). So you can always unlike them after you post your comment.

Go ask Koch: “If you’re truly for an open dialogue, why won’t you respond to Greenpeace’s offer to join them in a debate? And why did you erase all the comments concerned citizens wrote on here previously?” Post the link to our report as well (, so that other folks who visit the page can get the full story, not just Koch’s version. Their response to our report is the second post on their page.

If you prefer not to “like” Koch Industries on Facebook even temporarily, you can always just go to and use the social networking tools on that page to help expose these climate criminals.

You can also read more over on Huffington Post.

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