Planeta G, our new web series with a Latinx spin

June 29, 2020

Planeta G is a bi-weekly web series about the intersection between the environmental movement and our Latinx identity. Together, we will unpack the latest news, centering Latinx activists, our friends, and our families.

Planeta G is Greenpeace USA’s new series about Latinx environmentalism, where nuestras voices are at the forefront.

By Crystal and Valentina

Welcome to our planet—Planeta G!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest project, a bi-weekly web series about the intersection between the environmental movement and our Latinx identity. Together, we will unpack the latest news, tweets, and memes of the moment, while centering Latinx activists, our friends, and our families. Because of COVID-19, the episodes are recorded in our homes, which opens up a world of opportunities to invite people from all over the world to join us on the show.

According to a recent Yale study, over 70% of Latinx people in the United States are concerned about the environment. Latinx people play an integral part in the environmental movement, and it’s about time our experiences are brought to the forefront.

It’s no coincidence that Latinx people and people of color are most impacted by the climate crisis. We’re often not given the same access to adequate healthcare, education, and housing as our white counterparts. We need to rise up as a community and assert our rightful space at the table.

On the show, we will discuss topics such as climate activism, intersectionality, voting and election suppression, and single-use plastic. Special guests, from popular influencers to Greenpeace Latinx staff, will come on each show to have these crucial conversations and share how you can take action!

Who We Are

Crystal: I am Colombian-Puertorican-American queer womxn from North Jersey. Although born in the US, my grandmother raised me in Barranquilla, Colombia while my parents worked hard to establish themselves in the US as first-generation immigrants. I moved back to the US when I was 8 years old. I began my career in communications by working to advance reproductive health access in the US and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Paraguay. I am a senior communications specialist at Greenpeace USA. 
Valentina: I am the daughter of two journalists. My mother is a Jewish-Chilean journalist, who had to escape during the Pinochet dictatorship. She found herself in Austria, where she met my father. I was born in Europe and spent my childhood among Chilean refugees and visiting my family in Santiago. I moved to the US when I was 16 and after studying poetry and politics, started working with the farmworker movement and in the international environmental justice world. I am a senior communications specialist at Greenpeace USA, and can’t wait to share badass, captivating, and powerful stories with you!
So, get your empanadas, your mate gourds, and your cumbia jams and join us on our Greenpeace YouTube channel every Monday at 2 PM ET. Check out our most recent episode and the full playlist below, then tell us what you think about #PlanetaG !

We Need Your Voice. Join Us!

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