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  • Public interest groups Announce Formation of CPA-Watch

    July 6, 2010

    Representatives of the environmental, consumer and public power movements will attend the first meeting of the California Power Authority at the Cal EPA and will hold a press conference at noon to announce the formation of the CPA Watch. The CPA Watch will push for an open planning process, and for the California Power Authority to use its formidable bond issuing authority to promote clean energy.

  • MEDIA ADVISORY - U.S. – EU Summit Offers Chance for Obama to Show Climate Leadership

    July 6, 2010

    With the US climate legislation stalled and the Americans lagging behind the international community’s response to climate change, the US-EU summit here today offers one of the last opportunities for President Obama to take decisive leadership and help ensure a fair, ambitious, and legally binding treaty with just four negotiating days left until the UN climate talks in Copenhagen this December.

  • Greenpeace Activists Put Spotlight On California Power Authority Meeting

    July 6, 2010

    Greenpeace activists pressed their demands for the state to invest two billion dollars in clean energy sources such as solar and wind power at the California Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority (CPA) meeting today. As the CPA meets to decide California's energy future, the international environmental group is focusing attention on a positive vision of what the state can accomplish if it breaks the vicious cycle of dependence on dirty, unreliable fossil fuels. The first step the state can take toward that goal is to cancel the long-term energy contracts Governor Gray Davis signed this Spring, which lock California unnecessarily into a gas-based electricity supply.

  • Greenpeace tackles climate change at frontline of Indonesian rainforest destruction

    July 6, 2010

    This morning, fifty Greenpeace activists took action to prevent the destruction of Indonesia’s rainforests and called on world leaders to end global deforestation, which is responsible for about a fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions (1). The call came as negotiators meet in Barcelona, Spain for the final round of talks before December’s critical UN climate summit in Copenhagen.

  • Activists Rally And Lobby In The Capital For Clean, Affordable Public Power

    July 6, 2010

    Community groups, labor unions and environmentalists joined forces to send a strong message to lawmakers - Californians don't want their energy future squandered on huge payouts to gas and other fossil fuel companies. Activists staged a series of events the last few days to urge the state to invest two billion dollars in clean energy sources such as solar and wind power and to break long-term gas contracts.

  • Environmentalists Decry California Power Authority's Rush to a Fossil Fuel Future

    July 6, 2010

    Activists with the international environmental group, Greenpeace demonstrated at the California Power Authority meeting today as part of a continuing effort to push for large-scale investments in renewable energy. Carrying placards and STOP signs, the activists demanded that the CPA stop its rush to lock Californians into a polluting fossil fuel future.

  • California Power Authority Backs Greenpeace Demands For Clean Energy Financing

    July 6, 2010

    Members of the California Power Authority (CPA) reversed their earlier position and declared at a weekend working retreat that they have decided to meet almost all of California's future energy demands with renewable energy and conservation programs, and not natural gas. Greenpeace activists, who went to the retreat dressed in large eyeball costumes to keep the pressure on the CPA, were encouraged by the news.
