UPDATE: Sanders Maintains Greenpeace Climate Ranking Lead, Warren Gains Ground Before Super Tuesday

March 2, 2020

UPDATE: Sanders Maintains Greenpeace Climate Ranking Lead, Warren Gains Ground Before Super Tuesday

March 2, 2020 — With one-third of the primary delegates up for grabs tomorrow, Greenpeace has updated its ranking [1] of the 2020 candidates’ climate platforms. As he has for several months, Bernie Sanders leads the ranking. Sanders is the only candidate with an A+ grade and full points for his plan to phase out the fossil fuel industry. Following strong additions to her 100 percent clean energy, environmental justice, and agricultural sector plans, Elizabeth Warren has moved within one point of Sanders for second place. Donald Trump remains in last with an F, the only candidate to earn zero out of 100 points. Tom Steyer, Pete Buttigieg, and Amy Klobuchar ended their campaigns and were removed from the ranking.

Greenpeace USA Senior Climate Campaigner Jack Shapiro said:

“We have never had a more ambitious Democratic field when it comes to climate action. Voters across the country have made it clear that the climate crisis will be high on their priority list when they cast their ballots, and the candidates have responded. Every single Democrat in this ranking has improved their grade — some by dozens of points — in response to the millions of people demanding a Green New Deal and an end to the fossil fuel era.

“Meanwhile, Trump’s climate policies are a raging dumpster fire. Communities across the United States are still recovering from climate-fueled disasters like Hurricane Maria and the California wildfires, but instead of working to solve these problems, Trump and his administration of fossil fuel insiders are rolling back vital protections. Climate denial is not a victimless crime, and the perpetrators will be held accountable at the ballot box.”

The new top ten is:

  1. Bernie Sanders: A+ (94/100)

  2. Elizabeth Warren: A (93/100)

  3. Joe Biden: B+ (72/100)

  4. Tulsi Gabbard: B (69.5/100)

  5. Mike Bloomberg: B- (59/100)

  6. Bill Weld: F (7/100)

  7. Donald Trump: F (0/100)

Additional changes in this update include Michael Bloomberg increasing his grade to a B- following updates to his clean powerenvironmental justice, and worker protection policies. As noted above, Tom Steyer, Pete Buttigieg, and Amy Klobuchar ended their campaigns and were removed from the ranking.





[1] The interactive candidate scorecard is available here, a detailed breakdown by candidate is available here, and the scoring methodology is available here.


[2] To maintain independence, Greenpeace USA does not endorse or oppose any political party, candidate, or elected official. We work to hold all candidates for office to the standard that science says is necessary to avert climate crisis, which means supporting a Green New Deal and ending fossil fuels.


Contact: Travis Nichols [email protected]

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