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  • Windforce 12 2004

    March 8, 2004

    Energy is fundamental to economic and social development, both North and South. Yet, at the dawn of the 21st century, we are confronted with the unacceptable fact that there are nearly 2 billion people without access to basic energy services. At the same time, we are facing the greatest threat to our collective survival because of our unsustainable use of energy: global climate change. Wind Force 12 gives us a glimpse of the solution – how we can begin to meet our present needs without compromising the needs of future generations. Wind energy is the first of the ‘new renewable’ technologies to have penetrated the energy markets in some parts of the developed world in a serious way with the right kind of policy support. The wind industry can lead the way for other renewable energy technologies: as it matures and penetrates markets world wide it drives costs down which will make this technology competitive worldwide including developing countries.

  • The chain of destruction from Canada's ancient temperate rainforest to the Japanese market

    March 1, 2004

    Although a few companies in Japan are beginning to reject Interfor products, in the most part, Interfor's destructive forest products are sold without being noticed by Japanese forest consumer companies. In this report, Greenpeace exposes the close ties between the destruction of Canada's ancient forests by Interfor and the Japanese market, and asks confirmed customers to stop buying directly or indirectly from Interfor. The information was collected from Greenpeace Japan's questionnaire in 1999, by research conducted at ports, Internet search and other methods.

  • Forest Crime File: Danzer Group (Revised 2nd Edition)

    January 1, 2004

    REVISED & UPDATED JANUARY 2005 In June 2004, Greenpeace published an initial report outlining how the Swiss based Danzer Group had been knowingly financing illegal logging in Africa. The Danzer Group quickly responded, but their response failed to address key allegations including their admission in documents obtained by Greenpeace that showed they had a policy of paying off government officials. Greenpeace has now obtained additional evidence of further unscrupulous behaviour including suspected forgery and carrying out business dealings with an arms trafficker who is blacklisted by the UN Security Council.

  • Davis Besse Learned Task Force Chart, August 2003

    October 22, 2003

    This checklists highlights the NRC and nuclear industry failures that led to the debacle at Davis Besse in Ohio and reflect the unedit versions of the "Davis Besse Lessons Learned Task Force Report." August 2003
