The 50 States in Climate Crisis

What will the climate crisis look like in your home state?

A state-by-state look at current and future effects of the fossil fuel driven climate crisis

50 States of Change: Greetings from Arizona. This image is part of a collaboration between Greenpeace and artist Hannah Rothstein. Her work addresses the most pressing topic facing her generation: climate change.

We are in a climate emergency.

Intensified hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, and other extreme weather disasters are clear signals that we need to act on climate now. Climate-fueled disasters cost the global economy $150 billion in 2019 alone. Between 2010 and 2019, the United States experienced 119 climate disasters that each caused damages of $1 billion or more. That’s more than double the previous decade. This map underscores the current effects that the climate crisis is already having in each state, as well as projected impacts if no action is taken.

Our greatest concern is for the communities in the path of these increasingly frequent and devastating events. We owe it to these frontline communities to help them recover and rebuild and to do everything we can to fight for real climate solutions.

Download your state’s postcard to share with your members of Congress on social!

Each year, over 15 billion of our tax dollars goes to the fossil fuel companies that are causing the climate crisis. Tell your Senators and Members of Congress to stop giving our tax dollars to oil companies who are threatening our climate.

add your name

This is a collaboration between Greenpeace and artist Hannah Rothstein. Rothstein is an internet-viral artist focused on climate change. Largely self-taught, Rothstein is known for crafting visuals that ignite social and political engagement. Her work has been published in The New York Times, TIME, The Guardian, and more. See more of Rothstein’s work and process on Instagram (@HRothsteinArt).

The projections above are estimates of what might happen if we do not reduce emissions, and they are inherently uncertain. Different statistics are likely using different projections or models. Follow each link for more details and a citation of the study.

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