Biden administration plan to increase gas exports – Greenpeace response

by Tyler Kruse

March 16, 2022

The decision to increase gas exports empowers the same Big Oil companies that are fueling conflicts around the world and are responsible for skyrocketing gas prices.

In response to the Biden administration’s plan to increase gas exports, Ashley Thomson, senior climate campaigner at Greenpeace USA said:

“Peace will only come through accelerating the transition to renewable energy, not by trading Russian oligarchs for American oil and gas barons. The Biden administration’s decision to increase gas exports empowers the same Big Oil companies that are fueling conflicts around the world and are responsible for skyrocketing gas prices. President Biden has an opportunity to make good on his climate promises while delivering a healthier, just, and peaceful future. This starts by declaring a climate emergency and using the Defense Production Act to ramp up the delivery of renewable and energy efficient equipment to Europe.”

Tyler Kruse

By Tyler Kruse

Tyler Kruse is a senior communications specialist with Greenpeace USA covering climate and energy.

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