U.S. Announces New Offshore Oil Leasing Draft Program


March 15, 2016

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s new five-year offshore oil and gas draft program includes future leasing options in the Arctic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

In response, Greenpeace USA Executive Director Annie Leonard said:

“Today, President Obama has put the Atlantic Ocean out of the oil industry’s reach, and that’s a victory for the coastal communities and our climate. It is time for the President to do the same for the Arctic and the Gulf of Mexico, to protect the millions of people around the world who have demanded he stop opening up new lands to offshore drilling.

“Less than a week after committing to protect the Arctic with Prime Minister Trudeau, President Obama has left the door open for Shell and the rest of the oil industry to drill in the region. This decision doesn’t balance conservation and energy, it fuels climate chaos. President Obama must place the whole Arctic off limits. This program isn’t yet final, the President must use the time he has to take all new offshore drilling out of circulation.”


Media contact:

Rodrigo Estrada, Greenpeace, 202-478-6632


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