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  • Lawlessness in the Amazon Underscores Need for U.S. to Stop Import of Illegal Wood

    July 6, 2010

    Three hundred Brazilian loggers threatened the Greenpeace ship the M.V. Arctic Sunrise, in a tense mid-river standoff in the Amazon on Sunday. Greenpeace's work to protect the world's endangered forests has gained renewed attention in the United States because of an unprecedented court case stemming from the group's protest against illegal logging off the coast of Florida in 2002.

  • Amazon deforestation rises again, says the Brazilian Government

    July 6, 2010

    Just days before UN climate talks begin in Poznan, Poland, the Brazilian government released new figures for Amazon deforestation between August 2007 and July 2008. After three years of decline, almost 3 million (2,957,356) acres were destroyed – a increase of 3.8% compared to the previous year. The new figures were announced today by the National Institute of Space Research (INPE).

  • Japanese Fleet Embarks for Southern Ocean to Kill Whales

    July 6, 2010

    Japan's whaling fleet is expected to leave for the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary early Friday morning (Tokyo time). The fleet plans to slaughter another 440 minke whales this winter. Greenpeace will be at the port taping the fleet's departure and bringing worldwide attention to this unjustifiable hunt.

  • Alaska Senator Holds Budget Deal Hostage In Attempt To Undermine Endangered Species Act Protections For Steller Sea Lions

    July 6, 2010

    A coalition of major environmental groups today delivered a letter to the White House urging the Clinton Adminstration to oppose any attempts by Congress to undermine critical Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for Steller sea lions in Alaska. Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) has drafted an anti-environmental rider, destined for one of the remaining federal spending bills, that would block federal fishery managers from implementing recently-announced measures to protect endangered Steller sea lions from large-scale fishing efforts in the North Pacific. The Clinton Administration has told environmentalists that the president would veto any budget bill containing such a rider.

  • Bush Administration's Christmas Gift to Timber Industry: The Tongass National Forest

    July 6, 2010

    The Bush administration announced today that it would exclude the Tongass National Forest from the landmark Roadless Area Conservation Rule, despite overwhelming public support for keeping the forest intact. In keeping with the administration's practice of "stealth" policy moves, the change was made with little fanfare in the midst of the Christmas holidays to avoid public scrutiny.

  • Orca Expert Refutes Alaska Senator's Misinformation Campaign

    July 6, 2010

    One of Alaska's leading experts on Orca whales today took issue with Senator Ted Stevens' (R-Alaska) latest tactic in his ongoing battle to exempt the North Pacific industrial trawl fleet from the Endangered Species Act. In a news conference yesterday, Stevens claimed that Orca whales were "decimating" the populations of sea lions and other marine mammals, a charge that Dr. Craig O. Matkin of the North Gulf Oceanic Society called "ludicrous."

  • Greenpeace showcases the solution to Indonesia’s rapid forest destruction and rising carbon emissions

    July 6, 2010

    Greenpeace this morning launched its Forests for Climate initiative, the pioneering solution to reduce deforestation, tackle climate change, preserve global biodiversity and protect the livelihoods of millions of forest dependent people. Forests for Climate (FFC) is Greenpeace’s landmark proposal for an international mechanism to fund sustainable and lasting reductions of emissions from tropical deforestation in participating countries in order to meet commitments for the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol.

  • Greenpeace Targets Ford Motor Company Over Environmental Record

    July 6, 2010

    Greenpeace is calling on car consumers to send Ford a message: show you're serious about reducing pollution by embracing the Kyoto Protocol to stop global warming. The move is another setback for the U.S. auto maker, which has invested millions to improve its public image in the environmental and safety areas. Ford, and its Chairman, William Ford, Jr. have actively courted the media and environmental groups in an effort to earn the company a green label. Mr. Ford spoke at a Greenpeace forum in London earlier this year, where he made several promises about improving his company's environmental record. The company bought a full page ad last month in three major papers professing its concern for global warming.
