People Across the Country Mobilize to Tell Walmart to Save Oceans and Protect Workers

by Kate Melges

November 1, 2016

Walmart’s Great Value canned tuna customers are not getting what they've been promised.

WTF Walmart?!

WTF Walmart?! Photo © Delana Taylor-Martin

Walmart is the largest retailer in the world and a major buyer and seller of seafood. While the company talks a big sustainability game, its seafood sourcing policies and practices are failing our oceans, seafood workers, and its customers.

Walmart’s Great Value canned tuna leaves a trail of destruction from sea to shelf, and customers deserve to know what they are getting when they reach for a can of Great Value tuna.

Great Value brand tuna is supplied by Thai Union, a company known to use destructive fishing methods that needlessly put already threatened species like turtles and sharks at risk, and push stressed tuna stocks to the brink. Thai Union has also been linked to human rights abuses through some of its seafood supply chains, raising questions about what other concerning conditions are being perpetuated to get the tuna it is supplying major customers, like Walmart.

More than 80,000 people have called on Walmart to source more sustainable and responsible canned tuna; now concerned consumers are kicking things up a notch! From St. Petersburg to Portland to San Diego to Toronto, people across North America are joining together to spread the word about Walmart’s destructive practices and demand that Walmart steps up to do what is right to protect our oceans and seafood workers across the globe.

Check out some of our favorite images of people taking the fight for sustainable tuna directly to Walmart.

Walmart can help push Thai Union in the right direction by demanding sustainable and ethical tuna. Our message to Walmart is simple: Save oceans. Protect workers.

Want to send a message to Walmart? Dial 1-888-918-6672 to leave a message for CEO Doug McMillon.

Kate Melges

By Kate Melges

Kate Melges is an oceans campaigner based in Seattle. She leads Greenpeace’s Ocean Plastics work. Kate’s focus is ending the flow of plastic pollution into the ocean.

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