The Power Lies with the People

by Annie Leonard

November 7, 2020

There is crucial work ahead to reform our democracy and rebuild our country, but first, we take a breath and demonstrate our strength

Climate voters came out in record numbers this election to demand that our government end reliance on fossil fuel and take immediate action to repair and heal our planet.

We did it. After four full years of resistance, the worst president in modern US history has been democratically defeated. A democracy is ruled by its people, and in this election, the people’s voice was heard.

This is a win for human decency. For science. For love and compassion over hatred and fear, for bridges not walls, for empathy and inclusion over racism and violence. This is a win for democracy, for our communities, and for people and threatened ecosystems here at home and around the world.

Take a deep breath. Pop the champagne. Hug your loved ones. But let’s remember, until Trump leaves, we need to be vigilant and ready for anything that comes our way.

On November 7th, we are coming together to celebrate what we’ve already won together and make it very clear that Trump has no power here. The power lies with the people.

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Biden has won the presidential election on the most ambitious and far-reaching climate platform of any presidential nominee for a major party in history. The American people are demanding a climate champion, and Biden will need to go even further to end fossil fuel racism. There is crucial work ahead to reform our democracy and rebuild our country, but first, we take breath and demonstrate our strength. On Saturday, November 7th, we affirm the core values of our democracy, that every vote counts and that #votersdecided.

Masked people wait in line for for more than two hours for early voting at the Fairfax County Government Center in Fairfax, Virginia.

Today, now that the people have delivered a clear and forceful eviction notice, Donald Trump must pack his bags and prepare to exit the presidency once and for all. He has been trying to cheat his way through this election but now that the votes have been cast, we know the people’s decision will stand. We count on us, whether we are Black, white, Indigenous, immigrant, Latinx, or Asian, we know that for democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all. We are building a country where our leaders act in our interest, where we care for each other, and where we know that the will of the people is the law of the land. The will of the people will stand — with or without Donald Trump’s cooperation. We’ll stay vigilant to make sure the results are verified and the voice of the people is heard.

Since day one, Greenpeacers like you have been fighting for a better world. Your unified resistance to Trump’s presidency and policies have helped make today possible. Fierce resistance, record breaking volunteer participation, and all the ways — big and small — in which you have refused to accept the cynical and destructive world view of this administration have led to today.

The numbers would not be where they are without the work of Black, Brown, youth, and Indigenous organizers. Thank you.

Today we breathe a sigh of relief. Tomorrow, we’re ready for anything that Trump throws our way in the waning days of his presidency. Together, we take to the streets to celebrate, to show our collective power, and to resoundingly declare an end to Donald Trump’s presidency.

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Annie Leonard

By Annie Leonard

Annie Leonard is the co-Executive Director of Greenpeace USA. Leonard began her career at Greenpeace in 1988 and has returned to help the organization inspire and mobilize millions of people to take action to create a more sustainable future together. She is based in San Francisco.

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