Donald Trump Will Let the World Burn Before Accepting the Science of Climate Change


September 29, 2020

“The people elect the president, and the people are demanding a climate champion. We must count every vote, because every vote counts.”

With the first of three presidential debates between Donald Trump and Joe Biden coming to a close, there is no doubt as to which candidate better understands the stakes of the climate crisis. When asked point-blank by moderator Chris Wallace, Trump would not even affirm that he “believes” the science of climate change. Biden, meanwhile, displayed the understanding of how climate action can spur economic recovery that has helped him to a 75-point lead over Trump in the Greenpeace climate 2020 scorecard.

In response, Greenpeace USA Senior Climate Campaigner John Noël said:

“Tonight, Joe Biden reminded voters that he is running on the most ambitious climate platform of any presidential nominee in history. Biden has a plan to put millions of people back to work in the renewable energy economy, invest in underserved communities, and hold big polluters accountable. It was a smart move by the Biden campaign to highlight the connections between climate change, energy, and our economy. This election comes down to a choice between a candidate who’s tried to roll back more than 100 basic environmental and public health protections during his time in office and one who wants to put millions of people back to work by investing in clean energy.

“On the other side of the stage tonight, Donald Trump looked every bit like a desperate crook knows he’s losing. Trump loves to brag about clean air and water, but the truth is his policies have led to pollution at every turn. Whether it’s gutting the EPA, weakening the Clean Water Act, or giving handouts to fossil fuel polluters, Trump’s agenda has put corporate profit ahead of public health and environmental justice since day one. His only resort is to scare voters, suppress the vote, and distract from his embarrassing environmental record. All of his lies about election fraud and chaos are meant to discourage people from voting and encourage right-wing violence.

“The people elect the president, and the people are demanding a climate champion. We must count every vote, because every vote counts.”

Since the beginning of the Democratic primary in 2019, Greenpeace has tracked the climate platforms of each candidate for president from the two major parties. Heading into November, Joe Biden has a 75.5/100 (B+) in the Greenpeace climate 2020 scorecard, showing how much the baseline for political action to advance environmental justice and climate solutions has shifted. Donald Trump, meanwhile, has a 0/100 (F).


Note: To maintain independence, Greenpeace USA does not endorse or oppose any political party, candidate, or elected official. We work to hold all candidates for office to the standard that science says is necessary to avert climate crisis, which means supporting a Green New Deal and ending fossil fuels.

Contact: Ryan Schleeter, Senior Communications Specialist, Greenpeace USA: +1 (415) 342-2386, [email protected]


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