Our Samsung Survey: The Results

by Elizabeth Jardim

March 5, 2018

The people have spoken: It’s time for Samsung to commit to 100% renewable energy now.

Greenpeace activists gathered outside the Samsung store in New York City demanding the the company end its reliance on dirty energy like coal. Activists sent the message to Samsung to #DoBiggerThings and switch to 100% renewable energy. Greenpeace's Rolling Sunlight solar generating vehicle helps deliver the message.

A couple of weeks ago, we asked Greenpeace supporters to complete a survey about Samsung, smartphones, and devices in general. We promised to share the results when they came in — and here they are! We wanted to publish the results to make sure that Samsung executives heard your message loud and clear.

First, the basics. A lot of us own and use a Samsung device (43.5% told us you do!), which means we have a tremendous amount of people power to use this moment to pressure Samsung to join the ranks of other tech giants like Apple, Facebook, and Google in committing to 100% renewable energy now.

Second, More than 85% said they would be more likely to buy a Samsung device if the company wanted to be an industry leader in sustainability. That’s huge. It’s also strong incentive for Samsung’s CEOs to take note, and reason for us to keep the pressure on them, even now as the Winter Olympics have ended.


Third, our survey showed that our supporters want us to do all we can to fight against climate change, and that includes keeping up the pressure on Samsung to switch to more renewable energy sources. What we found was that almost half of our responders would share powerful stories and videos for change on social media – more than 30,000 of you already have!

Lastly, When we asked why Samsung should commit to 100% renewable energy, the messages were unambiguous. One respondent stated, “If Samsung cannot commit to 100% renewable energy, I, and others like me that are concerned about this issue, WILL NOT buy their products in the future.” Another person had a great question for Samsung: “Do you want to be an industry, and more importantly, a world leader….or another forgotten company on the junkpile of history?” With thousands of similar messages demanding a global and legitimate shift towards renewable energy, it’s time Samsung took notice and became a leader in sustainable technology.

These results are inspiring and hardly surprising. Greenpeace supporters want multinational corporations to take responsibility for the damage they’re doing to the climate and our environment. Let’s face it, Greenpeace is a passionate, action-taking force to be reckoned with — and the survey backs that up. Now it’s time for Samsung to listen to the people and commit to %100 renewable energy. Even if you didn’t get a chance to take the survey you can still use your voice to create change by contacting Samsung today.

Want to see all the results? Take a look at the full report here

Special thanks to Kat Tsukuda for compiling the data and analysis from our Samsung Survey.

Elizabeth Jardim

By Elizabeth Jardim

Elizabeth Jardim is a corporate campaigner for Greenpeace USA. Her work is focused on pushing the IT sector to adopt renewable energy and more sustainable manufacturing practices.

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