Keeping Up With King Koch

by Michelle Frey

May 13, 2011

Koch Brothers

Check out this new piece on Huffington Post from Kert Davies, Greenpeace Research Director, about a new report on the Koch Brothers.

For those following the political wrangling of the now-infamous industrial billionaire Koch brothers, which has become increasingly hard not to follow, the last couple weeks have been a real whirlwind of activity.

The opinions of David Koch are being heavily broadcast when a year ago the public didn’t know, nor did they care about the obscure billionaire’s opinions. Now we see widespread coverage of his opinion on Donald Trump not being qualified for the presidency, and his blowhard statements about “hardcore socialist” President Obama’s having a limited role in taking out Osama bin Laden. After a life of shy, Koch now thinks he’s a kingmaker.

Despite his recent chattiness, David Koch won’t discuss how many mansions he owns, ignoring the questions of Brave New Foundation after they released a video on the Kochs’ numerous multi-million dollar estates.

Read the entire article on Huffington Post >>

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