All sea turtles in major study found with plastic in their guts

by Perry Wheeler

December 5, 2018

Washington, DC – In reaction to research from the University of Exeter and Plymouth Marine Laboratory, working with the Greenpeace Research Laboratories, which found microplastic in 102 sea turtles across the  Atlantic, Pacific and Mediterranean, Greenpeace’s Global Plastic Project Leader Graham Forbes said:

“This is more proof that we urgently need to reduce plastic production worldwide. From whales that have washed ashore with their stomachs filled with plastic to microplastics found in over 100 turtles from three oceans, marine life is suffering because companies are addicted to single-use plastics and not doing enough to tackle the problem. How many more studies like this do we need for corporations to take strong action to curb the production of throwaway plastic which is predicted to quadruple by 2050? This global environmental crisis must be tackled at the source for the sake of marine life, the world’s oceans, our health, and our communities.”

For more information, please contact:

Perry Wheeler, Greenpeace Senior Communications Specialist, +1 3016758766

Perry Wheeler

By Perry Wheeler

Perry Wheeler is a senior communications specialist at Greenpeace USA.

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