Companies joining new Ellen MacArthur Foundation plastics leadership coalition must prioritize transparency and reduction

by Perry Wheeler

June 11, 2018

Washington, DC – Today, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation announced the development of a new coalition on plastic pollution, urging the world’s largest companies to join and show leadership on the issue. Greenpeace, a member of the Break Free From Plastic movement, welcomed the intention of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation initiative, which seeks a higher ambition level from companies in addressing the root causes of plastic pollution.

The announcement follows the release of a G7 plastic charter, which acknowledges the plastics crisis, but fails to move beyond recycling efforts and voluntary agreements around single-use plastics.

In response to today’s Ellen MacArthur Foundation announcement, Greenpeace plastics campaigner Graham Forbes said:

“It is important for businesses to move beyond what is easy and convenient. They must recognize that while better recycling is important, we cannot simply recycle our way out of the plastics crisis we are facing today. The sheer scale and volume of plastic production, predicted to quadruple by 2050, prevents us from solving this through recycling efforts alone.”

“To make real progress on the plastic pollution issue, corporations must fully acknowledge that the root of the problem is the throwaway culture they perpetuate, and that the immediate reduction of plastic production and consumption is essential. Real corporate leaders must embrace transparency and publicly report on their annual production, reduction, reuse, recycling, and disposal numbers for each type of plastic. Leaders must step forward to create a plastic footprint reduction policy with clear targets and timelines, prioritizing reuse and the elimination of the most problematic and unnecessary throwaway plastics over recycling. And finally, real leaders must invest heavily in reusable packaging and new delivery systems — because these corporations have the resources to innovate toward a plastic free future.”


Contact: Perry Wheeler, Greenpeace Senior Communications Specialist, P: 301-675-8766

Perry Wheeler

By Perry Wheeler

Perry Wheeler is a senior communications specialist at Greenpeace USA.

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