IPCC Report AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis | Greenpeace USA Response

by Tyler Kruse

August 9, 2021

The report is crystal clear–we must end all fossil fuel use and immediately transition to renewable energy.

In response to the IPCC report AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis, Anusha Narayanan, Greenpeace USA Climate Campaign Manager, said:

“We are facing total planetary collapse. Today’s IPCC report confirms that the biggest threat to our families, communities, and infrastructure is the fossil fuel spurred climate crisis. The report is crystal clear–we must end all fossil fuel use and immediately transition to renewable energy. Right now, President Biden and Congress are not building back better. They’re building towards more climate-fueled disasters and deaths. It is time for our elected leaders to eliminate support for fossil fuels in all infrastructure and reconciliation talks.

“The current bipartisan infrastructure bill contains $25 billion in subsidies for the fossil fuel industry that has already killed millions and continues to prioritize the short term profits of billionaire CEOs over the health of our families and communities. Congress must remove these fossil fuel subsidies in the final infrastructure deal and prioritize the just transition to renewable energy. This will put us on track to where we ultimately need to go: a system without fossil fuels, sacrifice zones, and pollution.

“Congress and President Biden need to look around. We have wildfires burning towns to the ground, record breaking heat waves killing people across the country, and port cities being consumed by sea level rise. We are living in a climate emergency and our only hope for survival is to commit to an immediate, total transition to renewable energy.”

Tyler Kruse

By Tyler Kruse

Tyler Kruse is a senior communications specialist with Greenpeace USA covering climate and energy.

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