Greenpeace USA Urged Port of Long Beach to Deny Entry to Deep Sea Mining Vessel

November 27, 2023

Greenpeace USA has issued an urgent call to the Port of Long Beach to refuse entry to the Maltese-flagged deep sea mining vessel, the Hidden Gem, slated to arrive at 12pm on Monday, November 27th. The ship, originally a drill ship, is now being used exclusively to develop deep sea mining, igniting concerns over environmental impact and safety. 

© David McNew / Greenpeace

Long Beach, CA (November 27, 2023) — In a formal letter addressed to Mario Cordero, CEO of the Port of Long Beach, Greenpeace USA has issued an urgent call to the Port of Long Beach to refuse entry to the Maltese-flagged deep sea mining vessel, the Hidden Gem, slated to arrive at 12pm on Monday, November 27th. The ship, originally a drill ship, is now being used exclusively to develop deep sea mining, igniting concerns over environmental impact and safety. 

The ship is carrying polymetallic nodules extracted from the ocean floor in the Pacific Ocean, in the first deep sea mining test since the 1970s. This cargo may be radioactive and could present a health risk to workers. The cargo was collected under an International Seabed Authority (ISA) exploration license, strictly prohibited for commercial use. This material, extracted by the Metals Company, originated from the Clarion Clipperton Zone between Hawai’i and Mexico. The corporation reported that over 4,500 tons of polymetallic nodules were collected during these mining tests, with 3,000 tons of this placed in the hull of the ship.

“Deep sea mining risks causing severe and potentially irreversible damage to the deep ocean and to the marine life that calls it home.The Metals Company seems determined to ignore science, good sense and global public opposition to mine in the world’s last untouched frontier. The potential risks associated with the cargo are alarming, with documented concerns regarding radiation exposure and health hazards,” stated Arlo Hemphill, Global Corporate Lead of the Stop Deep Sea Mining Campaign at Greenpeace USA.

Moreover, the State of California has already prohibited seabed mining under the California Seabed Mining Prevention Act (California Assembly Bill 1832) passed in 2022. Despite this legislation, the vessel controversially intends to dock at the Port of Long Beach.

“We urge the Port of Long Beach to prevent the entry of this vessel, in alignment with California law and the growing global concerns surrounding the environmental and social impacts of deep-sea mining,” added Hemphill.

Greenpeace’s urgent appeal to Long Beach Port Authority CEO Mario Cordero seeks to prevent the vessel’s entry into the port and requests access to pertinent information regarding its activities and plans.

Greenpeace USA’s request to deny the deep sea mining vessel entrance into the California port comes as Greenpeace International activists are currently occupying another vessel in the Pacific engaged in deep sea mining related operations.

“Mining the deep sea is an environmental threat that must be stopped. This is why Greenpeace International has followed this reckless industry to the area at the heart of the deep sea mining debate, taking peaceful action to defend this precious ecosystem. The Metals Company is determined to ignore science, good sense and global public opposition to mine in the world’s last untouched frontier, but we are here to call out this dangerous industry and let them know that deep sea mining won’t start on our watch,” said Greenpeace International Stop Deep Sea Mining campaigner Louisa Casson, aboard the Arctic Sunrise.

A coalition of concerned parties, including scientists, civil society groups, Indigenous Peoples, corporations and investors, are calling for a moratorium or outright ban on deep sea mining. At least 24 countries are now advocating for either a ban, precautionary pause, or moratorium. 

Contact: Gujari Singh, Greenpeace USA Senior Communications Specialist, [email protected], (631) 404-9977

Greenpeace USA is part of a global network of independent campaigning organizations that use peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace USA is committed to transforming the country’s unjust social, environmental, and economic systems from the ground up to address the climate crisis, advance racial justice, and build an economy that puts people first. Learn more at

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