#NoDAPL Day of Action Draws Tens of Thousands, Lights Up Social Media


November 16, 2016

Solidarity events in all 50 states yesterday put the pressure squarely on President Obama to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. If you’re not already part of the #NoDAPL movement, now is the time to join.

Dakota Access Pipeline Day of Action San Francisco

Thousands of people have spoken out against the Dakota Access Pipeline — which would carry fracked oil over 1,100 miles from North Dakota to Illinois, directly threatening the sacred lands and water source of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe — and your voices are being heard.

Yesterday, the Army Corps of Engineers, which has yet to issue the final permit necessary for the project’s completion, announced it required “additional discussion and analysis” before allowing builder Energy Transfer Partners to finish construction on the pipeline. At the same time, tens of thousands of people across the country rallied in solidarity with Standing Rock leaders, sending a clear signal to President Obama that we won’t rest until the project is stopped.

If you couldn’t make it out to one of the 300 events nationwide, here’s what you missed.

San Francisco

Thousands of people joined a sunrise ceremony hosted by Idle No More in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza. Afterwards, activists converged on the Army Corps of Engineers district headquarters in the city, only leaving after Corps officials publicly addressed the Indigenous leaders in the crowd.

New York City

Almost 2,000 people marhced in the streets of New York City, where 39 were arrested for peacefully blocking the entrance to the federal court building.

Washington, DC

Roughly 3,000 ralliers in Washington, DC were treated to surprise speeches from Bernie Sanders and actress Shailene Woodley, who was arrested for civil disobedience alongside water protectors last month.

Los Angeles

Hundreds of people rallied outside the Los Angeles Army Corps of Engineers district office in a demonstration that featured both celebrities like Susan Sarandon and grassroots Indigenous leaders.


One thousand people turned out to a rally led by Indigenous youth organizers in Chicago.

North Dakota

Meanwhile at Standing Rock, 500 water protectors staged a powerful and symbolic demonstration of their own …

… as they continued to peacefully resist the pipeline despite crackdown from militarized police.

More Solidarity From Around the World

In total, there were 300 solidarity events in all 50 U.S. states yesterday.

But it wasn’t just U.S. cities coming together to say #NoDAPL. London, Paris, Auckland, Kyoto and dozens of other world cities also hosted solidarity rallies.

Organizers in Marrakesh, Morocco — the site of the COP22 global climate negotiations — staged a demonstration seen by world leaders and UN delegates attending the conference.

Hundreds in Los Angeles gathered outside the district Army Corps of Engineers headquarters.

Activists rallied outside pipeline builder Energy Transfer Partners headquarters in downtown Houston.

Hundreds marched to the Wisconsin state capitol in Madison.

And Dallas organized its solidarity event under the banner #DallasToStandingRock.

In the streets and online, momentum against the Dakota Access Pipeline is growing.

Thousands of people have now written letters and signed petitions to President Obama asking him to step in and stop the project, and 7,000 of you called the White House yesterday alone.

We still have an uphill battle to stop the pipeline, prop up Indigenous rights, and protect our climate. But yesterday’s actions showed that this movement is willing to do whatever it takes to get there.

Check out more stunning photos from #NoDAPL solidarity events around the country.


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