Environmentalists Decry California Power Authority’s Rush to a Fossil Fuel Future

July 6, 2010

Activists with the international environmental group, Greenpeace demonstrated at the California Power Authority meeting today as part of a continuing effort to push for large-scale investments in renewable energy. Carrying placards and STOP signs, the activists demanded that the CPA stop its rush to lock Californians into a polluting fossil fuel future.

“The CPA is making a mad dash for a dirty fossil fuel future by
snuggling up to the natural gas companies while giving a fake nod
to renewables, even though Californians are demanding the state
help communities spark a clean energy revolution,” said Kristin
Casper, Greenpeace Clean Energy Now! Campaigner. “From San
Francisco to Los Angeles, Californians are voicing strong support
for initiatives that will make the state a world leader in solar

Greenpeace is working with citizens and community groups in San
Francisco to pass the Solar Yes! ballot measures, which would
enable the city to install up to 70 MW of solar power. In Los
Angeles, Greenpeace is part of a drive to get community colleges to
increase their use of renewable power.

On the state level, Greenpeace is pushing two key demands:

  • That the CPA stay true to the spirit of its “Energy Resource
    Investment Plan” by being thorough and deliberative in its decision
    making process, and involving full public consultation at all
    times. This would include topic specific hearings with local
    community activists.
  • That $2 billion be earmarked for financing clean energy
    sources, in particular wind and solar, in addition to the $1
    billion that is already set aside for conservation and demand-side
    management financing

Greenpeace is seeking a variety of documents from the CPA under
the California Public Records Act, in an effort to shed light on
the way the Authority is formulating its energy plan.

“The CPA has fast-tracked the
process from 180 days to 120 days for setting the entire energy
future of California for the next twenty years”, said JP Ross,
Policy Analyst at Greenpeace. “We want them to stop working behind
closed doors and listen to the public and the renewable companies
that are impacted by their.”

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