With another orca presumed dead, Greenpeace renews call for urgent efforts to protect endangered orcas and to stop Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

September 14, 2018

In response to the news the three-year old Southern Resident orca J50, also known as ‘Scarlet’, is presumed dead, Greenpeace USA campaigner, Rachel Rye Butler said:

“This is beyond heartbreaking. The dire situation of the endangered Southern Resident orca makes it all the more unconscionable that the Canadian government would consider building the Trans Mountain Expansion project.”

“The world has lost another endangered orca in the space of one month. This is now a matter of taking responsibility to protect an endangered species. J50 was emaciated and this death highlights the urgent need to take action to protect the remaining 74 endangered orcas by restoring their food source and protecting where they feed by not allowing increased tar sands tanker traffic through their habitat.”

“It’s not too late for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to stop the Trans Mountain Expansion project that could lead to the extinction of the Southern Resident orca. The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion would mean a seven-fold increase in tar sands tanker traffic through the orcas’ home,” Butler said.

Following a challenge by Indigenous Nations and environmental groups, a Canadian Federal Court ruled that the Canadian government failed to properly consult with First Nations on the Trans Mountain Expansion project and failed to properly consider the impacts of increased tanker traffic due to the project — including the impacts on the endangered Southern Resident orca.

The Canadian government, under Trudeau, recently purchased the Trans Mountain pipeline and expansion project from U.S. oil giant Kinder Morgan for CAD$4.5 billion after Kinder Morgan abandoned the project and the government was unable to find another buyer.

Trudeau continues to push the project despite the threat to this endangered orca species.

A Greenpeace USA report confirmed increased oil tanker traffic from the proposed Trans Mountain Expansion project could deepen threats to marine life — including the region’s dwindling orca population — and impact coastal communities. The Canadian court ruled that the impacts of this increase in tanker traffic could not be excluded from the government’s review of the project.

For more information please contact:
Leola Abraham, Global Communications Lead, Greenpeace USA +1 202-413-8930

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