Draw your message of support for Tahlequah and the 75 remaining Southern Resident orcas!

Millions of people around the world were united in heartbreak as they watched a mother orca named Tahlequah carry her dead calf for 17 days and one thousand miles.

Join us in Action! Share a photo of your chalked messages supporting Tahlequah using #Only75Remain and we’ll deliver them to Gov. Inslee and his orca task force at their next meeting August 28th!

Here’s how:

  1. Get chalk
  2. Choose a spot* (like your driveway!)
  3. Gather some friends together to draw messages urging Gov. Inslee and his orca task force to stop the Trans Mountain pipeline from creating a tanker superhighway through the orcas’ habitat (like enacting an emergency moratorium on new fossil fuel traffic through the orcas’ home!)
  4. IMPORTANT:  Take photos of your drawings and post them on your social media channels with a message to governor Inslee. Be sure to include #Only75Remain and #StopPipelines in your posts, and tag Governor Inslee so he sees your message too. You can also send your picture to us at [email protected] and we’ll post it.

Here are some sample Facebook and Twitter posts, but feel free to craft your own messages!

Twitter: .@GovInslee I support Tahlequah and her pod. Do you? Please protect these endangered orcas by stopping the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion! #Only75Remain #StopPipelines

Facebook: @WAStateGov I support Tahlequah and her pod. Do you? Please protect these endangered orcas by stopping the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion! #Only75Remain #StopPipelines

Want to stay involved? We’ll host a video call after we deliver your message to Governor Inslee and his Orca Task Force. Register here to join the call to share your experience and connect with others taking this action!

*If you’re not on your own property: check with any local rules or regulations to be sure it’s ok.


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