2017 Annual Report

Growing Our Community

Letter From the Executive Director

People power is the strongest force on Earth, able to accomplish extraordinary things against seemingly impossible odds. Greenpeace is so effective because we are a global community of members, activists, volunteers, and concerned citizens—wonderfully diverse people united in common purpose. And our community is growing, as more and more allies come together in the movement for a more just, green, and peaceful future.

Only when all are safe and healthy can we have the better future we want to see. And right now with the rights and sovereignty of Indigenous communities around the world being trampled, from the Water Protectors at Standing Rock to the Forest Defenders in the rainforests of the Amazon and Indonesia and beyond, our solidarity and support is increasingly important.

In spite of the Trump administration’s extremely regressive policies, in 2017 we saw notable wins for human rights, ocean and forest protection, water safety, and our climate. Greenpeace’s growing community made all of it possible, not only with monetary contributions but also with individuals taking personal action, giving of their time and their talents, and turning out in full force collectively to show the world what people power can do.

Thank you for your part in it, for living your values, and making the future of our fragile planet a priority concern. You are the heart of this movement, and the reason Greenpeace is so vibrant.


Greenpeace, Inc. is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful direct action and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.

Greenpeace Fund, Inc. supports Greenpeace, Inc. campaigns through research, public education, and grants for environmental advocacy. Greenpeace Fund, Inc. is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) charitable entity. Please visit greenpeace.org to learn more about Greenpeace, Inc. and greenpeacefund.org to learn more about Greenpeace Fund, Inc.

Charity Rankings

Greenpeace Fund is consistently ranked among the nation’s top charities—for our achievements and for the high percentage of revenue that goes directly towards the protection of the planet.

Greenpeace Fund is recognized by Charity Navigator with a four-star rating as having demonstrated financial efficiency and excellent accountability and transparency.

Greenpeace Fund is proud to be a part of the CFC and to carry the “Best in America” seal from Independent Charities of America. Of the 1 million charities operating in the United States today, it is estimated that fewer than 5% meet or exceed these standards and fewer than 2,000 charities have been awarded this seal.


This report is intended to provide a summary of all Greenpeace campaign activities. Please note that all donations to Greenpeace Fund, Inc. were solely used in connection with 501(c)(3) permissible activities.

Greenpeace, Inc.
2017 Board Members

Karen Topakian, Chair
Rajasvini Bhansali
Stuart Clarke
Cheryl Contee
Michael Leon Guerrero
Jakada Imani
Larry Kopald
Alnoor Ladha
Guillermo Quinteros
Jonah Sachs
Bryony Schwan

Greenpeace Fund, Inc.
2017 Board Members

Tom Newmark, Chair
Ellen Dorsey
Adelaide Gomer
Jeffrey Hollender
Jee Kim
John Passacantando

People’s Climate March in Washington, D.C. On the 100th Day of the Trump administration, we were in the streets of Washington, D.C. to show the world and our leaders that we would resist attacks on our people, our communities, and our planet.

Arctic Sunrise departs New York City.

Arctic Sunrise Sails the Atlantic Shoreline

Protecting Our Communities, Our Coasts, and Our Climate

In October, the historic Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, toured the Atlantic coast to put the spotlight on two of the biggest threats to our climate and oceans—offshore oil drilling and plastic pollution.

With stops in New York City, Norfolk, Wilmington, and Miami, Greenpeace used the ship to mobilize communities to stop expanded offshore drilling and the seismic blasting that would injure as many as 138,000 whales and dolphins.

The ship tour also launched Greenpeace’s campaign to end the plastic pollution choking our oceans and killing marine wildlife. We collected and documented plastic found in harbors, at sea, and in nearby coastal and inland areas and also joined local communities for beach and river clean-ups.

The Arctic Sunrise departed Miami in November to travel to Puerto Rico in support of the campaign for a green and just recovery from Hurricane Maria. Greenpeace helped organize the delivery of urgently needed materials, including solar systems, sustainable agricultural goods, and tools.

Activists confront supply vessel Explorer II in the Indian Ocean.

Leveraging the Seafood Industry for Ocean Protection

In May, the International Transport Workers’ Federation called for a moratorium on high seas transshipment by tuna long-line vessels in the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Thailand, and South China Sea, until companies implement fair labor standards throughout their supply chains in order to guarantee security and protection for fishers and seafarers.3 Then, following an intensive global Greenpeace campaign, Thai Union—the world’s largest tuna company with brands like Chicken of the Sea and many others—announced a new set of major reforms to tackle illegal fishing and overfishing, as well as improve the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of workers throughout the company’s supply chains.

Action in Bangkok to urge Thai Union for more sustainable tuna.

Pipeline marker in Abbotsford, British Columbia.

Hastening the End of the Fossil Fuel Era

After years of campaigning, demonstrations, and pressure led by First Nations, joined by workers, and Greenpeace, TransCanada pulled the plug on its massive Energy East Pipeline, taking an estimated billion-dollar loss on the project. The pipeline would have transported up to 1.1 million barrels of crude tar sands oil daily from Alberta across Eastern Canada. It’s a victory that is energizing our campaigns against other tar sands pipelines across North America, which threaten our communities, drinking water, Indigenous sovereignty and human rights, and our climate.

For seven years, coal giants have waged war against the Pacific Northwest, proposing six massive new coal export facilities in Oregon and Washington to guarantee an expansion of coal mining in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming. Due to the tireless work of thousands of people in the Pacific Northwest along with persistent campaigning by Greenpeace, the companies behind these projects could not develop a single one of these proposed terminals. The health and beauty of the Columbia River Gorge will never have 44 million tons of coal transported through its fragile ecosystems.

Kalasou Valley in West Papua.

Cleaning Up the Palm Oil Industry to Save Our Forests

After years of working to protect the forests of Indonesia—home to amazing animals like orangutans, Sumatran Tigers, elephants, and a treasure trove of incredible wildlife—palm oil giant IOI Group committed to eliminate deforestation and human rights abuses throughout its supply chain. The Malaysian company was suspended from the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in 2016 for clearing peatlands in Kalimantan, Indonesia, and dozens of companies including Unilever, Mars, and Nestlé cancelled contracts with IOI as a result.

At the beginning of 2017, IOI began proactively monitoring its palm oil suppliers to ensure they are not destroying rainforests or peatlands. Greenpeace will be watching closely to make sure IOI follows through on ending deforestation. We advised companies intending to resume trade with IOI to specify in their contracts that the company must demonstrate ongoing progress in line with its Sustainable Palm Oil Policy and the additional commitments it made.

“Our Voices are Vital” activities in Italy.

Defending Greenpeace and Free Speech

In October, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California dismissed all claims in the controversial case that major logging company Resolute Forest Products filed against Greenpeace and others. The court’s decision sent a clear message to corporations that attacks on core democratic values like freedom of speech and legitimate advocacy on issues of public interest will not be tolerated.

But corporate intimidation tactics continue. In response to the powerful Indigenous-led movement at Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline, its builder, Energy Transfer Partners, attacked Greenpeace and others with a strikingly similar Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP).

These lawsuits are part of a pattern of corporate bullying via the legal system, but Greenpeace will not back down. We will continue our important work defending our forests, challenging new oil and gas infrastructure, building powerful alliances, and fighting for free speech and public participation in our democracy.

Fiby Urskog Nature Reserve in Sweden

A Legacy of Activism for Peace and Sustainability

Mrs. Martha Osborn Vinick is a deeply committed Greenpeace supporter whose lifetime activism has spanned from the 1982 anti-nuclear demonstration in New York City’s Central Park to the 1999 Hague Appeal for Peace to her work with “The Green Team,” the local environmental group she founded where she currently lives in Sarasota, Florida.

“We’ve got to do more than talk,” Martha believes. “We have to support organizations like Greenpeace. As far as I’m concerned, Greenpeace hits all of the points that are most important—working for peace and protecting the environment.”

Martha has chosen to include Greenpeace in her legacy giving, dedicating support for peace and sustainability for future generations. She is a wonderful inspiration and has our enduring gratitude.

If you would like to know more about how you can remember Greenpeace in your estate plans, please contact Corrine Barr at 1-800-328-0678 or [email protected].

An Evening Backstage with Greenpeace

On April 27th,guests at the 2nd Annual Greenpeace Backstage gala gathered at the West Coast Action Center in Oakland, California, for a rare glimpse into what happens behind the scenes and what makes Greenpeace so effective in taking action to save the planet. It was a chance to experience firsthand the magic of Greenpeace, to see the techniques and equipment used in our iconic actions, and to feel the thrill of a surprise mini-action. Guests also had the opportunity to hear from inspiring guest speakers, bid on one-of-a-kind silent auction items like a ride in Greenpeace’s airship or hot air balloon, and mingle with like-minded people who together make up the wonderful and growing Greenpeace community.

Letter from Brian Anderson, Chief Development Officer

We began 2017 with a RESIST banner dropped over the White House to spread hope throughout our community and wove that declaration of intent throughout our activities all year long. Your support has been critical to our successes—and not just your financial support. When you come out and march with us, or join us in our Summer of Resistance, or greet us at port during a ship tour—all of your actions help advance our growing movement for a green and peaceful future. I’m pleased to report that we expanded our base of supporters in 2017, making our people power stronger than ever and helping us engage new communities and broader audiences.

It was so great to see many of you during the Arctic Sunrise’s tour of the Atlantic Coast. I was as impressed as many of you to tour this sophisticated ship that sails all over the world and campaigns to save the most biodiverse, important places on Earth.

Overall, 2017 was a year of wonderfully positive growth in our community, and one of the most important things you can do personally as a supporter of Greenpeace is help build on that momentum by spreading the word in your circle of family and friends.

Thank you for your advocacy on our behalf, for helping us continue to grow our community and strengthen the movement for a more green and peaceful future. We couldn’t do it without you!


Greenpeace Fund, Inc. Statement of Activities

For the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016


Support and Revenue

Contributions and Grants

Investment income

Change in value of split-interest agreements

Net assets released from restrictions

Total Revenue and Support


Program Services:

Grants to Stitching Greenpeace Council

Grants to Greenpeace, Inc.

Other programs

Total Program Services


Supporting Services:


Management and general

Total Supporting Services


Total Expenses


Change in Net Assets

Net Assets, beginning of year


Net Assets, End of Year


















































Greenpeace, Inc. Statement of Activities

For the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016

In the United States, Greenpeace fulfills its role in protecting the environment through two corporate entities: Greenpeace, Inc., a nonprofit organization formed under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, and Greenpeace Fund, Inc., a nonprofit organization formed under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Greenpeace, Inc. furthers its mission of protecting the environment through research, advocacy, litigation, and lobbying (direct and grassroots). The organization also bears witness to environmental degradation and takes action to prevent it. Contributions to Greenpeace, Inc. are not tax-deductible.

The mission of Greenpeace Fund, Inc. is to promote and protect the environment through research and public education. Greenpeace Fund, Inc. also makes grants to other nonprofit organizations for activities that are consistent with its mission. Contributions to Greenpeace Fund, Inc. are tax-deductible.


Revenue and Support


Grants – Greenpeace Fund, Inc.

Grants – Stitching Greenpeace Council

Other income

Investment income

Net assets released from restrictions

Total Revenue and Support


Program Services:

Climate Campaign

Forests campaign

Public information and education

Oceans campaign

Toxics campaign

Action resources

Outreach campaign

Total Program Services


Supporting Services:


Management and general

Total Supporting Services


Total Expenses


Change in Net Assets

Net Assets, beginning of year


Net Assets, End of Year






























































Greenpeace crew in an inflatable look for krill fishing vessels in the vicinity of Trinity Island, Antarctica.


Members and donors give to Greenpeace, Inc. and Greenpeace Fund, Inc. in a multitude of ways at a variety of levels. We are particularly thankful for the steadfast support provided by our Partners in Action who gave $1,000 or more in 2017 and those individuals who included Greenpeace in their bequests and estate plans. Thank you.

$1,000,000 +

Fred Stanback

$250,000 – $999,999

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

The Oak Foundation

Arcus Foundation

Overlook International Foundation

The Tilia Fund

$100,000 – $249,999

Anonymous (2)

The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment

Reiman Foundation

Panaphil Foundation

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Sustainable Markets Foundation

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Plastics Solutions Fund c/o Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.

$50,000 – $99,999

Anonymous (5)

Sheila and Francois Brutsch

Arkay Foundation

Energy Foundation

The Jaharis Family Foundation, Inc.

The Scherman Foundation

The Seattle Foundation

WestWind Foundation

Wallace Global Fund

Patrick and Christi Horan

Johanette Wallerstein Institute

Linda-Eling Lee

Sole and Nick Riley

Grace and Henry Steenland

Faith Strong

$25,000 – $49,999

Anonymous (6)

Ms. Cindy L. Barber

Mrs. Walter F. Brissenden

John Cecil and Celia Felsher

Toward Sustainability Foundation

Millicent and Eugene Bell Foundation

Serena Foundation

Gary Saltz Foundation

Overbrook Foundation

Park Foundation

Rosemary and Ted Lassiter Foundation

Justice Catalyst Foundation

Padosi Foundation

Chang Charitable Fund

Mr. Pancks’ Fund

Joe Ruck and Donna Ito

Ally Walker and John Landgraf

Mr. Terry Marbach

Gillian and Peter Neumeier

Gilman Ordway

Larry and Sharon Papike

Mark Headley and Christina Pehl

$10,000 – $24,999

Anonymous (10)

Barbara Aubrey

Mr. Peter J. Barrer

Kurt Bauereiss

Medea Benjamin

Tom Berry

Janice L. Brannon

Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell de Burlo, Jr.

Polly and Randy Cherner

Julie A. Clayman, MD

Ms. Theresa Cohen

Karen Cotterell

Joseph H. and Barbara I. Ellis

Richter Farms

Denise Filakosky

Tyson Fitzmaurice

Swanee Hunt Family Foundation

Canino Family Charitable Foundation

The MJK Family Foundation

Bradley L. Goldberg Family Foundation

The Esmond Nissim Foundation

The Holborn Foundation

Clark R. Green Charitable Foundation

Aaron and Patricia Blumberg Foundation

The North Pond Foundation

Fonda Family Foundation, Inc.

Leuthold Family Foundation

Marquis George MacDonald Foundation

The Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation

Quilt Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation

Wyss Foundation

C.A.N. Foundation

Big Blue Sky Foundation

Tomchin Family Foundation

Hidden Leaf Foundation

CGMK Foundation

Martin-Fabert Foundation

The Fine and Greenwald Foundation

The Tom Fund

Edna Wardlaw Charitable Fund

The Wanda Bobowski Fund

McNellis Family Fund

Camille and Pierre George

Mr. John Gibbs

Marjorie Lundy and James Godshalk

Adelaide Gomer

Anonymous Friend of Greenpeace

Howard Golden and Ellen Grote

Karen Yust and Richard Guinchard

Collier Hands

Erv Johnson

Joseph B. Roberts and Olivia Kinser

Robert and Kim Kiyosaki

Adam Koranyi

Mr. Eugene Lancaric

Mrs. Julia Liebeskind

Philip H. von Lintel MD

Neal Rosenthal and Kerry Madigan

William Manson

Susanne O. McMillan

Bryan and Tara Meehan

Cara Monson

Deborah L. Neal

Tom Newmark

Geoffrey R. Pike

Victoria Principal

Joyce Project

Gay Rogers

Val and Min-Myn Schaffner

Patricia J. Simpson

John B. Slater

Ms. Patricia Cegann Stanley

David and Dianne Stern

Darrell Trombley

Mrs. Laurette Verbinski

Irma K. Volk

Anne Widmark

Leslie Williams

James H. Worth

Mr. Peter M. Wright

John Wright

George and Judith Writer

Judy Young

$5,000 – $9,999

Anonymous (8)

Teresa Babb

David Barbetta

Dr Patricia Simun and Mr. A.E.G. Bates, Jr

Lee Becker

William and Debbie Becker

Mrs. Herbert Beckington

Ms. Joyce Black

James G. Briggs

Anne W. Brinkley

Natalia Chefer

Nard Claar

Mr. Leroy Close


Robert Crawford

Matt Damon

Mr. Rob Dekker

Raj and Helen Desai

Johanna S. DeStefano

Dr. David Deutsch

Sally Dieterich

Mr. Rob Docters

Ms. Jane Mc Donough

Anne and Jessy Down

Jame and Mary Drearie

Saul D. Levy Foundation

William B. Wiener, Jr. Foundation

The Banky-LaRocque Foundation

Mrs. Nancy McDevitt and The Peter and Mary Russo Family Foundation, Inc.

Falconwood Foundation

Linda and Robert Frank

Tomas Fuller

The Manzanita Fund

The Howard and Kennon Mckee Charitable Fund

Sherry and Leo Frumkin Family Fund

Serendipity Fund

Nancy Braus and Rich Geidel

Yehuda Gelb

Liz Gilchrist

Ken Gobalet

Marian Goodman

Mrs. Kathryn C. Graham

Michael Jenkins and Christi Hogin

Jeffrey and Sheila Hollender

Jonathan Jaeger

Margaret Jason

Ruth C. Johnson

Ms. Marguerite Keefe

Abigail A. Kerlin

Ms. Shirley Lamb

Ms. Rebecca R. Lambert

Eileen and Paul LeFort

Victor D. Levine, M.D. and Alexandra Levine

Ms. Suzanne Lorang

Mr. Larry L. Lundberg

Anne Marie Macari

Sigrid V. Magagna

Richard Marks

John Kay and Jutta Maue-Kay

Mr. Robert W. Mcdonnell

Ms. Laurie McGrath

Mr. and Mrs. John A. and Leslie W. McQuown

Barbara W. Meyer

Robert A. Moeser

Leila Monroe

John and Shirley Nash

Justine and Alfred Nathan

Ms. Margery Nicolson

Ms. Lucy E. Nielsen

Ms. Heidi Nitze

Mr. Ken Olum

Judy Pigott

Deloris Pohelia

Martin R. Prince

Sherrill B. Pritchett

John and Connie Rakoske

Ms. Jennifer Randall

Diane Van Wyck and Francis Repas

Nora Roberts

Ms. Joyce M. Rogers

Paul and Catherine Rosenberger

Barbara F. Ryan

Mary Kent Schardt and Max Schardt

Fredrick and Karen Schaufeld

Al Klail and Frances Scott

Ms. Deirdre S. Sheerr-Gross

Peter Slade

Jill Soffer

Lonna and Dennis Speer

Lois and Arthur Stainman

Ms. Diana Stark

Eva Steger

Ms. Anne H. Swift

Mr. Joe Thompson

Mr. Sandro Torres

Stannard and Dorothy Dunn CharitableTrust

Klaus Ukens

Richard D. Urell

Ms. Margaret Watkins

J. Dix Wayman

Ann and Carden Welsh

Stephen Wolf

Douglas Wood

Mr. Stanley Woodward

Jiecheng Zhang

$2,500 – $4,999

Anonymous (12)

Darlene Abt

Ms. Margaret Akin

Mr. and Mrs. Robin P. Armour

Robert Amore and Rebecca Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Balcom

Ms. Janet Bellusci

Mr. Robert M. Bick

Nancy Bisaha and David Bieler

Ms. Britta L. Biesecker

Dr. Gerry Boss

Mr. Joseph Bower

Norma J. Bradfish

Dr. Irene Brown

Dr. Clair Brown

Thomas G. and Nancy A. Calderon

Jerry Carle

Mr. Andre Carothers

Lynn Ceuleers

Henry Chalfant

Lina G. Chen

L.S. Christodoulopoulos

Ping F. Chu

Mr. Carol J. Ciszewski

Susan Clark

J L Cleveland

Kathryn and Douglas Cochrane

David Cohen

Marjorie B. and Martin Cohn

Helen L. Colvig

Christopher and Megan Contakes

Mr. James and Patricia Corwin

Burton Crowell

Mark Cunningham

Mrs. Nancy B. Davis

Ms. Jeanne C. Davis

Ms. Kathryn M. Dejak

Martha Dewing

Ms. Jennifer F. Dobbs

Daniel and Nancy Donoghue

Ellen Dorsey

John Doumanian

Kay Drey

Alexandra Dunaif

Andrew Edlin

Margaret Elizares

Mr. Todd Evans

The Marder Family

Mary Feldman

Mrs. Jane Fletcher and Mr. Gregory L. Fletcher

David P. Tenberg Charitable Foundation

Rothman Family Foundation

The John P. McBride Family and the ABC Foundation

Brightside Charitable Foundation

The Mitzvah Foundation

Dickinson Family Foundation

Anne and Jonathan Fox

Ms. Sondra Franzen

Mack Fuhrer

Walking Stick Family Fund

The Vmware Charitable Fund

Sbf Conservation Fund

The Sauer Foundation Fund

Tundra Glacier Fund

Cah Fund

Zaitlin-Nienberg Family Fund

Kaleidoscope Charitable Fund

Mrs. Ute D. Gannett

Bina and Brian Garfield

Denise A. Garofalo

Ms. Jennifer Glick

Mr. Rolf and Mrs. Julie A. Goetze

David and Dorothy Goldberg

Mrs. Lynn Goodman

Michael and Stacey Grealish

Mr. Kenneth Greenstein

L. Gayle Gross and Howard J. Gross

Pres. Harold R. Handler

Louis Herskowitz

Ms. Gail Holmes

Ambrose Huang

Kristin Hull

Mr. Jon Jacklet

Ted and Ruth Johnson

Jane Johnson

Prof. Judy M. Judd

Barbara Kaneshige

Mr. James C. Keesey

Mr. Robert Keisling

Jeanie and Murray Kilgour

Mr. Kevin Kraus

Mr. Max G. Lagally

Susan Lazarus

Joseph Leonard

N. Carol Lipis

James R. Lockrem

Michael Wilens and Carolyn Longacre

Mr. Alexi Lubomirski

Mr. Philippe Lunardelli

Mr. John Lyddon

Deborah Lynch

Mr. Thomas Malzbender

Nancy and Alan Manocherian

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Mathews

Mr. Ryan McCall

Shelly Mcgee

Darina and Allan McKelvie

Tim McSweeney

Ron Miller

L. David Mirkin, M.D.

Sharon and Jeff Morris

Judith A. Nelson

Mr. and Mrs David S. Newbury

Simon Nynens

Leslie O’Loughlin

Charlie O’Reilly

Joan and Joaquim Panozzo

Linda and Peter Parshall

Dr. Patti McGill Peterson

Glenda Poliner

Ms. Elizabeth A. Rajam

Ms. L.B. Rappaport

Cheim and Read

Dr. Phyllis C. Reynolds

Mr. Benjamin A. Rice

Dr. and Mrs. J J. Richardson

Charles Rizzo

Harry E. Roeder

Mrs. Ruth D. Rosin

Jack and Lynne Rosser

Jeanne and Dick Roy

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Rycroft

Nan Sabino

Jane Sarly

Douglas E. Satterfield

Leslie Sauer

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schulman

Mr. Adam D. Sender

Celest Armenta and Chip Sharpe

Cammi Shreve

Mr. Martin S. Silberberg

Amy and Adam Simon

Bonnie Simon

Rita Sinkovec

Mrs. Linda Smith and Sun Smith

Mark and Pam Smithers

Diane and Dale Snyder

Richard and Jill Spitz

Ms. Eva Steger

Mike Stoller and Corky Hale Stoller

Daniel Stone

Mr. Bryan Strauss

Beth Sweet

Genevieve M. Szuba

Bradford and Linda Taylor

Mr. Marvin Tenberg

Clare Eddy Thaw

Ms. Karen Topakian

Amanda Touchton

Israeloff Trattner

Arpin Charitable Trust

Marcia Angle, MD and Mark Trustin

Jeffrey Benedick and Duane Vajgrt, MD

Tom Viola and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids

Risha Walden

Mr. Forrest C. Conrath, M.D. and Ms. Brooke Walker

Oliver Walker

F R. Wilbur

Ms. Gro A. Buer and Mr. Bruce W. Williams

Ken and Sally Wilson

Mrs. Debby Winemiller

Shu J. Wong

Mr. Richard W. and Mrs. Jean Zukin

$1,000 – $2,499

Anonymous (51)

Mr. Pablo Acosta

Mr. Daniel Adams

Mr. Claude C. Albritton III

Ms. Selma Alderson

Mr. Joseph Alfano

Carolyn B. Alif

Joe Allegro

Mariette P. Allen

Ms. Mary Allen

Mrs. Donna Almquist

Penny Fertel Altman

Ms. Gray Anderson

Donald S. Anderson

Mrs. Marcia Angermann

Dr. Anita E. Antler

Ms. Valerie M. Anton

Constantine Apostol

Ms. Rowena Archibald

Mr. C Kent Argenta

Mr. Thomas H. Arms

Dr. Johnny and Karen Armstrong

Arthur and Elaine Aron

William Heil and Julie Z. Aronson

Patricia Arthur

Craig Ashton

Ms. Gene M. Smith and Rachel Atcheson

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Atha III

Ms. Carolyn B. Atkinson

Norm Auzins

Linda and Richard Averett

Buzz Avery

Ms. Victoria Ayres

Michael Azhadi

Matthew Babich

Peter Bacchetti

Ms. Jennifer Badde-Graves

Joan Badrenas

Sharon Clark, DMD and Adrian Van Bakel, MD, PhD

Ms. Leslie C. Baker

Karen Baker

Mr. Ford Ballantyne

Wendy Ballew

Gregory Banks

Vanessa Barboni

Sandra Barnes

Mr. Peter Barnet

Ms. Kitty Barr

Mr. David Barre

Deborah Barrell

Mr. William D. Barrett

Eileen A. Barry

Richard H. Barsanti

Carlin Barton

George Batchelor

Michael Bauer

Ms. Barbara S. Bayless

Paul W. Beach, Jr.

Ms. Heather Beal

Mrs. Brenda Beaumier

Lani Becker

Ashton Belew

Peter Bell

Janis M. Bell

James Bell

Rita Bell

Cecile and Christophe Bellito

Jerald Belofsky

Doug Bender

Ms. Nancy S. Hair and Ruth

Silverman Beneficial

Ms. Ann Bennett

Mr. Norman Berghuis

Susanna Bergtold

Frederik Vander Kooi Adriana

Vanden Berkmortel

Patricia and Martin Berman

Zina L. Berman

Michele Berro

Jeanne M. Berwind

Mr. Eric Bessette

Ms. Jennifer Bevan

Mr. Dileep Bhat

Jennifer Lynn Bice

Ms. Michalina Bickford

Ms. Judy Biddle

Mr. Gibson Biddle

Maryellen amd Robert Bieder

Josephine Billups

Janice L. Birch

David Bjelland

Sophie Hahn and Eric Bjerkholt

Liz B. Blackman

Richard S Blackmore

Ms. Sheila Blake

Sharon Blanchet

Brian Bloomfield

Cyril Blot-Lefevre

Ms. Cleo J. Bohne

Christann Bohnet

Marilyse de Boissezon

Mr. Burton Bollag

Mitchell and Linda Bollag

Johanna Bon

Mr. Jaime Eduardo De Boreon

Ms. Rima Borgogni

Robert Jennings, Jr. and Barbara Bott

Andrea Boyarsky-Maisel

William and Elsa Boyce

A Bramwell

Michele Braucht

Dennis J. Breen

Pat Bresee

Gerald E. Breslauer

Rosemarie Bria

Ms. Janice P. Bright

Ms. Mary M. Brock

Elizabeth Brock

Alicia Brockwell

Martin M. Brod

Hal Brody

Cynthia and Adam Bronfman

Ms. Andree N. Brooks

Rosemary and Douglas Brooks

Franta J. Broulik

Mr. James O. Brown, Jr. and Joanne Brown

Deborah Brown

Ms. Eleanor M. Brown

Peter Brown

Ms. Marilyn S. Brown

Mr. Jeffrey D. Brown

Ms. Patricia Browning

David Brubaker

Ms. Patricia Bruggere

Ms. Janet Bruman

Judith A. Brunk

Mary Bruskotter

Bruce Bryant

John N. Buckley

Ms. Mary Buinger and Dr. Gene Buinger

Debra Bullock

Ms. Mary C. Bunting

Brenda Buonora

Ms. Alison Burghardt

Jerry Burns

Mr. Paul Burton

Bruce and Bettina Buschel

Ms. Ellen E. Bush

Eric Van Buskirk

Ms. Hillary Butler

Mr. Daniel E. Butler

Mrs. Katharine Butler

Mary Cafiero

Mrs. Isolde K. Cahill

David Cahn

Daniela Caine

Jasper Calcara

Ms. Lisa Richardson-Calfee and Earl Calfee, III

Ercan Calgaz

Ms. Janice S. Calkin

Mr. Green Calkins

Georgane Callaizakis

Fernando Camacho

Mr. Shanan Campanaro

Ms. Linda C. Campbell

John T. Campbell

Ms. Linda Campbell

Ms. Katherine Camper

Carol Caplan

Mr. Carmen Cappadona

Ms. Rosemarie Carbino

Ms. Hazel Carby

Alison Carlson

Irad S. Carmi

Sally Carp and Dr. Richard Carp

Mr. Todd Carpenter

Dr. Lisa Carr

Barbara Schilling and Richard Carr

Mr. Ralph Carroll

Gale Casey

Christine Marshall and John Cawley

Mr. James Caya

Dr. Frank Cervantes

Mr. Miles Chaston

Francoise Chauvin

Mr. and Mrs. Mick Chavez-Pardini

Dr. James and Mrs. Margaret Chen

Mr. Peter Chen

Jenny Chiam

S Chisholm

Malinda and Yvon Chouinard

Norbert Salz and Janet Clark

Ms. Mary L. Clark

Caitlin Clark

Charlene Carroll and Devin Clark

Stuart A. Clarke

John Cleary

Mr. John Clement

Naomi and Harvey Cohen

Omery Cohen

Jeffrey Cohen

Bobbie Coke

Marianne Coles

Diana Coles

Bud and Rebecca Colligan

Linda Vincent and David Collins

Brian and Lynne Collins

Elizabeth L. Colton

Pam Conant

Mr. Jay Conger

Mr. Mark Conway

Ms. Gabrielle Conway

Julie Cook

Edward Cope

Mr. Cristobal R. Correa

Livia Corredor

Ms. Elizabeth Corsa

Mr. James Corvus

Matthew Cotter

Ms. Christine Cottrell

Charles Q. Couch

Mr. Eugene Cox

Dr. Nancy W. Craig

Kinga Crary

Mr. James O. Cromwell

Paul P. Cronin

Ms. Karen Crotty

Fund for Ecology and Culture

Judith Cunning

Rigney and Robert Cunningham

Ms. Kathleen Curtaz

Elizabeth B. Curtis

Cody and Christine Curtis

Phyllis Curtis

David and Stacey Cynamon

Nancy A. Cypert

Carmen and Ludwig Czeisler

Keira Daly

Ms. Deborah K. Van Dam

Mr. Robert Daniels

A Puffin by its burrow in Sørhamna, southeast Bear Island, Norway.

$1,000 – $2,499 (continued)

Ms. Martha Davis

Mr. Harry G. Davis

Ms. Amy F. Davis

Mr. Thomas Davis

Mr. Clyde and Van Day

Mrs. Beatrice Dedinskiy

Leona Delaurier

Mr. Michael Delisi

Ms. Paula Deming

Lauren Dengate

John Denham

Mrs. Joy Denman

Susan Denman

J H. Depew

Troy Desmet

Robert and Kathy Deutsch

Terese Dhyani

Mr. Ken Diamondstone

Mr. John Dicker

Mr. Don Dickinson

Miss Joan and Spencer


Lisa Disterheft

Ms. Mary Dobson

Ms. Zo K. Dodge

Maurits Dolmans

Jane B. Donahue

Dr. Susan Donaldson

Marjory Maxwell Donn

Ms. C. M. Dooney

Frederika and Doug Dorman

James Morgenstern and

Linda Dow

Dr. and Mrs. David M. Dressler

Mr. Robert H. Droste

Maryjo Dry

Ms. Carol Dumke

Robin Dunitz

Sondra E. Dunkle

Helen Dunlap

Lee Duran

Mr. Peter D. Durst

Mr. Barbara Dutton

Elisabeth Dykens

Karen Eckhert

Ms. Sondra Eddings

Jeb Eddy

Connie Edwards

Cheighton Edwards

Mr. Laurence Eggers

John B. Ehrenkranz

Mr. Noel D. Eichhorn

Mr. Sean Eirich

Ms. Andrea G. Eisenberg

Judith A. Ekman

Edward Rothenberg and

Lois Ellison

Josh Elsasser

Ms. Melissa Elstein

David Ely

Aoke Guha G. Emrich

Mr. Mark Taylor and

Ms. Allison Eness

Mrs. Victoria W Erickson and

Mr. Clifford L Erickson

Augustus L. Ervin III

Mr. Dennis Esposito

Hugo Estrada

Mr. Henry Euler

Ms. Adair Eves

Mr. Robert Ewaschuk

Ms. Susan Fairbanks

Leo Farbman

Michael Farner

Elizabeth Farrar

Elizabeth Faulkner

Charles J. and Shirley Feaux

Mrs. Joann K. Fechner

Adele and Elliott Fein

Roger Feinthel

David Feld

Adrienne Plotch and

Robert Feldman

Ms. Hallie Ferguson

James W. Finn

Ms. Patricia Fisher

Ms. Mary Fisher

Muna El Fituri

Mr. Rick D. Bonilla and

Ms. Suzanne D. Flecker

Daniel Fleischman

Marie K. Fletcher

Mrs. Betty Flodin

Ms. Tessa Flores

Ms. Jennifer Sullivan and

Mr. Nicholas Flores

Karen Fond

Carole A. Fontana

Ms. Jacqueline Foret

Kat Formidoni

Brigid Foster

Benjamin Z. Foster

Archibald Family Foundation

Bassett Foundation

Mary and Peter Stone Foundation

Anita B. and Howard S.

Richmond Foundation

David G. Taft Foundation

The Janis and Alan Menken


Schreier Family Foundation

Marian Family Foundation

Baker/Merine Family Foundation

Peterson Family Foundation

Hufty Foundation

Sam and Esther Friedman


Wrocklage Family Charitable


Gillian and Ellis Goodman


The Raynie Foundation

Winky Foundation

The Ozmen Foundation

DeDomenico Bleecher Foundation

The Lef Foundation

Jerry J. Wilson Memorial


Arntz Family Foundation

P.E.A.C.E. Awareness Foundation

Jarvey-McCord Foundation

Temcov Foundation

Margaret M. Hart Foundation

Mr. Wyman B. Fowler

Mr. Curtis Frank

Mr. and Mrs. Churchill G. and

Janet H. Franklin

Beverly S. Fransen

Michael and Nanci Freedman

Peter C. Freeman

Dr. Shirley Freeman

Richard and Barbara Friedenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Philippa Friedrich

Douglas Friend

Robert B. and Michelle Friend

David Fuchs

The SRH Charitable Fund

The Sparrow Tyson Fund

The Bhatt Family Charitable Fund

J.E.T. Memorial Fund

Joseph Peter Mark Fund

The Hawley Ehrensaft Charitable

Gift Fund

Shlenker Block Fund

Stevenson-Cannon Family Fund

Callaham-Hsu Charitable Fund

The Zephyr Fund

Chris And Maureen Kenney

Charitable Fund

Mark Litt Family Donor Advised


The Dutton Charitable Fund

The Ayer Fund

The Knepper Charitable Gift Fund

The Milton and Henrietta Kushkin


Michael and Leslie Lebeau

Philanthropic Fund

Ms. Diane C. Furtney

Mr. and Mrs. James Furze

Maria Fuster

Don Lateiner and Marianne Gabel

Mr. Martin Gaehwiler

Mary E. Gagnon

Sangeetha Gali

Ms. Areanna Galimea

Arman Garakani

Bill Garn

Nancy Garret

Fritz Garrison

Ms. Frances R. Gaver

Ms. Judith Gayer

Mona Todd and Don Geddes

Berta A. Gehry

Mrs. Kim Geiss

Mr. Stefan Georgi

N. Richard and Monique Gershon

Katherine Gerwig

Linda Gibboney

Dr. Pamela Gibney

Ms. Clare Giffin

Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert

Mr. Scott Gilbert

Jordan and Stacey Gillman

Ms. Starr C. Gilmartin

Patty Gilmour

Robert Gleeson

Kate Gleixner

Mr. Alberto Gobbi

Caryl Flinn and Gary Goertz

Mr. Thomas M. Goetzl

Mr. Frederick Golan

Jerold Gold

Mr. Peter F. Goldscheider

Jill Goldsmith

Mr. Sidney Goldstein

Drs. Robert and Maria Goldstein

Ms. Sonia Gomez

Pamela Gomez

Mr. Mike Gonnerman

Ms. Mary D. Gordon

Mr. Michael A. Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gottschalk

Stephen and Candace Gouze

Mr. William Gradin

Dr. Jon Graff

Terry Grant

Ms. Karen Grassle

Ms. Susan W. and

Phillip A. Greenberg

Ms. Cheryl Greene

Ms. Garth Greene

Mr. Jerry Greenfield

Jay Greenspan

Ms. Lumina Greenway

Ms. Julia A. Gregory

John B. Midgeley and

Lynn Greiner

Danielle Bol-De Greve

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence L. Grisanti

Barbara Grodd

Susan Gross

Ms. Jennifer H. Gross

Craig and Susan Grube

Mr. Paul L. Gruner

Thomas Guglielmo

Mr. Jay Gumbiner

Ms. Gina Gurewitz

Mr. Dan Gutman

Mr. Duncan Haas

Peter Hagedorn

Ms. Nancy Hager

Lois S. Hager

Mr. Martin Haley

Mr. William E. Hamilton

Derek Hamner

Ruth Charnes and David Hansen

Richard and Eileen Hardaway

Mr. Reza Hariri

Marcia Harms

Mr. Robert Harper

Ken and Jan Harper

Jocelyn C. Harper

Mr. Ed Harrington

Seth Harris

Graham Harrison

Mr. Hal Harrison

Mr. Robert L. Hart

Julester Haste

Vivian Sodini and

James Haughton

Charles J. and

Mrs. Jean Hausmann

Hugh A. Havlik

Julie Hay

Emma Kenney and Caroline Head

Mr. Dwight Healy

Dave Heilbron

Mr. Charles Heimstadt

Jessica Helgerson

Terry J. Hellenkamp

Margaret Hellyer

Kim Hembree

Cliff and June Henderson

Mr. Scott M. Hendler

Ms. Jane B. Henry

Ms. Sigrid Hepp-Dax

Mr. John Herzog

Willis and Cindy Hesselroth

Martha T. Heyneman

Susan Hicks

Nancy Hill

Mr. Tim Hinkle

Nancy Hoecker

Lois and Donald Hoffman

Mr. Ernest Holburt

Donna Hollinger

Lynne Hollingsworth

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Holmgren

Miss Priscilla Hook

Ms. Dorothea M. Hoover, M.D.

Kelly Horner

Randy and Patty Horton

Lola Lloyd Horwitz

Ms. Linda Horwitz

Ms. Sally House

Ms. Caroline Houser

Ms. Mary Hubbard

Ms. Frances Huffman

David Hughes

Mr. Albert Hunt

Ann Hunter-Welborn

Lara Hurley

Ms. Mary Hussey

John Huster

Charles Hutchins

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hybertsen

Katherine Hyett

Ms. Ruby Iantosca

William E. and Lillian Ibe

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Igers

Ms. Linda Illsley

Mr. Robert Ing

Ms. Carol Inge

Mrs. Lois Irwin

Mrs. Ninalou Isaacson

Lisabeth Isom

Mr. Manuel C. Fillon and

Mary Jackson

Mel Jacob

George Jacob

Richard Jacobs

Karen Jain

Rod K. Janson

Amy Van Pelt and

Joseph Jarzembowski

Mr. Clark Jeffries

Erik Jensen

Mr. David Jeske

Mary and Grady Jeter

Dave Jette

Arturo Jimenez

Wanda C. John

Frandee Johnson

Howard L Johnson

Ms. Suzanne M. Johnson

Mark Johnson

Mr. Robert D. Johnson

Mr. Dwight Johnson

Thomas and Elisabeth Jones

David P. Jones

Mrs. Diane E. Jones

Gabriele Jost

J.W. Kaempfer

Emily G. Kahn

Ms. Emily M. Kahn

Daniel Kahn

Dale S. Kammerlohr

Ellen Kampinsky

Kelly J. Kaplan

David and Sandra Kaptain

Lala El Kasmi

Mr. Steven D. and Nancy Kassel

Jason Katz-Brown

Melissa Marshall and Hirsch Katzen

Ms. Frances Kazan

Nancy Kearney

Ms. Ann P. Keenan

Thor Kell

Caroline Kellen

Gregory Keller

Kyle B. Taylor and Kyle Keller

Elizabeth and Richard Kent

Rolfe Kent

Peter Kerlin

Mrs. Coyla Ketchy

Misbah Khan

Mr. Timothy G. Kiley

Duncan Kincaid

Tracy Kirkham

David and Jane Kirkpatrick

Mallikarjuna S. Kishtajoni

Nancy Kittle

Ann Kittredge

Elisa J. Moran and Gary Kleiman

Jonathan Klein

Mr. Emanuel Klenner

Michael and Penelope Klestinski

Lee and Janet Klingler

Mr. James M. Klosty

Sarah Knowles

Mr. Stephen Kolodny

Patricia Kolso

Kathleen and Steven Kopitz

Mrs. Mary Helen Korbelik

Debbie Kornfield

Brian R. Kotarski

Edward Kozol

Margaret and Tad Kramar

Mr. Paul H. Kramer

Sharon Krause

Sara Krebsbach

Charles W. Krout, Jr.

Ms. Sonia R. Kruks

Matthew and Kimberly Krummel

Charles and Mary Kubricht

Barbara J. Kuecker

Greg Kunert

Mr. Steve Kuranoff

Dolores and John Kusmiersky

Ms. Frances Lang Labaree

Mr. Robert C. Ladner

Jeffrey Lamkin

Mr. Jeff N. Lang

Christina Lang-Assael

Titia De Lange

Miss Shirley G. Larson

Gabriella Laszlo

William Lavoie

Mrs. Julie Lawton

Jen Layton

Mr. Douglas Leclair

Edward and Kathryn Lee

Earl Killian and Waidy Lee

Kuen Lee

Tracy J. and Scott A. Lee

Dr. Taigen D. Leighton

Ms. Anna Marie M. De Leo

Josie P. Leon

Mary Leonard

Roberta Leonard

Joe and Jill Lervold

Kenneth Levy-Church

Jeff and Ana Levy-Lyons

Ms. Susan Lewis

Toby Devan Lewis

Mrs. Elizabeth Leyden

Mrs. Judith Lichterman

Mr. Christopher M. Lietz

Mr. Chun W. Liew

Dr. James D. Lillard, Jr.

Mr. Alasdair Lindsay

Yan B. Linhart

Ms. Malissa Lipton

Julie Lisle

Malia and David Litman

Stanley Litt and Harriett Litt

Thomas C. Litwiler

Ms. Jessica Liu

Elizabeth Livingston

Christopher Lloyd

Patricia Lodewick

Deborah Lodish

Mr. Leonard Lombardi

Rich London

Ms. Julie Long

Margaret and Robert W. Lonon, Jr.

Anni and Bob Low

Dawn Lowe

Dr. Robert Lowen

Shauna Lucero

Mrs. Stephen Isaacs and

Mrs. Kathryn Macbride

Maria W. Maciver

Ms. Barbara Magin

Keith Magnuson

Megan Maguire

Tim Maher

Ms. Eileen Mailath

Veronica Mainetti

Ms. Nancy Makowski

Ian Mallace and Valerie Mallace

Nora A. Maloney

Mrs. Claudia Maloney

Sharon T. Mandell

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Mann

Jim Mannello

Sarah Manno

Vijay Mariadassou

Mr. Gal Mariansky

Lynn and Elizabeth Marran

J.E. Martin

Jana and Steffen Martin

Carol Mason

Mark Mathews

Vincent Matthew

Mr. David J. Matthews

Mr. Arthur A. Maule

Scott Maxwell

Mr. Daniel May

Linda and Steve Mayer

William Mayo-Smith

Esther McBirney-Goc

Tom and Darlene McCalmont

Richard and Elizabeth


Mr. Stephen C. Graf and

Mrs. Jacqueline McConnell-Graf

Melissa H. and

Thomas McCormack

Scott McDonald

Mrs. Suzanne Mcfarland

Patrick Mcintyre

Ms. Patricia Mckee

James Mckenna

Rajalaxmi S. Mckenna

Michael and Debbie McKinney

Saundra Mcmillan

Dr. Hollis L. Mcmillan

Ellen H. McPeake

Duncan McVey

Mr. Erik Mears

Kenneth Menchaca

Mary Menninger

Lynette Menter-Hartman

Michael Mercier

Ms. Miriam Merino

T Mermaid

Hugh G. Merriman

Michael Merwin

Anita Meyer

Edward Meyer

David Michaelis

Andy Michaels

Mr. and Mrs. Robb Miglietta-


Ms. Tollie Miller

Ms. Claudia Miller

Paul Rehkopf and Joey Miller

Mary Anne Miller

Dr. Cristine Mincheff

Mark and Lauren Mincin

Mr. Stephen Mitchell

Douglas E. Mittelstaedt

Alexander Moczarski

Ann B. Dunlap and Melinda Moffitt

David Mohr

Rand J. Montoya

Wendy Moore

Mary J. Moore

Myfe Moore

Ms. Laura H. Mordecai

Richard Wolf and Leah Morgan

Mr. Richard Moriarty

Mr. William T. Morkill

Rebecca J. Morr

Lea Anne Morrell

Mr. Carl Mosen

Barbara J. Mosen

Agnes Moser

Jonathan Movson, M.D.

Ms. Amy Mower, Esq.

Ursula Muehllehner

Ms. Patricia Mueller

D Mullen

Mr. Edward Munyak

Jack Murphy

Diane Murray

Mickie Najjar

Ms. Martha Napolitan

Mr. Jeremy Nathans

Laura W. Nathanson

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Marita and Sarkis Nazarian

Mr. Sean M. Neel

Molly Nefkens

Ms. Connie Neish

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nelson

Dana H Nelson

Ms. Brandy Nelson

Ms. Catherine Nesbit

Ulla Neuburger

Ms. Linda M. Nevin

Paul and Antje Newhagen

Mr. Dung K. Nguyen

Tom Nochakski

Ms. Barbara A. Nolan

Helen A. Norton

Mrs. Glori J. Norwitt

Mr. Peter Novick

Steve Nowlis

Ms. Gwenn Nusbaum

Dr. Isabelle R. and

Dr. Harold Oaklander

Mr. Paul Offenbacher

Sierra Club National Office

Ms. Chris O’Harra

Alisa E. O’Leary

Mr. Calvin G. Olmstead

Mrs. Darcie L. and Christian Olson

Candace T. Oneill

Ms. Cindra Opalsky

Ms. Jennifer Orthwein

Ms. Linda Oster

Mrs. Ann M. Overman

Penny and Ted Thomas Fund

of the PACF

Dr. Alfred Padula

Nancy Pancko

Clayton Pang

Roland and Mary Cline and


Robert F. and Carolyn Papke

Kim Parke

Mrs. Elizabeth Parker

Catherine Parker

Patti Parker

Mr. Timothy R. Parton

Richard Pascoe

Ms. Christine A. Paszkiet

Mr. Mehool A. Patel

Belinda Patel

Andrew Paul

Mr. Michael Y. Payan

Ms. Michelle Peacock

John W. Rose and

Carolyn A. Pedone

Mr. Alan Penczek

Ms. Susan M. Penner

Rebecca Penneys

Ms. Theresa D. Perl

Pamela S. Epple and

Paul W. Persons

Melissa Peshkin

Dr. Richard Peters

James and Elaine Peters

Martha and Samuel Peterson

Ms. Patricia A. Petro

Nicole Petroski

Derrick and Ruth Petry

John W. Petten

Ms. Ethel J. Pettit

Mr. Steven Pfeifer

Esther Phillips

John and Nuri Pierce

Mr. James Pierson

Mr. Ronald Plank

Lauren Pollak

Ann Poll

Ms. Susanna M. Porte

Ann Possis

Ms. Marilyn Potts

Mr. John Powell

Ms. Julia E. Powell

Robert Price

Darsha Primich

Tom Prosser

Rhonda Prussack

Ms. Janice Puente

Ms. Heather Hanly and

Mr. Dan Purcell

Mr. Edison K. Putman

Anders Pytte

Don B. Quinn

Phillip Radford

Mr. Ronald Rainey

Carol Rathe

Dana and Jim Rawls

Jillian Raye

Barbara Divver and Theodore Reff

Julie Reich

Thomas Reifsnyder

Mr. Lee Reinhold

Ms. Ursula Reusch

Judith F. Rhodes

Dr. Robin Richmond

Keith Richter

Mr. Willem Van Rijn

Timothy Robert

Joyce and William E. Roberts

Marty Roberts

Ms. May A. Robinson

Marilyn S. Robinson

Justin Roe

Brandyn Roemer

Ms. Deby Rogers

Roger and Kathleen Roos

F Peter Rose

Michelle Rosenberg

Jimmy Rosenberg

Clare Rosenfield

Myron Rosenthal

Ms. Karen C. Ross

Ms. Traci Kennedy Ross

Mr. Jonathan Ross

David Roush

Will M. and Margaret E. Roush

Glenn Royer

Sharon and Kirk Rue

Mr. Gordon A. Russell

Mr. Victor Rust

Mr. Robert Murphy and

Dr. Cynthia E. Rye

Mr. Jonah W. Sachs

Dr. Michael Sacks

Michael and Nancy Salvatore

Tyler Sandberg

Kimberley Sandford

Mr. David Sansone

Steve Saul

Mr. Marshall Saunders

Nathan Savin

Ms. Sigrun Schaudies

Eric Scheide

Nancy L. Schemanski

Stephen C. Schiff

Mrs. Christine Schiff

Ekkehard Schmidt

Ms. Robin Schneyer

Mr. Jason W. Schoch

Paul and Joan Schoenfeld

Mark Schoonmaker

Gail and Jonathan Schorsch

Chris Diehl and Saskia Schott

Rogil Schroeter

Carol Schuldt

Phillip Schuman

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Schumann

Susan and Ford Schumann

Mark Schwartzbard

Iris Schwintzer

John Beldon Scott

Trish V. Scott

Howard Sedran

Patrick Seeholzer

Martin E. Segal

Richard Seifert

Deborah Selby

Katherine Seligmann

Mr. Kenneth Sellin

Ms. Jane Selzer

Mark and Merle Serlin

Charles M. Sexton

Frederick Seykora

Miranda Shafer

Sadhila Shammari

Nigel Sharrock

Mary Louise Shaw, M.D.

Jerome Sheehan

Cathy A. Sheely

Philip Shelley

Jim and Sandy Shelton

Ms. Miriam Shenitzer

Ms. Mary P. Sheppard

Mr. Jeffrey Sherman

Mr. Irving Shetman

Darla Shine

Mrs. Rebecca Shockley

Ms. Sophia Shoen

John Shott

Dr. Gloria M. Shurman

Carol Sibbrell

Jill Sideman

Raymond Sidney

Mr. Leon Siegel

Elizabeth Siegel

Ms. Keitha Kinne and

Daniela L. Sikora

Arthur F. and Carol Silbergeld

Mr. Peter J. Sills

Sumatran Tiger in Tambling Wildlife Nature Conservation, Indonesia

$1,000 – $2,499 (continued)

Dr. Michael Sosin and Ms. Tedi Siminowsky

Mr. Dan Simon

In Memory of Steven Simons

Joseph D. Sternlieb and Ms. Linda Singer

Rashmi J. Singh

Ms. Patricia A. Singletary

Ms. Rae L. Siporin

Gouri and Murali Sivarajan

Ms. Nicole P. Skerry

Susan Skog

Roger Skrobeck

John C. Sloan

Ms. Karen Slovin

Anthony Smith

Andrew and Grace Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Smith

Lesley S. Smith

Jean and Dale Smith

Judith Smith

Brendan Smith

Kenneth and Katherine Snelson

Mrs. Virginia L. Snow

Janet Snowden

Ms. Isabel Snyder

Marguerite Soffa

Sonja Solland

Susan Soloyanis

Dr. Ronald Spears

Mr. Richard A. Speizman

Mr. Stephen Sperber

Katrin Spiess

Lana Spraker

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Stanley

Karen Steingraber

Mark and Margaret Stenftenagel

Ms. Martha Stevens

Frances W. Stevenson

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stewart

Donald and Jacqueline Stimpert

Ms. Julie E. Stindt

Ms. Linda Stokely

Susanna B. Place and Scott Stoll

Mrs. Clare Stone

Blane D. and Karen M. Stone

Mr. Paul Stoner

James Strait

Ms. Rose A. Straney

Heather Strange

Joel Stratte-McClure

Mr. Stephen Strickler

Pat Stryker

Mr. David G. Stuart

Barbara H. Sturges

Samuel P. Sturgis III

Vivek Subramanian

Ms. Farley N. Sullivan

Mr. William Sullivan

Dr. Diana Sun

Paula J. Suttle

Dinah Swan

Diane Pace and William Swartz

Jeff Sweet

Charles L. Swezey

Mr. Jeff Swickard

Swaran Syan

Caroline Szajman

Ms. Deborah Szekely

Mr. and Ms. William E. and Teresa B. Szymczak

Mr. Richard Horsley and Ms. Julia Taberman

Margaret and Ronald Talboys

Ms. Margaret Tao

Ms. Pamela D. Tarica

Lissy Fabe and Chris Taylor

Monica Tellado

Jerold Terhune

Audrey Terras

Atul and Kalpana Thakkar

Anil Thakur

Kishore Thampy

Ms. Joyce Thibodeaux

Trinity Thomas

Ms. Eleanor Thomas

Daniel Thomas

Kristin Thompson

Robert Martin and Carol Thrane

Mr. Spencer W. Tien

Clayton Timmons

Emil L. Tobler

Victoria de Toledo

Amy Tone

Chester C. Topple

Christopher D. Tower

Ms. Caroline Treadwell

Ann Truett

K. Blacklock Family Charitable Trust

Sallie and Edward Arens Charitable Trust

Louis Leibowitz Charitable Trust

Vicci Tucci

Anna Tugnoli

Ms. Julia Tullis

Daniel French and Rosann Tung

Christine E. Turvey

Jennifer Tuvell

William Twiddy

Roseanna M. Tyksinski

Michael Ubell

Mr. Dwayne Ulloa

Ms. Melissa Urofsky

Joan Valentine

Diane Valentino

Lee C. and Melinda Varian

Heinze Vaughan

Bonnie Vick

Ms. Marcia Vigren

Mr. Milton Viorst

Judith A. Wade

John G. Wagner

Art Wahl

Mary Wahl

Katherine Waite

N J. Walder

Ms. Karen Waldron

Thomas Queeney and Clare Walker

Craig Conrath and Brooke Walker

Carolyn Bell Walker

Mr. Keith W. Cowan and Ms. Linda N. Walsh

Douglas and Leonore Walters

Mr. Daniel and Ms. Brenda Wang

Ms. Victoria Ward

Drew Warnick

Mr. James C. Waugh

Monica Wehmeier

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weil

Ms. Sandy Weil

Miss Monique Weil

Philipp Weis

Ms. Laurie E. Weiss

Michael A Weissman

Angelique Welker

Ms. Carole Wells-Desin

Ira Wertenteil

Mr. and Mrs. J. Wertheim

Melanie Westfield

Franklin Wetzel

Eugene D. Weymouth

Eugene D. Weymouth

Mr. Michael J. White

Ms. Jessica White

Ms. Laura Whitman

Bess Whitney

Mr. Bruce Whizin

Gabriel Wick

Benjamin and Mary Wiener

Mr. Neville Williams

Mr. Judd Williams

Maura S. Williams

Dr. Thomas Williamson-Kirkland

Ms. Linda Willits

Jeff Willoughby

Douglas Wilson

Mr. Jack R. Wilson

Joann Wilson

Mark Wiltzer

Walter R. Benoit and Mary Elizabeth Winston

G.W. Wiseman and Anita R. Wiseman

George Witter

Jason Wohlstadter

Wendy Wood

Andrea Wood

Ms. Diane Woods

Mrs. Diana G. Wortham

Mr. Gary H. Wright

Robin Wright

David Wright

Herbert Van Wyngaarden

Margaret Yarina

Peg Yorkin

Pamela S. Young

Ms. Shirley W. Young

William J. and Carla Young

Ms. Lily Young

Ms. James Young

John S. Yuille

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zable

Paul Zablotny

Joyce and Robert Zaitlin

Stephany Zamora

Mrs. Rachel Zanetti

Majid Zarrinkelk

Ms. Jeanne Zasadil

Ms. Brandi Zaslansky

Mr. Marc J. Zeitlin

Mr. Peter D. Zeughauser

Mr. Rolf Zimmer

Mr. Eugene Zuckoff

Michael Zwank

Aaron Zwiebel

Legacy Donors

Anonymous (152)

Ms. Suzanne A’Becket

Mr. Alan R. Abrams

Diana Abrashkin

Madeline K. Ackley

Henry Adamowicz

Ms. Lois Adamson

Dr. Daniel Aeschliman

Thomas E. and Sandra M. Ahlstrom

Ms. Martha Ainsworth

Mr. John S. Alexander

Ms. Jane Alexander

Ms. Katherine G. Alexander

Mr. Robert Allen

Ms. Sandra Allen

Ms. Mary Allen

Dr. Julie Ann Allender

Nancy Allerston

Ms. Malgorzata A. and Gosia Allison-Kosior

Ms. Mariah Almonte

Ms. Kate Alsip

Mr. and Mrs. Vittorio Amadei

Ms. Norma Amigo

Ralph and Regina Anavy

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Anderson

Bud and Jackie Anderson

Ms. Barbara Hensleigh and Mr. Joseph Andrews

Mr. Joe Anshien

Mr. Hal B. Anthony

Julia A. Antoine, M.D.

Ms. Miriam L. Appleby

Ms. Mary F. Armstrong

John (Chimo) and Diane Arnold

Miriam Asher

Mrs. Gilbert H. Ashton

Ms. Katherine Aspinall

Mr. Charles Azzolina-Michlin

Meredith and David Babbott

Mr. Albert Baca and Ms. Joan Baca

Ms. Nancy Bacal

Serge Baghoumian

Tanya Baikow-Smith

Mrs. Jane W. Bailey

Mr. Roger A. Baker

Jan Baker

Dee Baker

Robert C. Gerhard, III and Raymond E. Baker, Jr

Ms. Marian K. Balcerzak

Harlow G. Ballard

Mr. Michael Balogh

Shelley W. Bance

Mr. Alfred J. Barbano, Jr.

Mrs. Gin Barbarullo

Dr. Carol K. Bard

Dr. Janet Barnard

Ms. Linda Barnello

Emma E. Barnsley

Mary Ann Baron

Robert G. And Ann S. Barrett

Mrs. Ann R. Barrows

Ms. Andi W. Bartczak

David Bassein

Ms. Teresa A. Bassett

Miss Mary J. Batchelder

Ms. Maxine L. Bauchmann

Ms. Roberta Bauer

Carol Ann Bauer

Mary H. Bauer

Kurt Bauereiss

Ms. Virginia Salter Bayliss

Ms. Lillian Beach

Helen Beale

Ms. Margaret Beals

Mrs. Petrina Becker

Mr. Gerhard Bedding

Adele J Bellizi

Ms. Adele Bender

Mr. J C. Bennett

Ms. Violet Benoit

Dr. Mary L. Hedblom and Mr. Keith G. Berg

Ms. Stacy Berger

Maureen Ivy and Jay Berger

Ms. Lane K. Berk

Irv and Jan Berlin

Mr. George J. Berlinski

Zina L. Berman

Judy and Dennis Berman

Mrs. Ann V. Bernhardt

Howard Bernstein

Murray and Elena Berrie

Mr. Ferris Berry

Ms. Gladys S. Berry

Mr. Stephen A. Bessone

Rosario Beuth

Mr. Jeanne Bevis

Mr. Scott M. Bigham

Mr. Michael J. Bihn

Mr. James R. Bila

Ms. Bernice Bildner

Mark Bird

Mr. John M. Bissell

Mr. Ron Blackmore

Ms. Sheila Blake

Steve Blanich and Jo Blanich

Karin Blau-Poletow

Gloria Bletter

Dr. Mary H. Blewett

Muriel H. Block

William Blondy

Helga Bloomberg

Ms. Marilyn Blunt

Billie Blytmann

Ms. Patricia Bode

Ms. Sigrid Boehm

Mr. Jerry Boehme

Ms. Gloria Bogin

Mr. Giles E. Bohannon, Jr.

Marilyse de Boissezon

Ms. Nancy M. Bolce

Ms. Nona R. Bolin

Ms. Kathleen Bond

Ms. Gilianna Bonfietti

Ms. Liza Bonilla

Stephen F. Booth

Mrs. Joan M. Borousk

Ms. Jaye C. Boswell

Ms. W. L. Boucher

Mr. Joseph Bower

Ms. Paula Bowker

Ms. Marion D. Bowler

Robert Bowles

Nancy Boyette

Ms. Sandra Boynton

Bernadine Boysen

Delores Braden

Renate Bradley

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bradshaw

Ms. Pamela Smith and Mr. Jackson Brand

Mr. Wayne A. Brandt

Mr. Timothy Braun

Ms. Ruth J. Brawley

Ms. Kathleen A. Brehmer

Robert X. Brennan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Breslin

A L. Breugem-Horlick

Rosemarie Bria

Ms. Inga Bricio

Ms. Deborah Brillhart

Mr. James L. Britt

Joanne E. Broadwell

Barbara C. Brodie

Kelly J. Broussard

Ms. Helen H. Brouwer

Lyn J. Brown

Ms. Deanie Brown

Mrs. Helen Brown

Katie and Bruce Brown

Denise Brown

Ms. Sydney Brown

Joleen Brown

Gitta Brunner

Mr. Linda Brunner

Ms. Barbara V. Brusco

Mrs. Karol L. Bryan

James and Lynne Buchholz

Miss Melody S. Buck

Ms. Susan Bullock

Mr. Craig Bunting

C. Burkart

Mr. Richard Burrill

Sandra Burrows

Kristian Burrows

Dr. Lynn K. Bursten

Dr. Erskine H. Burton, DO

Ms. Betty Busch

Ms. Ivy Buster

Mrs. Nancy Butler

Charles D. Byers-Blaksmith and Linda Byers-Blaksmith

Ms. Helen Cable

Leslie Mc Cain

Ms. Cecilia Caisser

Pauline B. Campbell

Dr. Irene Cannon-Geary

Jacqueline L. Capitina

Mr. Alan Caplan

Joan Caras

Ms. Elizabeth Cardwell

Mr. John Careccia

Ms. Dianne Carey

Ms. Jean Carley

Ms. Louise Carlson

Mr. Craig S. Carlson

Donnie Carlson

Mr. Brian Carney

Ms. Leslie K. Carper

David and Renay Carr

Mr. Chip Carroon

Joseph Carson

Ms. Rita Cartalano

Mr. Terry Carter

Ms. Debra Carter

Dr. Macaela Cashman

Thomas D. Casper

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sistine Castellini

Liane C. Casten

Mr. Michael Mclean and Ms. Collette Castro

Mr. Allan Otis Cate

Ms. Sheila Catoira-Manoury

Tiziana Catolfi

Mr. Andrew C. Cavaghetto

Mr. Lionel G. Cavallini, M.D.

Arlene Cavanaugh

Mr. Philip J. Cavaretta

Lynn Ceuleers

Lisa Chaffin-Kaluahine

Ms. Margot Chamberlain

Ms. Beverly Chapman

Mr. Dan B. Chapman

Ms. Diane Chapman

Mr. Denis Charbonneau

Mr. Everett W. Chard

Mr. Matthew Charles

Mr. Michael Charlos

Frank and Joan Charlton

Ms. Kerry Chase

Dolores Chavez

Ms. Judith Checker

Mr. David Chelimer

Mary Jo Cheshire

Ms. Margaret Childs-Wetsel

Eugenia Chilton

Ms. Marta Chilton

Ms. Winifred Ciaccio

Mr. Edward Ciaccio

Barbara Clapp

Susan Clark

Tom Clarke

Ms. Hilda B. Classon

Mr. Ronald Clayton

Ms. Christen Cleary

Mr. William J. Cleary Jr.

Mr. Lewis C. Clemens

Ms. Martha R. Clements

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cline

Mr. Derek Clode

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clow

Kathryn and Douglas Cochrane

Mr. Richard H. Coffey

Donald W. Coffin

Ms. Debbie Coffman

Ms. Amy S. Cohen

Mrs. David Cohen

Gladys L. Coleman

Barbara Coleman

Brian and Lynne Collins

Ms. Donna Collins

Claudia Colnar

Marcie Colpas

Janice Colvard

Helen L. Colvig

Peter L. Comanor

Mrs. Joan Cominos

Ms. Elizabeth Coney

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Confer

Margie Conlin

Ms. Patricia S. Conner

Ms. M. Alison Contos

Ms. Ruth Cook

Mr. and Mrs. R G. Cooper, Jr.

Mrs. Loretta Van Coppenolle

Kathryn Corbett

June E. Cornelius

Mrs. Theresa Corner

Gerri D. Corvino

Jan M. Corwin

Charles Q. Couch

Ginger and Wendell Covalt

Mr. William M. Cox, M.D.

Ms. Barbara Crane

Ms. Sharon L. Crater

Mrs. Judy L. Crawford

Ms. Diann Creager

Bobbie and Burton Crook

Mr. Charley Cross

Leona Crownover

Janet L. Culbertson

Dr. Brian C. Cummings, D.V.M

Mrs. Margaret Cummings

Dr. Wilford A. Cummings, Jr.

Ms. Juliette M. Cunico

Dr. Bethia S. Currie

Mrs. Lisa Curtis

Hope Curtis

Dagmar Cushing

John and Daisy Czyscon

Mr. and Mrs. Wint Dahlstrom

Mrs. Ethel Daly

Ms. Karin R. Danby

Donna S. Danhauer

Nina Danielson

Ms. Betts W. Dann

Ms. Jeri Dantzig

Mr. Tim Daulton

Ms. Catherine A. Davidson

Ms. Ursula Davis

Deborah Lynn Davis

Ms. Bonnie Davis

Ms. Darby Davis

Ms. Jeanne C. Davis

Mr. Roy J. Davis and Ms. Andrea Davis

Mrs. June F. Davis

Gabrielle Dawson

Paula Dax

Mrs. Phyllis H. Deal

Ms. Mary Ann Dean

Dr. Sara Deats

Hally S. Decarion

Mrs. M C. Decker

Ms. Jo Deese and Mr. Don Deese

Ms. Edith M. deGroot

Ms. Barbara Delgado

Ms. Amy Dellefield

Rita DelRey

Barbara Demeter

Ms. Jane C. Dent

Ms. Susan Sidney Dent

David Deters

Ms. Kayleen A. Devier

Mr. Charles T. Dewoody

Mrs. Trudi C. Dido

Ms. June H. Dilgard

Debra D. and Michael Dill

Ms. Virginia Dimitre

L. L. Dionne

Ms. Loretta G. Ditlow

Ms. Doris Dix

Sandra B. Clark and Tony Dixon

Mr. Michael L. Dixon

Mr. Martin Dodge

Kelly Dodge

Christine M. Doerr

Mr. Clinton Donelson

Ms. Paula Dougherty

Mr. Gordy Dove

R.H. Rackstraw Downes

Ms. Catherine M. Doxsey

Mrs. Martha Dragovich

Pamela G. Drew

Mr. Gary H. Driver

Ms. Gloria Druss

Ms. Jane A. Dryja

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duchin

Mr. John W. Duckwall

Ms. Gretchen W. Dumler

Alexandra Dunaif

Ms. Paula Dunham

Ms. Lisa J. Dunlap

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dunning

Ms. Gloria J. Duquette

Mr. Steve Durci

Mr. Arthur Dusdall

Ms. Winifred J. Dushkind

Gail Dustin

Mrs. Ruth Dwork

Ms. Teresa Dwyer

Ms. Susan Dye

John Dziedzic

Ms. Elaine M. Eaglesham

Norman W. and Erna R. Earle

Mr. Roger Eastman

Jules F. Eberhard

Ms. Gerrie Ebert

Ms. Mary Eddy

Mr. Roger E. Edens

Mr. Peter Edgerton

Marion C. Edlin

Ms. Patricia Edwards

Candace R. Egger

Leslie and Joyce Egyes

Mr. Laird M. Ehlert

Ms. Nancy Eichler

Mrs. Robin Einbund

Alan B. and Donna L. Einhorn

Ms. June Eisley

Ms. Judith Eiswerth

Ms. Carole Elchert

Ms. Sandra Ellett

Mr. Benton Elliott

Ms. Karen A. Ellis

Mr. Frank and Sue A. Ellis

Ms. Kerstin Ellstrom

Karen Embertson

Ms. Barbara English

Ms. Mary Essman

Bernice Eubank

Ms. Wynelle Evans

Ms. Olive Evans

Ms. Shirley M. Evans

Ms. Beatrice D. Fabio

Ms. Patricia R. Fairbanks

Pamela Faler

Joann Falk

Ms. Inge Falken

Robert L. Faris

Ms. Elaine Farwell

Francis C. Farwell and Laura Farwell, Ph.D.

Ms. Shirley Fay

Ms. Wendy S. Fazekas

Dr. Donald Feinsilver

Mr. Peter Feinsinger

Dr. Dorothy Feldman

John and Donna Fenn

Ms. Ingrid Ferguson

Mr. Douglas B. Ferley

Betty Fernandez and Manuel Fernandez

Ms. Teresita Q. Finch

Martha M. Finkel

Ms. Susan Finney

Susan D. Finney

Ms. Jo Ann C. Finocchio

Mr. Bob Fischella

Mr. James Fish

Ingeburg Fisher

Mr. Allen Fitz-Gerald

Mr. Robert J. Cukla and Ms. Julie Flaherty

Ms. Joan D. Fleming

Mrs. Denise Fletcher

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Flowers

Dr. Marilyn Flynn

Ms. Diana Forman

Mr. Preston L. Forsythe

Mr. Seth Fortunate

Ms. Lucille R. Foster

Mr. Chris Foulke

The Padosi Foundation

Ms. Sarah Francus

Ms. Helene Frankel

Valeda Franklin

Heide and Alan Freed

Ms. Daniella Freitas

Mrs. Dale S. Freitas

Ms. Ursula Freymann

Mr. Marc B. Fried

Ms. Hallie Friedman

Pattie Frost

Patricia L. Frye

Mack Fuhrer

Lenore and Dale Meyer Fund

Ms. Kathryn Funk

Ms. Louise Gaby

Mr. John P. Gaffney

Ms. Patricia J. Gahan

Ms. Marie R. Galda

Mr. Ray Gallant

Mr. Ken Gallard

Ms. Carla Galois

Ms. Pauline Gambill

George A. and Nancy Gamble

Ms. Anna Gangumy

Mrs. Beverly Gardiner

Mr. Dennis J. Gardner

Maurice and Camille Garnier

Louise Gasior

Ms. Cathy Gattuso

Ms. Sandy M. Gehringer

Ms. Dorothy Geiger

Dr. David L. Geisinger

Ms. Marilyn Gelber

Mr. Albert I. Geller

Mr. Michael Gibbs

Mr. Jerry Gibbs

Dr. Thomas A. Giegerich

Arthur Giffoniello

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer M. Giles

Ms. Annie M. Gillespie

Miss Adeline Gilsoul

Ms. Nancy Givens

Mr. David Glaser

Mr. Charles B. Glass, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Kirk F. Glauser

Mr. Luke Glosserman

Linda Gochfeld

Marjorie Lundy and James Godshalk

Emily J. Goldstein

Steve and Mieneke Goldstein

Ms. Roberta D. Goldstone

Mr. Roy Goodwin

Douglas Gordon

Mr. Randy Gornbein

Mrs. Rosemary Gorra

Mr. Eben Gossage

Ms. Esther Gottlieb

Ms. Cheree Grant

Nina Davis Gray

Ms. Christina Graybill

Clark R. Green

J.T. (Tom) Green

Ms. Greenberg

Col. Frank and Ms. Grace Gregg

Ms. Wanda K. Gregory

Ms. Beatrix M. de Greve

Ms. Julie Griffin

James D. Griffith

Mr. Robert Griffiths

Mrs. George Grillo

Mr. and Mrs. D. Van Grinsven

Ms. Elaine Gronskis

Mr. Robert R. Gross

Dr. Gary L. Groves

Ms. Carolyn L. Groves

Craig and Susan Grube

Mark Grumet

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guevara

Mr. Ralph J. Gulliver, Jr.

Ken Gunther

Philip Gurian

Mr. Larry Gussin

Ms. Judith Gutfleisch

Marzi Hadjian

Mr. Robert B. Hagedorn

Mr. Peter Haiman

Mr. Bob Hajla

Carol Snyder Halberstadt

Mr. Tom L. Hale

Frances J. Hall

Marie-Louise Hall

Ms. Linda Halliday

Janet R. and Allen Halper

An adult orangutan at Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation in Nyaru Menteng, Central Kalimantan.

$1,000 – $2,499 (continued)

Lynn Halpern

Ms. Melissa Hamilton

Thomas W. Hamilton

Ms. Martha Hamilton

William Hammer

Ms. Basia Hammerstein

Dr. Muriel B Handmaker

Ms. Jean S. Handsberry

Dr. Steven E. Handwerker

Ms. Sallie Hanna-Rhyne

Ms. Jody Hansell

Mr. James Hansen

Ms. Joyce C. Hansler

Dr. Scott P. Hanson

Ms. Sarah Hanuske

Mr. Karl Hanzel

Ms. Laurie Harberson

Mr. John R. Hardendorf

Mrs. S P. Harkonen

Shirley and Dean Harmison

Ms. Pollyana Harmon

Ellis and Ellen H. Harris

Mr. Joe Harris

Mr. Charles O. Harrison

David and Emily Hart

Ms. Diane L. Hart

Mrs. Priscilla Harthan

Mr. Harry Hartman

Mrs. Mary C. Harvey

Ms. Phyllis Hasheider

Ms. Mary Hasson

Dr. and Mrs. David Hattem

David and Leslie Hatton

Mr. Robert D. Hawck

Lynn Hawkinson

Ms. Christine B. Hayes

Ms. Pamela J. Hazen

Mr. Thomas T. Craft and Ms. Sarah Hazen

Ms. Paula Hazzouri

Mr. David Heep

Christine R. Heidtke

Mr. James Heileman

June E. Heilman

Thomas Heinrichs

Ms. Jan Hejtmanek

Kim Hembree

Ms. Marie Henderson

Miss Margaret Hendricks

Loh Heng-Mui

Mr. Robert Henry

Ms. P S. Herbert

Ms. Phillis Herbster

Pilar Hernandez

Mrs. Dorothy Marie Meincke Heroy

Ms. Bee Herrmann

Mrs. Patricia Herron

Mr. David W. Hester

Maren Hexter

Mr. Karen D. Hickman

Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hicks

Mrs. Wanda Higbee

Ms. Monica Hilding

Ms. Gale B. Hill

Miss Anne Hill

R. George Hiller

Ms. Heather Hilton

M. J. Hilton

Robert M. Hilton, Ph.D.

Donald Hingst

Mr. Tim Hinkle

Ms. Patricia Hinkley

Ms. Joan Hinske

Ms. Alice Hinson

Mr. James R. Hipp

Ms. Elaine C. Ho

Mr. Jim De Ho

Mr. Harris Hobby

Ms. Margaret Hodges

Laurel Hodkin

Mr. Isidore Hofferman and Mrs. Sharon Hofferman

Ms. Nancy A. Hoffman

Ms. Margaret A. Hogan

Frank Hogg

Mr. Douglas H. Holden

Mrs. Betty M. Holderman

Jan Holtz

Ms. Michelle Homyak

Ms. Dora Hong

Diane Hood

Ms. Evan Claire Hoogs

Miss Priscilla Hook

Ms. Robin Hopkins

Patrick and Christi Horan

Ms. Julie Horngrad

Mr. Aylward J. Horrell

Mr. John W. Hosmer

Ms. Catherine Hoss

Mr. Thomas Houlden

Ms. Genevieve K. Howe

Mr. Jasper Howe

Mr. William P. Howell

Paul and Suzanne Connolly Howes

Ms. Susan M. Hughes, M.D.

Mr. William Hughes

Agnes Hughes

Ms. Dorothy Hullin

Barbara B. Hultgren

Cindy Russell and David Hunt

Mrs. Clarice Hunter

Ms. Janice Hurd

Nancy Hurst

Mr. Jerry Husfeldt

Ms. Eileen B. Hutcheson

Ms. Bethany Hutchinson

Phyllis A. Hyde

David and Arlene Iacono

Katherine E-G Iacovelli

Ms. Barbara Idzerda

Ms. Harriet Iles

Ms. Dania Illescas

Ms. Elizabeth Ingalls

Gail G. Ingraham

Iris Ingram

Ms. Jayne Ingram

Mr. Ken Irwin

Beth Isaacs

Mrs. Ninalou Isaacson

Dr. and Mrs. William Riley IV

Ms. Martha Iwagaki

Dr. S L. Jackson

Brett Jackson

Mr. William F. Jackson

David L. and Char Jackson

Ms. Kay M. Jackson

Linda M. Jackson

Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson

Michael Jacobowitz

Mrs. Gail Jacobson

Mr. Jacques F. Jacobson

Ms. Karen Jacques

Ms. Sherie Jakobsson

Mr. Vanchinathan Giri Janardhanan

Ms. Julianne Jankowski

Ms. Linda Jeffords

Ms. Carol D. Jensvold

Lt. Col. Maddie P. Jims, RET

Rachel Brundred Johnson

Ms. Mary Johnson

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Johnson

Ms. Geraldine Johnson

Mr. Charles L. Johnson

Mr. Arthur Johnson

Ms. Sarah L. Johnson

Ms. Kate F. Johnson

Ms. Beda I. C. Johnson

Ms. Karina K. Johnson

Jeanne E. Johnstone

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jonen

Mr. Cornelis J. Jongepier

Mr. Gil Jordan

Rev. Patrick M. Jordan

Mr. Bob Jorissen

Mr. John M. Liddell and Ms. Susan L. Jory

Mrs. Patricia Judd

Prof. Judy M. Judd

In memory of Audrey June

Ms. Elise Junkans

Ms. Gerritdina Justitz

Ms. Myra Kaiser

Mark Kalatsky

Ms. Eileen Kamison

Mr. Martin Karcher and Ms. Carolyn Karcher

Helga Karker

Doris and John Karle

Janey and Kevin Kaster

Mr. Roger E. Kazanjian

P J. Keagle

Mr. Joe and Jean Keane

Ms. Joanna Keeley

Ms. Bessie M. Keens

Mr. Robert B. Keiser

Mr. John Higgins and Ms. Carol Keith

Ms. Pearl Kellar and Mr. Robert J. Kellar

Wayne H. Keller

Mr. Thomas C. Kelly

Ms. Shae L. Kemerer

Ms. Shirley B. Kemp

Dr. L Franklin Kemp

Mr. Garth Kemper

Mrs. Clair Kennison

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kenzel

Mr. Joseph Kern

Mr. Jack Kerr

Mr. Sean S. Kerr

Ms. Patricia Kerstner

Mr. Arnold Ketels

Ms. Johanna K. Kiernan

Kerryth Kilduir

Ms. Bonnie McPherson Killip

Kineta Kindell

Dr. Lynda King

Paula B. King

Mr. John E. Benson and Ms. Leita Kingsland

Judy Kinsman

Ms. Terry Kirkland

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kissinger

B.J. Kissling

Mr. Chad Kister

P. Klahn

Ms. Beverly Klein

Mr. Hyman J. Klein

Mr. Ed Kleiner

R. Beth Klopott, PhD

Mr. Edward Klunk

Ms. Elizabeth Knake

Mr. Donald H. Knapp

Ms. Diane L Knight

Mr. Brad Bowen and Karen Knox

William and Debbie Knutson

Miss Judith R. Kobayashi

Mr. Arthur Koch

Jamie Kocher

Diane Gordon and Michael Koerner

Mr. Charles Kohlhase

Ms. Joan Kolobielski

Garry R. Shapiro and Yelena M. Kolodji, CNM

Joan Summers and Terry Koniarski

Mrs. Mary Ann Kooker

Joel Koosed

Mr. Francis J. Koppeis, Jr.

Barbara Korman

Ms. Janet Kozera

Mr. F. R. Kramer

Mr. Robert H. Kranich

Ms. Ilona Kratz

Mr. R F. Krawiec

Mr. Jon Krecker

Susan and Arthur Krell

Charles W. Krout, Jr.

Mr. Walter W. Krug

Ms. Mary F. Kruk

Ms. Ann L. Krumboltz

Miss Margaret Kruse

Mr. John S. Kudella

Mr. Harold J. Kuhefuss

Gary J. Kussow

Mr. Larry Von C. Kuster

Mrs. Jean E. Kyle

Ms. Karen L. Lassen

Mr. Christopher Lack

Cecilia Malingkas Lai

Sandra Davis Lakeman

Mr. Thomas Lamb

Margrit Lamb

Mr. James E. Lambert

Ms. Marie J. Lampkin

Ms. Louise Landa

Mr. Stephen Landuyt

Mr. and Ms. Landwehr

Ms. Linda W. Lane

Meg Lane

Mr. Charles Lang

Toni L. Langland

Patricia Larry

Mrs. Larry K. Larson

Ms. Elizabeth Laucks

Mr. William Laudani

Mrs. Jo Anne Laughlin-Maloney

Mrs. Gail Lauzzana

Ms. Denise De Laval

Dr. Robert and Cynthia Lawrence

Mr. John Lawrence

Robert Lawson

Mr. Durwood Lawson

Ms. Susan M. Lawther

Mr. Arthur Laxer

Mr. Stephen L. Lazan

Ms. Sharon Lazar

Ms. Rayna B. Lazaroff

Ms. Belina Lazzar

Dr. Guy and Nadia Leadbetter

Trina J. Leaf

Mr. Stanley Lederman

Ms. P. Lee

Sonya Lee

Barbara Leeper

Ms. Dee Van Leeuwen

Eileen and Paul LeFort

Don Leighton-Burwell and Pam Leighton-Burwell

Mrs. Alice L. Leighty

Sean Elizabeth Lemert

Ms. Patricia T. De Lemos

Mr. Alan Leong

Ms. Ginny Leslie

Ms. Patricia Leslie

Ms. Betty Letsche

Marc William Levin

Ms. Mindy Mindlin and Dr. Roy Levine

Ms. Betty E. Levinson

Mr. Joel H. Levitt

Larry Lewack

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Licata

Mr. Ralph Lichtenstein

Mr. Joseph Liebling

Mr. James Ligoretti

Ms. Tracy Lilly

Mr. Larry L. Lindsay

Mr. William K. Lindsey

Fleur L. Lion-Cachet

Ms. Marilynn Liotta

Mr. Don L. Lipmanson

Sandt Litchfield

Cynthia Litton-Fanning

Mrs. Holly Livingston

Mr. Ramon V. Lockier

Mrs. Louise Lockwood-Zorowski

Ms. Joan A. Loewenthal

Ms. Renate C. Logan

Ms. Pam Logan

Ms. Roxanne Loget

Mrs. Margret E. Lohfeld

Madeleine Long, M.D.

Sharon Long

Deborah Lorber

Ms. Ann Von Lossberg

Kathleen Lotz

Ms. Grace Lovejoy

Ms. Margot Luedke

Miss Sareska Lugo

Marione Luke

Ms. Mary Lulucki

Mr. Larry L. Lundberg

Mrs. Doris M. Lundmark

Brian R. and Sandra L. Lundy

Mr. Edward L. Lynch

Dr. Kathleen M. Lynch

Mr. James P. Lynch, M.D.

Mr. Robert J. MacDonald

Carole Madden

Ms. Karen D. Maddio

Valerie J. Madison, Ph.D.

Ms. Rose P. Magee

Nevio Maggiora

Ms. Jane Maher

Ms. Barbara Mc Mahon

Larry Maillet

Mrs. Virginia Maina

Mr. Henry Males

Mr. Gary D. Malesky

Nancy E. Malito

Mrs. Billie G. Manck

Sharon T. Mandell

J. P. Maney

The Manleys

Mr. Michael Manners

Ms. Mariana J. Manzo

MJ Maples

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Marass

Jeanne Marecek

Howard A. Markham

Dr. and Mrs. Sanford E. Marovitz

Ilona I. Marshall

Ms. Melissa Martel

Ms. Mary Rose Martin

Ms. Setsuko Maruki-Fox

Beth St Mary

Victor W. Mason

Ms. Linda Mason

Ms. Alma Mather

Mr. Hal F. Mather

Nadya Mathison

Ms. Leah P. and Anton C. Matosich

Mr. James W. Matthews

Mrs. Nedra Matthews

Patricia D. Matthias

Ms. Eleanor Mattusch

Mr. Robert Matulich

Jean Matusz

Mr. Arthur A. Maule

Audrey M. Mawson

Bernd R. and Kathleen Mayer

Mr. Fred J. Maynard

Mr. Edmund McCann

Mrs. Sally McCarthy

Ms. Jacqueline G. McCauley

Kathleen McCloud

Anne McCoy

Jinx McCreary

Ms. Janet L. McCrory

Barbara J. McDougal

Mr. George D. and Patricia A. McDowell

Patricia Mcfarlane

Ms. Ann McGarry, Esq.

Ms. Therese McGinty

Ms. Jo-Ann McGivern

Madelon McGowan

Bruce A. and Mrs. Maureen McIntyre

Ms. Sandra McKown

Ms. Susan McKuhen

Steve McMaster

Mrs. Susan Weston McMillan

Ms. Frances McNair

Ellen H. McPeake

Tim McSweeney

Deborah Mcternan

Philip H. von Lintel MD

James and Ruth Mead

Kathleen C. Meagher

Ms. Sally Medico

Mr. Tony Melchior

Cindy Mench

Ms. Ruth Mergler

Ms. Jane R. Merrill

Cheryl Messner

John Meszaros

Mdm. Janine Metz

Chris B. Meurer

Mr. Richard Meyer

Ms. Loraine V. Meyer

Ms. Tina Miller

Jacqueline Miller

Jill Koch and Diane Miller

Ms. Ocoee Miller

Ms. Shelley Miller

Mr. Arnold I. Miller

Ms. Norma Miller

Mrs. M F. Miller

Mr. Robert J. Miller

Janet C. Mills

Mr. Larry Milosky

Mr. Carl Milton

Ms. Patricia Minnick

Sandra M. Miraglia

Buddy E. Turner and Roberta J. Mistretta

Dr. Ellen Mitchell

Richard Mitchell

Joabbie Mitchell

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Moe

Felicitas Moen

Mr. Aaron Moeser

Mr. Allen J. Monchil

Ms. Joline La Mond and Mr. William La Mond

Dr. David Monheit

Laurie Mont

Ms. Angelina Montella

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Montgomery

Ms. Mildred Mooney

Ms. Sandra S. Moore

Ms. Marika Mooyman

Ms. Susan Moran

Heather Moro

Ms. Kathryn E. Morris

Sharon and Jeff Morris

Ms. Jeanette M. Morrison

Mrs. Elaine M. Morrow

Ms. Gladys M. Morrow

Mrs. Ruth M. Moser

Dr. Ellie A. Moses

Carla B. Moss

Dr. Paul Moss

Ms. Irene Mostek

Ms. Joanne E. Moyer

Ms. Paula P. Mueller

Mr. Victor Mueller and Mrs. Marion Mueller

Christina Muir

Marlene and Samir Mukherjee

L J Murawski

Timothy Murphy

Joanie Murphy

Ms. Kerrin J. Murphy

Mr. Nicholas T. Murphy

Mr. Kailash Murthi

Robert Myers and Mrs. Ann Myers

Ms. Pam Myers

Mr. Richard P. Myslajek

Anje C. van der Naald

Prof. John F. Nagle

Olga Ruth Najacht

Ms. Rosa Naparstek

Aaron Nash

Ms. Judith E. Naughton

Ginger Navarro

Karl and Toni Nease

Tobin Nellhaus

Mrs. Ferrald C. Nelson

Mary C. Nelson

Mr. William F. Nerin

Ms. Allyson Nesseler

Mr. Charles H. Newman

Ms. Carol L. Nicholson

Ms. Sharon Nicodemus

Mr. Donald J. Nicolson

Ms. Diane J. Nielsen

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Niemiec

Ms. Sonja Nikolay

Susan M. North

Jill North

Ms. Maria E. Nowicki

Ms. Louise B. Nusbaum

Randy Oates

David and Kristine O’Brien

Clifford B. O’Connell

Mr. Mike O’Connor

Joyce B. Odro

Ms. Gretchen Oelhaf

Mr. Gary Oelze

Barbara Doroba-Ogg and Michael J. Ogg, MD

Mr. Steven H. Olanoff

Alixanna Olson

Ms. Kris Olsson

Mr. Robert Onan

Ms. Ramona O’Neil

Mose Orion Oppenheimer

Mr. Aris Orianian

Mr. Robert Ormond

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osborn

Mr. William Osborne

Mr. Arne E. Osterby

Ms. Margreta Overbeck

Margarita Padilla

S. Page and Deborah Howard-Page

Claudia Paidl

Ms. Joan Palmer

Mr. John Palmer

Larry and Sharon Papike

Ms. Barbara Parada

Poppy Parker

Darrell Parker

Ms. Judith Parksdifranco

Ms. Margery A. Pasko

Susan C. Pasquarello

Ms. Karen J. Pataky

Ms. Charlotte Thompson and Mr. Ronald Paulus

Elaine Pavlick

Ms. Diane L. Pederson

Mrs. Tess Pember

Mr. Peter Pendleton

Mrs. Phyllis Pennell

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Percoco

Dr. Tony Pereira

Mr. Ronald W. Perkins

Ms. Margarita Perusquia

Jan and Patrick Pesek-Herriges

Ms. Nancy Petashnick

Ms. Lisa Peterman

Mr. Thomas Peterson

V. W. Peterson

Ms. Kristina E. Peterson

Ms. Susan J. Petra

Linda Petrulias

Ms. Alice Pettyjohn

Sharon Walters PhD.

Ms. Eleanor Phelan

Mr. Clay Phennicie

Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Philips

Ms. Jane B. Phillips

Patricia Phillips

Mr. Guy Phillips

Bradley P. and Lili Phillips

Salem Krieger Photography

Michael W. Picioccio

Mrs. Joanne Piela

Mrs. Mary Pierson

Gail Pigeon

Ms. Patricia Pillsbury

Ms. Mary C. Pinell

Alejandro Planchart

Petra L. and Alfred C. Plant

Mr. Mark Podhorecki

Mrs. Alanna Ponder

Ms. Susanna M. Porte

Miss Mary Porter

Mrs. Vera Porter

Mr. Charles A. Pospisil

Miss Myrna B. Pototsky

Ms. Julie Potter

Loni Powers

Ms. Angela K. Prather

Mr. David Charles Prescott

Philip Preston

David Preston

Gregor A. and Ann C. Preston

Mr. and Ms. Darnold L. and Sonya Preszler

Mr. Winston Prior

Mr. Todd Provost

Mr. Edison K. Putman

John T. Putnam

Elissa Querze

Sheila Quinn

Dr. Ian C. S Radford, M.D.

Ms. Patricia Raftery

Mrs. Carol Rall

Ms. Joannah Ralston

Mr. Alberto Ramon

Ms. Joann S. Ramos

Ms. Lynda J. Rast

Glen Ray

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raymond

Dennis Rea

Ms. Claudia Ream-Pinedo

Sister Janet Rectenwald

Nancy Corse Reed

Ms. Eva Reese

Barbara Divver and Theodore Reff

Julie Reich

Ms. Nancy Reid

Ms. Patty Reis

Mr. Justus E. Requa

Mr. Sol J. Resnikoff

Ms. Rita C. Reynolds

Mr. Henry Reynolds

Mrs. Ruth Riba

Mr. Stephen Rice

Ken Rich

Brenda Richardson

Mrs. Beirne W. Richmond

Capt. Eugene M. Riddick

Ms. Candace Ridington

Peter and Deborah Rieman

Mr. Hunter Rieseberg

Ms. Virginia Rifkin

Ms. Sarah L. Riha

Melvin B. Ringel

Ms. Beverly I. Riverwood

Mr. Phillip Robberson

Ms. Valerie Robbins

Ms. Samantha Robbins

Lloyd Roberts

Mr. Charles Roberts

Ms. Ada T. Robertson

Ms. Robin Robertson

Donald A. Robins

Ms. Barbara J. Robinson and Mr. John Robinson

Ms. Selena Robison

Ms. Lupe Robles-Sane

Ms. Marilyn Rodriguez

Mrs. Elaine Roeder

Harry E. Roeder

Mr. Evan Rogers

Sergio Rojo

Mr. David Roloff

Ruth Romanska

Ms. Christa Romppanen

Ms. Janet Rontz

Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Root

Mr. Bradley J. Rosch

Mrs. Marcia Rosellini

Ms. Kay Rosen

Mr. David A. Rosenberg

Clare Rosenfield

Mr. Stewart Rosenkrantz

Mr. Carl Rosenstein

Mr. Andrew Rosenthal

Ms. Sarah Ross

Mr. Marvin L. Ross

Ms. Shirley L. Ross

Ms. Charlotte Rossler

Ms. Shirley Rote

Mr. Peter Rothe

Ms. Sallie A. Rowe

Jeanne and Dick Roy

Dr. Patricia Rozee

Mr. Jerry Rubin

Ms. Mathilde Rubin

Ms. Jacki Ruby

Ms. Cynthia E. Rufty

Ethelyn M. Rund

Ms. Gail Runk

Ms. Melanie Rushing

Ms. Ruth A. Russell

Mr. Joe Russo

Mr. Stephen Ryan

Renee L. Ryan-Tieszen

Ms. Mary A. Rybacki

Ms. Nelliejane Ryder

Mr. Winfred Ryle

Mr. Wesley Sadler

Ms. Rose Sadoski

Ms. Joan M. Sadowski

Mrs. Jeannette Safran

Ms. Charlotte R. Sahnow

Ms. Barbara Sallettes

Corinne Samios

Mrs. Florence Sandok

Susan M. Santilli

Ms. Selma Sapir

Ms. Kim Sather

Frances S. Sauer

Mr. David Saunders

Ms. Tanya A. Saunders

Ms. Jackie L. Saylor

Ms. Jean Schauffler

Mr. Edward A. Schell

Mr. Evan Schelter

Mr. Herbert Scheper

Ms. Kathi Schery

Donald Scheu

Florence Schiffman, CSW

Barry and Libby Schiller

Miss Virginia Schlecht

Kathryn A. Schmidt

Betty L. Schnaar

Ms. Florence M. Schneider

Mrs. Juanita R. Schneider

Ms. Nancy Schoemaker

Ms. Lynne Schomaeker

Mrs. Judith W. Schrafft

Mr. Alfred C. Schroeder

Mr. Urs Schuler

Ms. Karen Schumaker

Mr. Richard Schwab

Steve Schwartz

Alan and Barbara Schwartz

Mr. John Schwartz

Ms. Connie Scontrino

Ms. Athena Scotes

Susan and John Scott

Mrs. Barbara H. Scripter

Victoria L. Seale

Mr. Robert Sedivy

Mr. Steve Seebold

Dr. Adolph Segal

Ms. Marjorie Segal

Jacqueline Sehm

Shirley Seireg

Ms. Doris W. Seney

Percy Severn

Ms. Jane Sharp-Macrae

Ms. Thelma A. Shaw

Ms. Christine Shaw

Mr. Max Shepard

In Honor of Suzanne Wolfe Sheppard

Dr. Janette D. Sherman, M.D.

Ms. Grace Sherwin

Miss Linda Shine

Ms. Anne Shirer

Dr. Richard E. Shore

P. Robert Shrauger

Mr. Joseph Shulman

Gonnie Siebel

Mrs. John P. Sieck

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sikorski

Ms. Carol Sills

Mr. Al J. Silva

Mr. Matthew Silverberg

Marla and Louis Silverstein

Jay and Linda Silverthorn

Mrs. Norman Simoes and Mrs. Carol Simoes

Mr. Maurice Simon

Miss Deborah Simonds

Mr. and Mrs. W A. Simpson

Ms. Yvette Simpson

Mr. Denis M. Simpson

Ms. Judith Sims

Mr. Gus R. Sinadinos

Debra and Richard Sincere

Dr. Carol J. Sing

Bernhard H. Singsen, M.D., M.P.H.

Ms. Rae L. Siporin

Mr. Jim Skinner and Ms. Judy Skinner

Mrs. Naomi Skoler

Dr. Michael Skolochenko

Mr. Tracy B. Slack III

Ms. Betty A. Slade

Ms. Sonya Sleva

Ms. Bonnie Smerud

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith

Ms. Pamela Smith

Ms. Barbara Smith

Mrs. Jewel M. Smith

George Smith

Ms. Gerda M. Smith

Ms. Laura Smith

Mr. James G. Snider

Dr. Sandra L. Snow

Diane and Dale Snyder

Vera Snyder

Mr. Peter Rosnick and Sandra Sobek

Cherie Sohnen-Moe

Ms. Debora Sokolski

Jean M. Sommer

Ms. Patrizia Pallaro and Mr. Daniel A. Sonneborn

Dr. Joan Sophie

Ms. Sara SoRelle

Ms. Monica Soren

Mr. James E. Sorensen

Mr. Stephen M. Town and Ms. Cindy L. Spain

Ms. Madison Sparks

Margaret Spaulding

Ms. Ruth Spencer

Ms. Susan Spiegel

Dr. Janet Spitz

Mr. Gary Spizizen

Mr. and Mrs. Linda Stahl

Ms. Ruth S. Stahl

Ms. Gayle Stalker

Timothy Stanhope

Mr. Dorothy Stark

Jene Starr

Mr. Sherman Starr

Mrs. Linda M. Aldridge Steenrod

Mr. Seth Steiner

Carol E. Steinhart

Michael and Claudette Stella

Ms. Marjorie Stephens

Ms. Sherry L. Sterling

Dr. Kaylah Sterling

Mr. Robert E. Stevens

Mrs. Doris Stevenson

Lois K. Stewart

Ms. Joy L. Stewart

Mary Stiehr

Ms. Carol Stitz

Frank A. Stivers

William Stockard

Mrs. Cora Stoll

Ms. Barbara Stoner

Dr. Sandra M. Storm

Mr. David Storrer

Mr. Guy W. Stoye

Donna Straat

Ms. Claire Stratford

Mr. Paul W. Strecker

Mr. Stephen Streif

Mr. and Mrs. William Strobel

Dr. William A. Strohl

Faith Strong

Mr. Evan L. Stroud

Alan R. Strowd

Ms. Alida H. Struze

Ms. Merle K. Stueve

Ms. Rachel Stultz

Mr. John M. and Ms. Sheila R. Suarez

Mrs. Ann L. Sugden

Gail M. Sullivan

Ms. Daryl Summers

Ms. Catherine A. Sumner

Dr. Lynne V. Swanson

Mr. Charles J. Swartz

Ms. Eva-Maria Swedlow

Mr. Edward Swingle

Mr. Douglas J. Sykes

Mr. David Sylvester

Mr. Frank W. Symonds and Mrs. Ann P. Symonds

Mr. Frank W. Szabo

Dr. Elizabeth M. Tallichet

Mr. John D. Taylor

Dr. Jane B. Taylor

Nancy Taylor

Donald H. and Patricia Taylor

Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor-Burford

Mr. Charles Teague

Ms. Adair Templin

Bev Teppen

Ms. Gretchen Ternes

Ms. Diane Terry

Mr. Scott Thatcher

Mr. D R. Thibodo

Charlotte Thiemecke-Floyd, Ed.D.

Mr. Cody Thomas

Ms. Claudine Thomas

Gary W. Thomas

Ms. Mary V. Thomason

Mr. Timothy Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Lee J Thurston

Thomas O. Tice

Verna and Stephen Todd

Ms. Judith Todd, Ph.D.

Ms. Darlene M. Tomecek

Ms. Jean Tompkins

Ms. Adriana Da Silva Toni

Ms. Mary Toornman

Ms. Nadine Tosatto

Ms. Paula Trachtman

Ms. Mary N. Tragus

Paula Renee Trehearne

Ms. Connie Tritt

Ms. Dorothy Truesdell

Gilman Ordway Charitable Lead Trust

Ingodwee Trust – Mr. David T. Lonier, Trustee and Ms. Glenna Long, Trustee

Mr. Curtis Turchin

Ms. Frances A. Turner

Ms. Willie L. Turner

Ms. Joy S. Turowski

Ms. Carol M. Turtle

Ms. Casey Tyler

Mr. Ray Unrath

Ms. Jill Urbanas

Ms. Susan Uustal

Jeffrey Benedick and Duane Vajgrt, MD

Rita Loree Valent

Gwen S. Valentine

Mr. Ronald A. Valiente

Ms. Lisa Van Valkenburgh

Mrs. Ann C. Valsasina

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanacore

Mrs. Ruth Vandepoll

Ms. Harriette Vanderford

Lee C. and Melinda Varian

Mr. Will Varley

Kent Jones and Nick Vavrichek

Ms. Christie L. Vella-Kramer

Debbie and Robert Velthuizen

Miss Raima Verasmende

Lynne Verioti

Ms. J.C. Van Verre

Ms. Anthony S. Vetrone

Rev. Dr. Audrey W. Vincent

Martha O. Vinick

Jim and Ginger Visconti

Mari Vlastos

Jerry and Connie Voight

Ms. Shelley Volk

Ms. Erika M. Voss

Ms. Joan M. Wagner

Mr. Robert Wakefield

Dan F. and June Walcott

Mr. Don Walczak

Lois Ream Waldref

Mrs. Susan Walker

Jane Walker

Mrs. Frances Walker

Lowell H. Wallace

Holly Wallace

Ms. Terry A. Walrath

Rosemary Walsh

Mrs. Romaine Walsh

Mr. Kenneth Walter

Ms. Patricia Ward

Mrs. Barbara Warden

Mr. David Warfel

Ms. Suzanne Waritz

Ms. Patsy Warlock

Cybele Waters, Esq.

Ms. Susanne Watkins

Mrs. Pat Watson

William and Delores A. Watts

Mr. Richard S. Waxman

Devin Weaver

Ms. Jane Webb

Mr. Edward Webb

Ms. Miriam D. Weber

Mr. Eldon Wedlock

Ms. Barbara Wein

Ms. Jackie Wein

Mr. Richard Weiner and Mrs. Ann Weiner

Victor K. Weisberger

Michael and Beverly Welber

Mr. Walter G. Wells

Mr. Albert N. Wells

Ms. Linda Weltner

Mrs. Anna P. Roberts and Daniel F. Wesolowski

Vicki K. Westberg

Mr. Steve R. Westergan

Ms. Vivian Westerman

Curt Westley

Ms. Elaine Catherine Weston

Mr. Tom W. Wetterer

Mrs. Max Weyl

Thamar Wherrit

Lea Gina White

Neal White

Nancy White

Ms. Elizabeth Whitehill

Jacqueline Bary and James Wieser

Maren Wilbur

Ms. Marilyn Wilbur

Mr. Russell Wild

Rev. Arlene R. Wilhelm

Miss Anna Wilkin

Joyce E. Wilkinson

Mr. Bruce Willett

Miss Betty B. Willey

Stephen and Elizabeth Willey

Mr. Neville Williams

Ms. Suzanne B. Williams

Mr. Roger Williams

Mr. Rob B. Willis

Jack R. and Bennye Willis

Mrs. Rene Willis-Durham

Ms. Sandra Z. Wilson

James Wilson

Tom and Janet Winemiller

Mr. Mark A. Winn

Ms. Sharon Winnett

Luba R. Ross and Keith Winston

Mr. Herbert Winter

Kathryn Winter

Ms. Katrin Winterer

Ms. Vivian Winterman

Margaret Julian Wisdom

Mrs. Robert Witzeman

William B. and Ann B. Wolf

Caprice C. Wolfer

Mr. H. Mickey Wolk

Dr. Donald and Marcia Wolochow

Shu J. Wong

Ms. Barbara Wood

Mr. Peter H. Wood

Mr. Robert Wood

Dr. Roger K. Woods

Margot Worfolk

Mr. George J. Wortiska

Mr. Arthur Wortman

Mr. Peter M. Wright

Dr. Beatrice Wright

Mr. George C. Yeramian, Jr.

Jan Yoder

Mr. William Yothment

Robert and Patricia Young

Mr. George T. Younis

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zeiler

Miss Mary J. Zerwas

Jo Ann Ziegler

Mr. Fred Zimmerman

Dr. Joan Zimmerman

Ms. Wilma J. Zinser

Mr. Emil Zollinger

Ed and Sharon Zondag

Ms. Martha M. Zweig

2017 Estates


Eleanor Armstead

Eve A. Bailey

Henry Becker

Mary Jane Belfie-Boles

Maralyn Lee Bernard

Leonard J. Busen

Catherine E. Campbell

Dee M. Cody

Joy Cordery

Jeannette Cordova

John Peter Creighton

Alice M. Davis

Gloria M. Drexler

Harry Michael Dudte

Walter Robert Ems

Helen T. Farr

Robert E. and Audrey S. Gallow

Isabelle Gertrude Droux Gaulin

Tullio Giudici

Marion P. Goodale

Jean Buttmi Greenfield

William M. Grier

Alfred K. Haertel

James A. Harper

Margery Hinds

Martha Hirsch

Anne J. Hoffenkamp

Charlene Hosticka

Diane Hunter

Barbara M. Jamieson

Anna-Kajs Johnson

Janet Kao

Carol E. Kennedy

Lorraine Kroll

Wilma Kruse

Dorothea Lucas

Carl E. Lutrin

Patricia Mason

Ralph Mistler

Robert T. Olson

Eugene Ouellette

Carey and Adella Pace

Joseph E. Padula

Stanley P. Pajewski

Alison Parker

Burnis Carl Parmelee

Edgar Peara

Margaret Pilgrim

Agnes R. Priddy

Ellen D. Pugatch

Odette C. Rickert

Jill Rohde

Mary Ann Roman

Jean C. Rothberg

Judith S. Van Schaack

Mildred Schlossberg

Diane M. Schneider

Pauline, Buford Shinn

Rose L. Shure

Stephen M. Soreff

Mark J. Stella

Doris Still

Mary Ruth Sweeney

Gerta I. Walls

Richard Walsh

Mary Anne Wanek

Fredric C. Weihmiller

Jack P. Witter

Roger Wolverton

Felicia Zeige

702 H Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20001
1242 Market St, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102