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  • Kimberly-Clark Sets the Bar Higher for Tissue Products with Stronger Global Forest Policy

    July 6, 2010

    Kimberly-Clark Corporation, the maker of Kleenex, Scott and Cottonelle brands, today announced stronger fiber sourcing standards that will increase conservation of forests globally and will make the company a leader for sustainably produced tissue products. Greenpeace, which worked with Kimberly-Clark on its revised standards, announced that it will end its “Kleercut” campaign, which focused on the company and its brands.

  • Greenpeace Makes Urgent Call for Climate Action From Face of Mt. Rushmore

    July 6, 2010

    This morning, 11 daring Greenpeace climbers hung a banner on Mount Rushmore challenging President Obama to show real leadership on global warming. The banner, measuring sixty-five feet high by thirty-five feet wide, features an unfinished portrait of Obama with the message, "America honors leaders not politicians: Stop Global Warming.” The demonstration comes as President Obama meets other G8 leaders in L’Aquila, Italy today to discuss the global warming crisis in the lead-up to UN climate treaty negotiations in Copenhagen this December.

  • Greenpeace Issues Citation To Trader Joe's For Unsustainable Seafood Practices

    July 6, 2010

    SAN FRANCISCO – Two days following the release of its third sustainable seafood scorecard profiling major supermarket retailers (, Greenpeace launched a website spoofing Trader Joe’s ( and visited company stores in San Francisco where activists protested the company’s lack of sustainable seafood policies and purchasing practices.

  • Greenpeace Investigation Links U.S. Agribusiness to Rainforest Scandal

    July 6, 2010

    Greenpeace International in the Netherlands released evidence today exposing the role of Cargill in rainforest destruction,and revealing the company’s ties to slavery and land-grabbing in the Amazon. As a result of the investigation, Greenpeace is urging Cargill to end its unlawful operations in Santarem, Brazil, and commit to buying soy from legal farms that are not destroying rainforests or using slave labor.

  • Canada Commits to Legislate Protection of more than 5 Million Acres of Great Bear Rainforest

    July 6, 2010

    Vancouver, BC, February 7, 2006 — A coalition of four leading environmental groups today, along with industry leaders and indigenous groups, celebrated success after a decade long campaign to protect the globally unique Great Bear Rainforest. Today's long awaited government announcement protects one third of the Great Bear Rainforest from logging and will require the use of more sustainable logging practices for the remaining area. The agreement also sets a new precedent for decision making for local indigenous groups (First Nations), giving them the right to define what happens on their land.
