Statement on the Senate Energy Committee’s Agreement on Cape Wind Language

July 6, 2010

“Given the stark urgency of global warming and high energy
prices, we are glad that the Massachusetts gubernatorial veto for
the Cape Wind project has been dropped, because this is an
extremely important clean energy project for Massachusetts and the
nation.  Even though Senator Kennedy tilted at windmills in
Nantucket Sound, his hot air lost out today to common sense and
real solutions. It is unfortunate that political maneuvers have
singled out the Cape Wind project for additional and redundant
reviews. While this is a positive step forward, this is not a
victory until we have Cape Wind producing clean energy for
Massachusetts.  A big thanks are in order to Senators Bingaman and
Domenici, who have proven that the next generation of environmental
leadership will have to involve both sides of the aisle.”

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Exp. contact date: 2006-07-21 00:00:00

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