Greenpeace: Time for Representative Pelosi to Lead on Climate If Elected House Speaker

November 28, 2018

Rep. Nancy Pelosi Wins Democratic Nomination for House Speaker

November 28, 2018

Washington, DC- In response to Representative Nancy Pelosi winning the Democratic nomination for U.S. House Speaker earlier today, Greenpeace USA Executive Director Annie Leonard said,

“If elected as the House Speaker for the 116th U.S. Congress, Representative Nancy Pelosi has to step up as the climate leader the United States urgently needs right now. That means embracing a Green New Deal that stops fossil fuel expansion and accelerates meaningful action on climate change  to combat the brazen ignorance of the Trump administration. World leaders, the White House, and our new members of Congress receive daily warnings about the urgency of climate change, whether from crystal-clear scientific reports or the harrowing accounts from people impacted by relentless fires, superstorms, and floods.

“Representative Pelosi has had lasting legislative success when it comes to the critical issue of healthcare. Now we need her to apply that same energy to the life-and-death issue of climate change.”


Cassady Craighill, [email protected], 828-817-3328

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