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  • Greenpeace Climate Crime Unit Searches for Oil Billionaire at Smithsonian’s David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins Opening

    July 6, 2010

    During the opening ceremony of the David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Greenpeace activists staged a climate crime scene investigation in search of oil billionaire David Koch. Greenpeace’s Climate Crime Unit deployed green squad cars and emergency vehicles at the Museum as activists distributed wanted posters exposing the Koch brothers’ climate crimes.

  • World Bank Group's Role in Illegal African Rainforest Destruction Is Exposed

    July 6, 2010

    The World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) is financing a Singapore-based trading group OLAM International Ltd. which provincial Forestry Minister Coco Pembe has accused OLAM of trading in illegal timber in one of the world’s last intact rainforests in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The timber being traded by OLAM is sourced from local companies in the province of Bandundu whose logging permits have expired. Local authorities have seized shipments from OLAM, claiming the company didn’t pay taxes and underreported their timber volumes. OLAM is expected to announce a 29 percent rise in net profits today.

  • Brazilian Government Land Settlement Schemes Driving Amazon Deforestation

    July 6, 2010

    Greenpeace has released evidence showing that the Brazilian government’s Agency for Land Reform (INCRA) is creating “land settlements” in areas of the Amazon rainforest containing valuable timber. The land settlement program’s agents in Santarém, in the state of Para, encourage links between logging companies and unregulated “land settlers associations” that facilitate the gross exploitation of the newly-formed “settlements.” The release of the investigation’s results, which took nearly eight months to secure, comes only days after the Brazilian government was celebrating reductions in Amazon deforestation. Land distribution for poor communities is a key social program of the government of President Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva.

  • Greenpeace Seeks To Stop California Power Authority's Gas Guzzling

    July 6, 2010

    Greenpeace returned to the California Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority's public hearings today to announce its intention to stop David Freeman's plan to fast-track the purchase of 2000 MW of gas-fired peaking power. The organization is rallying its membership to pressure the CPA to invest at least $2 billion in renewable power and not lock California into a fossil fuel future.

  • Companies Revealed to be Purchasing Forest Destruction

    July 6, 2010

    The latest Greenpeace investigative report reveals many high profile companies are fueling the destruction of Canada’s Boreal Forest to create everyday consumer products. Best Buy, Grand & Toy, Toys “R” Us, Time Inc., Sears, Coles/Indigo, Penguin Books US and Harlequin are all customers of logging and pulp companies Abitibi-Consolidated, Bowater, Kruger and SFK Pulp, whose destructive logging practices are responsible for decimating nearly 200,000 square kilometers of the North American Boreal Forest, roughly the size of Nebraska.

  • Greenpeace Airs Ads to Reinforce Cape Wind Support

    July 6, 2010

    International environmental group Greenpeace began airing television ads in Massachusetts today targeting Rep. William Delahunt and Sen. Edward Kennedy. The lawmakers continue to oppose the Cape Wind project, to be sited in Nantucket Sound off of Cape Cod, which is slated to be the first offshore wind energy installation in the United States. The ads will air this week and next, and again the week of September 10, to set the record straight after a misleading radio ad campaign by Cape Wind opponents

  • Blessings Rain Down for a Solar Future

    July 6, 2010

    Directors of 26 Greenpeace offices from around the world gathered on May 2, 2002 in the village of Ban Krut, Thailand, and received the blessing of Buddhist monks after personally handing over two working systems of solar panel array to the local community.

  • Students Prove that the University of California Can Be a Clean Energy Leader

    July 6, 2010

    The University of California (UC) Board of Regents had a surprise greeting today as they arrived for their last meeting of the year. Greenpeace and UC students from all nine campuses showed up at the meeting in support of the development of renewable energy on UC campuses. The students called for the UC Regents to adopt a 25 percent on-site and a 50 percent total clean energy and green building standard for all new and renovated UC buildings.
