Search results for gen

  • Greenpeace Investigation Reveals U.S. Source of Genetic Contamination in Mexican Rice

    July 6, 2010

    Greenpeace laboratory results reveal that U.S. rice being sold in the Mexican supermarkets Chedraui and Soriana is contaminated with an unapproved genetically engineered variety. The unapproved variety, called LLRICE601 and developed by Bayer CropScience, has been at the center of a global contamination scandal since August 2006. The experimental rice was last grown in 2001, but neither Bayer nor the U.S. government has yet been able to explain how the contamination happened. The contamination scandal was compounded this week when the USDA announced the discovery of another as of yet unidentified gene adulterating U.S. rice supplies.

  • Investigación de Greenpeace Revela Fuente Estadounidense de Contaminación Genética en Arroces Mexicanos

    July 6, 2010

    Unos resultados de labatorio de las pruebas hechas a diversas marcas de arroz revelan que arroz estadounidense vendido en los supermercados mexicanos Chedraui y Soriana está contaminado con una variedad transgénica no aprobada por el gobierno. Dicha variedad, llamada LLRICE601, fue desarrollada por Bayer CropScience, y desde el agosto 2006, ha estado al centro de un escándalo mundial sobre la contaminación genética. El arroz experimental fue sembrado en 2001, y desde entonces ni Bayer ni el gobierno estadounidense puede explicar cómo pasó la contaminación. El escándalo de contaminación se expandió esta semana cuando el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA) anunció el descubrimiento de un otro geno que está presente en el arroz estadounidense.


    July 6, 2010

    In response to the recent hazardous waste fire in Apex, NC, Greenpeace has submitted letters to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources(NCDENR) requesting comprehensive testing of homes, schools and day care centers that includes the scientific sampling of surface areas as has been done in similar chemical fires.

  • Report: Strong Copenhagen Deal Means Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

    July 6, 2010

    WASHINGTON—As the deadline for an international climate treaty in Copenhagen draws near, a report launched today by Greenpeace International and the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), shows the world stands to gain 6.9 million jobs by 2030 in the clean energy sector if a strong deal is reached.

  • President Barack Obama's Grandmother Joins the 'Solar Generation' in Kenya

    July 6, 2010

    Kogelo, Kenya, 20 August 2009 – Young Kenyans working with Greenpeace’s Solar Generation are tackling the twin problems of energy poverty and climate change today, by installing solar panels on the Senator Barack Obama School in Kogelo and on the roof of the house of Mama Sarah – the US President’s grandmother.

  • Bush Dirty Air Agenda Slammed by Parents and Grandparents

    July 6, 2010

    Grandparents, parents and others representing a coalition of polluted communities rallied at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool to outline the gravity of actions by President Bush to weaken the Clean Air Act, endangering the health of young and old alike.

  • Greenpeace Makes Urgent Call for Climate Action From Face of Mt. Rushmore

    July 6, 2010

    This morning, 11 daring Greenpeace climbers hung a banner on Mount Rushmore challenging President Obama to show real leadership on global warming. The banner, measuring sixty-five feet high by thirty-five feet wide, features an unfinished portrait of Obama with the message, "America honors leaders not politicians: Stop Global Warming.” The demonstration comes as President Obama meets other G8 leaders in L’Aquila, Italy today to discuss the global warming crisis in the lead-up to UN climate treaty negotiations in Copenhagen this December.
