UNEP issues a strong call for a rapid carbon emissions phase out

November 19, 2014

Senators Whitehouse and Schatz Unveil Carbon Fee Legislation

Greenpeace Head of International Climate Politics Martin Kaiser comments on the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Emissions Gap Report published today:

“The time has come to admit that managing emissions is not enough to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. UNEP correctly states that we must phase out carbon emissions to zero starting today. In practice, it means getting rid of fossil fuels in our energy system within a few decades and starting with the dirtiest one, coal. From now on, all new energy investments should be redirected from fueling problems to catalyzing solutions.”

“Thanks to the recent breakthroughs of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions, phasing out fossil fuels in time, by mid-century, is now possible and comes with enormous benefits. Renewable energy is the fastest and most affordable way to provide clean energy access for all without causing new hazards and barriers for development.”

“The science is clear and solutions are ready to be rolled out. The UNEP report is sending a strong message to the major emitting countries. 100% renewable energy for all is not fiction, but a long-term vision to guide a just transition and future investments. For the upcoming climate conference in Lima, governments must turn these findings into action, and endorse the goal of phasing out carbon emissions to zero by 2050 at the latest.”

Sens. Whitehouse and Schatz Unveil Carbon Fee Legislation

Additionally, today, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse unveiled legislation that would reduce carbon pollution and generate over a trillion dollars toward the American economy. The legislation, co-sponsored by Senator Brian Schatz, charges a fee for each ton of carbon emissions — ensuring that corporate polluters pay the costs of carbon pollution rather than everyone else.

Greenpeace Senior Legislative Representative Kyle Ash: 

“The American Opportunity Carbon Fee Act would both ensure polluters pay for their carbon emissions and generate significant economic benefits for the American economy. For years, the biggest corporate polluters have avoided the costs associated with their carbon pollution, putting the burden on the rest of us. It’s time to support a way forward that holds industry accountable for the damage they are doing to our planet and our health”


Perry Wheeler, Greenpeace Media Officer, P: 202-319-2461, [email protected]

Kyle Ash, Greenpeace Legislative Representative, P: 202-319-2417, [email protected]

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