‘No Deal, Donald.’ Greenpeace Responds to Donald Trump Energy Comments


May 26, 2016

Washington, DC May 26, 2016 – In response to presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s comments on United States energy policy today in North Dakota, Greenpeace Executive Director Annie Leonard said:

“No deal, Donald. These proposed policies are nothing but out-of-touch love letters to the oil and gas industry. America needs a president who takes the climate crisis seriously, not someone who can only do what big business tells him to do. If voters wanted more of the same from the GOP, they would have voted for Jeb Bush.

“Trump has been trying to run as an outsider, but his energy policies show he’s just another fossil fuel shill. He’s offering stale ideas that could have come straight out of Dick Cheney’s diary. Americans know climate change is real. They want serious policies to tackle the problem, protect their future, and keep fossil fuels in the ground. Trump continues to reveal himself to be a shallow hoax on the American people.

“Trump can spend the next four months pandering to the fossil fuel industry, but we’ll continue the real work of building a more sustainable and just future.”

For further information, please contact Travis Nichols, 206.802.8498, [email protected]


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