Greenpeace Activists Put Spotlight On California Power Authority Meeting

July 6, 2010

Greenpeace activists pressed their demands for the state to invest two billion dollars in clean energy sources such as solar and wind power at the California Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority (CPA) meeting today. As the CPA meets to decide California's energy future, the international environmental group is focusing attention on a positive vision of what the state can accomplish if it breaks the vicious cycle of dependence on dirty, unreliable fossil fuels. The first step the state can take toward that goal is to cancel the long-term energy contracts Governor Gray Davis signed this Spring, which lock California unnecessarily into a gas-based electricity supply.

“California has an historic opportunity to tip the scales in
favor of renewable energy with a $2 billion investment in clean
energy now,” said Danny Kennedy, Greenpeace’s Global Warming
Campaign Coordinator in California. “For example, a cash infusion
from the state in photovoltaic manufacturing can spark the solar
revolution and provide Californians with good jobs, clean industry
and true energy independence from greedy gas suppliers.”

Before the meeting, ten activists from Greenpeace performed a
skit called, “Dr. Fossil vs. the Super Solar Man,” to highlight the
absurdity of California’s current energy policy and point out the
opportunities for solar power. The activists attended the CPA
meeting as well, and spoke out for Californians who have been
gouged by the very same energy companies that will profit if the
Governor’s long-term contracts are allowed to stand. Seven of the
activists chanted a pro-solar cheer during the public comment part
of the meeting. Greenpeace campaigner Kristin Casper demanded the
CPA hold future meetings in other parts of California, such as Los
Angeles or San Francisco.

“The CPA needs to hear the voices of Californians from every
part of the state, and that won’t happen if the meetings only
happen in Sacramento,” Casper said.

Today’s event is the kick-off for activities in the capital, to
focus attention on California’s potential clean energy future.
Additional activities this weekend include:

Sunday 2:00pm to 6:00pm, at the State Capitol “POWERSHIFT: A
Festive Rally for Clean, Affordable, Public Power,” – sponsored by
ACORN, the American Federation of Teachers, Global Exchange,
Greenaction and Greenpeace. Speakers available for interviews.

Monday 9:30am, Outside the
Governor’s Office – Media briefing, followed by activists
delivering 1,000 “suns” to Governor Gray Davis and lobbying 35
state lawmakers to push for $2 billion in clean energy investments
by the new California Power Authority.

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