Greenpeace Statement on Apple Leaving The Chamber of Commerce

July 6, 2010

In response to Apple's decision to leave the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Greenpeace Toxics Campaigner Casey Harrell issued the following statement:

Greenpeace applauds Apple’s decision to be the first technology company to leavethe United States Chamber of Commerce over the organization’sopposition to mandatory limits on greenhouse gases. Many companies inthe Chamber have progressive and responsible policy positions onclimate change that are diametrically opposed to that being advocated in their name by the largest lobby group in the United States (1)

Greenpeace’s work in the sector has highlighted where IT companies have a tremendousbusiness opportunity to provide the 21st century energy efficient andhigh tech solutions to reduce greenhouse gases economy wide. Greenpeacespecifically calls upon IBM and Microsoft, who sit on the Chamber’s Executive Board, as well as all other IT firms who claim to be leaderson climate change, to publicly and emphatically renounce the Chamber’sposition on limiting greenhouse gases and demand a change in itsdirectorship, or follow Apple’s leadership and leave the body in protest.

VVPR info: Contacts: Daniel Kessler, Greenpeace USA Press Officer, 510.501.1779; Casey Harrell, Greenpeace International Toxics Campaigner, 510.808.4330

Notes: (1) $488 Million from 1998-2009, more than twice that of the second biggest spender.

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