FERC makes disastrous choice to approve Calcasieu Pass 2

by Katie Nelson

June 27, 2024

If constructed, Calcasieu Pass 2 would generate nearly 20 times the annual emissions produced by the Willow Project in Alaska.

WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (June 27, 2024)–In response to the news that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved Calcasieu Pass 2, Greenpeace USA Climate Campaigner Destiny Watford, said: “Calcasieu Pass 2’s approval puts us firmly on the path to an unlivable planet. As one of the largest liquified natural gas (LNG) export projects ever proposed, this climate Death Star represents an enormous environmental threat that is already harming community health, raising prices for families, and threatening our national security. Low-income and marginalized communities will bear the brunt of all of these impacts – it’s environmental racism at its worst.” 

“This approval entirely balks the Biden administration’s pause. Now more than ever, we need the president to finish the job and make bold changes. It’s time to stop this disastrous project from advancing any further.”


Contact: Katie Nelson, Greenpeace USA Senior Communications Specialist, [email protected], +1 (678) 644-1681

Greenpeace USA is part of a global network of independent campaigning organizations that use peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace USA is committed to transforming the country’s unjust social, environmental, and economic systems from the ground up to address the climate crisis, advance racial justice, and build an economy that puts people first. Learn more at www.greenpeace.org/usa.

Katie Nelson

By Katie Nelson

Katie Nelson is a Senior Communications Specialist at Greenpeace USA.

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