The Pope’s Call to Action for Climate Justice

June 18, 2015

Washington, DC - June 18, 2015 - Today, Pope Francis released “Laudato Si,” an encyclical on the preservation of the environment that calls Catholics to action on climate change. The letter sends a strong moral message, highlighting the impact of this ecological disaster on increasing inequality and poverty around the globe.

Leer la versión en español de esta declaración.

In response to today’s encyclical, Greenpeace USA Executive Director Annie Leonard said:

“Pope Francis’s letter makes the perfect link between environmental degradation and social issues. By centering his message on climate justice, caring for our common home, the Pope is joining a growing chorus of voices that say people and their communities are truly at the core of the climate change debate.

“The Pope has now entrusted his Bishops with sharing the contents of this encyclical with more than one billion Catholics, most of whom live in developing countries. Those regions are already disproportionately suffering from natural disasters exacerbated by our unsustainable fossil fuel economy. The encyclical invites us to ask: why haven’t we transitioned away from fossil fuels when communities continue to experience increasingly strong typhoons, floods, droughts and extreme weather – and we know safer alternatives? We have a moral obligation to help those around us who are suffering most.

“Pope Francis has put forth an open call for individuals and political leaders to act on climate change for the sake of vulnerable communities around the globe. Later this year, our world leaders will come together at the UN climate conference in Paris with an opportunity to reach an agreement to address carbon emissions and move toward 100 percent renewable energy. Here in the US, the Obama Administration should seize this momentum for climate action by stopping Arctic drilling, the Keystone pipeline and new plans to open up 10 billion tons of coal for leasing in the Powder River Basin.

“The scientific grounds for acting to address climate change have been established for years. With his encyclical, Pope Francis has ensured the moral arguments will be front and center as well.”


Contact: Rodrigo Estrada, 202-478-6632, [email protected]

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