Greenpeace Responds to Trump Administration Balk on Florida Offshore Drilling — “‘Energy Dominance’ Just Means Political Convenience”


January 9, 2018

In response to the Trump administration’s reported plans to drop the Florida coast from its offshore drilling plans, Greenpeace USA climate campaign specialist Vicky Wyatt said:


“Last week Trump opened up US waters to oil and gas companies on a scale never seen before. Five days later he’s already backtracking to secure political favor.


“Trump seems willing to gamble with the livelihoods of U.S. coastal communities as long as he’s not dependent on their votes. Thousands of other communities aren’t so lucky. Will Secretary Zinke also respect the wishes of the numerous governors who have also opposed drilling off their coasts, too? Trump’s plan for a free-for-all for oil and gas drilling in US waters put our coastlines and oceans at risk of oil spills, as well as causing more frequent and extreme weather events. Clearly, Trump and Zinke’s ‘energy dominance’ just means political convenience. It’s time to stop this destructive charade and begin the clean energy future in earnest, now.”


Contact: Travis Nichols 206.802.8498


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