Greenpeace Unfurls Giant Banner Over Niagara Falls to Save Ancient Forests

July 6, 2010

A Greenpeace team of international climbers, representing Canada, the United States, Germany and Australia this morning hung a banner over Niagara Falls protesting the destruction of ancient forests in North America. The banner, measuring sixty feet high by thirty feet wide reads "Save Ancient Forests," and displays the Canadian and U.S. flags.

“More than 80 percent of the earth’s ancient forests have been
destroyed,” said Scott Paul, Greenpeace forest issues specialist.
“We’re here at Niagara Falls, on the border of the U.S. and Canada,
because both countries are contributing to the destruction of
thousand year old trees.”

The U.S. is one of the largest consumers of wood products from
Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia, purchasing
nearly two-thirds of the wood.

Greenpeace is calling on the U.S. and Canada to save the
remaining ancient forests in North America. Canada’s Great Bear
Rainforest, in coastal British Columbia is North America’s largest
remaining unprotected Rainforest.

Greenpeace is calling for:

  • An immediate end to industrial logging and road building in the
    Earth’s remaining ancient forests;
  • An immediate end to clearcutting in all forests, and
  • Businesses to eliminate their uses of all products that destroy
    or degrade ancient forests.

“When people purchase wood products they should demand to know
if it came from an ancient forest, and if it did, refuse to buy
it,” said Paul.

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