Greenpeace Responds to TransCanada Reapplying for Keystone Permit

by Perry Wheeler

January 26, 2017

In response to the news that TransCanada is reapplying for a permit to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, Greenpeace Senior Campaigner Mary Nicol said:

“TransCanada and the Trump administration face a long battle ahead in attempting to revive the disastrous Keystone XL pipeline. Oil prices are projected to remain far below what they were when Keystone was first proposed, and approval could undermine Canada’s commitment to lower greenhouse gas emissions. There is no approved route yet in the U.S., and any proposal is sure to be met with massive civil disobedience and challenges in court. If President Trump and TransCanada are attempting to test the will of the Indigenous communities, ranchers, farmers, and climate activists opposed to this project, they’re going to quickly find out what the resistance looks like.”


Perry Wheeler

By Perry Wheeler

Perry Wheeler is a senior communications specialist at Greenpeace USA.

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