Search results for palm oil

  • SINAR MAS : Indonesian Palm Oil Menance

    March 26, 2009

    One of the growing new threats to Indonesia’s forests is the ‘gold rush’ for new oil palm plantations, driven by the increasing global demand for palm oil for food, soaps, cosmetics and biofuels. Indonesia, the world’s largest palm oil producer, has the fastest deforestation rate of any major forested country.

  • The Hidden Carbon Liability of Indonesian Palm Oil

    April 10, 2008

    This report highlights the urgent need for global palm oil consumers and investors to support Unilever's call for an immediate moratorium on deforestation and peatland clearance in Indonesia.

  • How the palm oil industry is Cooking the Climate

    November 21, 2007

    Every year, 1.9 billion tons of climate changing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are released by the degradation and burning of Indonesia’s peatlands – 4% of global GHG emissions from less than 0.1% of the land on earth. This report shows how, through growing demand for palm oil, the world’s largest food, cosmetic and biofuel industries are driving the wholesale destruction of peatlands and rainforests. These companies include Unilever, Nestlé and Procter & Gamble, who between them account for a significant volume of global palm oil use, mainly from Indonesia and Malaysia.

  • Forest destruction, climate change and palm oil expansion in Indonesia

    October 24, 2007

    Forests are vital to life on earth. They are the richest of all ecosystems - covering only eight per cent of the planet (1) and are home to two thirds of all known species of terrestrial plants and animals(2). Millions of people rely directly on forests for food, water, medicines and other basic materials. For these forest peoples the forest defines their culture and way of life. Within developing countries, one billion of the world's poorest people depend upon forests for part of their livelihoods, and as many as 350 million people living in and around forests are heavily dependent on forests for their livelihoods and security (3).
