Rally calls for end to rate hikes, backs AG’s appeal

April 1, 2012

Charlotte, North Carolina: A well attended rally held in Charlotte today has called for Duke Energy to drop its dirty rate hike. Dozens of concerned community members joined leaders from environmental and social justice groups to demand Duke end unfair rate increases to fund dirty coal. The rally comes days after Attorney General Roy Cooper announced his decision to appeal the 7% rate hike because of the economic hardship the increase will pose.

“Duke Energy needs to start being a good neighbor to North Carolinians, instead of investing in dirty and dangerous coal and dumping the bill on ratepayers who can ill afford it. North Carolina could be a leader in clean energy if Duke just put its money where its mouth is and started investing in clean, renewable energy,” said North Carolina Greenpeace organizer Monica Embrey.

The rally, which took place at Duke Energy Headquarters, called on Duke Energy to stop profiting from pollution. It was hosted by environmental, economic and social justice groups such as Clean Air Carolina, Action NC, Greenpeace USA, NAACP Charlotte Chapter, and Occupy Charlotte. Greenpeace delivered a petition with over 4000 signatures demanding Duke cut the greenwash and start investing in renewables here in North Carolina.

Hector Vaca, Charlotte Director of Action NC said “In this economy, with so many out of work and underemployed, poor people can’t afford to keep paying more and more on our utility bills. Many are already having to choose between paying electricity bills and medical bills.”

“Duke Energy’s continued investment in burning coal contributes to our region’s poor air quality and makes people sick.  To add insult to injury, consumers are being asked to pay more for this for this type of dirty energy.  We need Duke to invest now in clean, renewable energy that doesn’t harm our health,” said June Blotnick, Director of Clean Air Carolina.

”Duke Energy is blithely charging the people of North Carolina higher and higher rates in an ever increasing effort to return more profit to its shareholders. Meanwhile, Duke is locking us into a dirty and dangerous future, by investing billions in new coal and nuclear,” said Craig Glisson, Member of Occupy Charlotte

“It is obscene that Duke Energy continues to rack up energy prices in this economy, especially when it is all but showering its CEO and shareholders with gold,” Rev Kojo Nantambu, Charlotte Chair of NAACP said. “This company is failing to be a good corporate citizen.”

“In 2010, Duke was among 37 major corporations that paid zero tax, yet it makes healthy profits, a guaranteed return to shareholders – at public expense – and over eight million dollars for its CEO. Duke Energy is a company that can in no way be described as a good neighbor to Charlotte: it is an embarrassment,” said Charlotte Green Party spokesman Ken Davies.

Greenpeace wants to see Duke Energy stop destroying mountains in its bid for more dirty energy, stop investing in dirty coal plants and start investing in real renewables right here in North Carolina.   “North Carolinians shouldn’t have to pay for rate increases that pollute our air, water and health, cause climate change and destroy mountains.” Ms Embrey said.


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