California Power Authority Needs A REAL Clean Energy Plan

July 6, 2010

A Greenpeace analysis of the California Power Authority's (CPA) draft Energy Resource Investment plan shows the plan lacks concrete measures to meet its goals of clean energy for the state.

The CPA created this plan to solve California’s energy problems.
Greenpeace criticized the draft for being vague and for not clearly
outlining how the CPA plans to make the switch to clean energy. The
CPA is kicking off the first of five public hearings on its draft
of the plan today.

“The CPA is missing the opportunity to create a plan that will
result in real investments in solar electricity generation, reduce
our dependence on the unreliable gas market, and so reduce air
pollution and our contribution to global warming,” says Danny
Kennedy, Coordinator of Greenpeace’s Clean Energy Now!

To start with, Greenpeace encourages the CPA to develop a plan


the creation of a revolving loan fund to finance the manufacture
of 500 megawatts of photovoltaic solar cells each year by 2007,

a commitment to solar procurement by the state that will
guarantee demand for at least 100 megawatts of these cells on
institutions like schools, and

an effort to address climate change as a consequence of our
electricity production.

“While the plan mentions the potential for the creation of
thousands of jobs over 20 years with clean energy, it fails to
outline how these jobs will be created. It also does not detail how
to mitigate climate change. This is despite the fact that
Californians show great support for clean energy over that of
fossil fuels, especially because they worry about global warming,”
said JP Ross, Policy Analyst for the Greenpeace climate campaign.
For example, last

November three quarters of San Francisco voters supported a
climate-friendly solar bond.

The Energy Resources Investment Plan of the CPA is open for

comment for two weeks with hearings held in Los Angeles, San

Oakland, Fresno and Sacramento. Critics have already assailed
the CPA as an unnecessary creation, and the Power Authority is
literally fighting for its survival during this period.

Greenpeace hopes that the CPA staff
and board will refine this plan to clearly define the steps
necessary to usher in the clean energy future they claim to stand
behind. Greenpeace staff will be at all of the five hearings to
assure that the publics wishes are met.

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