Greenpeace USA Statement on Trump’s Heartless Detention Enforcement

by Annie Leonard

June 21, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the separation of families at the border followed by Trump’s executive order which could keep families coming to United States jailed and caged indefinitely, Greenpeace USA Executive Director Annie Leonard said,

“My heart breaks for the parents and the children who have been separated by the vicious hands of the Trump administration. No one should ever experience that pain. As a mother, but most importantly as a fellow human being, I am outraged this is happening in our country. I always hope that should my child be in harm’s way, a witness would help and never just turn away. We are the witnesses now and we have to act.

People’s powerful resistance to Trump’s brutality is working. Now, Congress must work fast to undo this country’s cruel immigration policy by immediately reuniting families that were brutally torn apart, ending the detention of children and families, and holding the Trump administration accountable for this abuse. Trump’s executive order is NOT a solution, but rather a callous trade from children in cages for indefinite family camps. This senseless pain and violence against immigrant families has to stop, and we must replace this zero tolerance policy with a compassionate immigration policy.”


Cassady Craighill, [email protected], 828-817-3328

Annie Leonard

By Annie Leonard

Annie Leonard is the co-Executive Director of Greenpeace USA. Leonard began her career at Greenpeace in 1988 and has returned to help the organization inspire and mobilize millions of people to take action to create a more sustainable future together. She is based in San Francisco.

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