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  • Greenpeace Calls for a Clean Hydrogen Initiative

    July 6, 2010

    Greenpeace is encouraged that President Bush has brought hydrogen and fuel cells into the national spotlight as a solution to our nation's energy problems. However, his FreedomFuel initiative in its current form is a dirty energy trap for Americans. Unless hydrogen is produced using clean energy sources -- not coal and nuclear power as the Bush plan proposes --our country's security will be further undermined with increased nuclear waste and accelerated global warming.

  • Greenpeace Targets Kellogg's for Double Standards on Food Safety

    July 6, 2010

    To highlight its concern about Kellogg's continued use of genetically engineered ingredients in the food it produces for US consumers, Greenpeace served a "Kellogg's-free breakfast" aboard its ship the Arctic Sunrise docked this weekend in San Diego harbor. The breakfast, attended by nearly 100 members of the public, featured foods with organically grown ingredients, guaranteed not to be contaminated by genetically engineered soya, corn or canola.

  • Greenpeace Report Shows that Forests in Carbon Markets Would Derail Climate Action

    July 6, 2010

    Including forest protection measures in carbon markets would crash the price of carbon by up to 75 percent and derail international efforts to tackle global warming, according to a new report commissioned by Greenpeace. The group says that lower costs for relatively abundant forest credits would dilute carbon markets, discouraging needed investments in clean technologies.

  • Kellogg’s Corn Contamination Confirmed: Kellogg’s Forced to Recall Product After Finding of StarLink Contamination is Verified

    July 6, 2010

    A nationwide recall of Morningstar Farms meat-free Corn Dogs was announced yesterday by Kellogg’s, after the company acknowledged that the products contained StarLink corn, a variety of gene-altered corn that is not approved for human consumption. Last week, Greenpeace revealed that an independent laboratory found the StarLink contamination, but Kellogg's refused to follow other food companies who immediately pulled products that tested positive for the illegal corn, instead waiting nearly a week before issuing the recall.

  • Greenpeace Calls on U.N. Members to Unite for Peace

    July 6, 2010

    Greenpeace and the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York called on the members of the United Nations to use U.N. resolution 377, known as "Uniting for Peace" to avoid a war on Iraq.

  • Greenpeace & Senator Sanders: How to Solve Global Warming for Half the Cost and Twice the Jobs as Dirty Energy

    July 6, 2010

    U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Greenpeace, the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), and Dr. Joseph Romm of the Center for American Progress today released a report commissioned from the German Aerospace Center (the German equivalent of NASA) that shows how the United States can meet the energy needs of a growing economy and achieve science-based cuts in global warming pollution – without nuclear power or coal. The report, entitled “Energy [R]evolution,” is co-authored by Greenpeace and EREC and includes a foreword by Dr. R.K. Pachauri, chairman of the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

  • Genetic Engineering Is Risky Business For California Wine Industry

    July 6, 2010

    California wine makers will face massive consumer rejection if they accept genetically engineered (GE) grapes, according to a just-released report by Greenpeace. More than 30 requests for field trials of engineered grapes have already been granted in California and other states, including research into GE grapes resistant to Pierce's Disease. A Greenpeace survey of British retailers representing 80 percent of the UK's wine sales found that all would refuse to carry wine made from gene-altered grapes. Britain is the largest export market for California wine, consuming 30 percent of the state's wine exports. The report also includes a compilation of U.S. public opinion polls that show increasing concern among Americans about GE crops.
