In Pictures: Nature Photography Day 2021

by Mariah De Los Santos

June 15, 2021

These incredible photographs transform into sparks that push the environmental movement forward – from climate change to conservation to deforestation and more

Earlier this month we celebrated Nature Photography Day. Photography plays an important role in driving environmental activism and bearing witness to the changing world. We’ve captured many moving and awe-inspiring moments within Greenpeace.

We invite you to stop for a moment, breathe, and appreciate the life around you. Here’s small selection of iconic Greenpeace images from around the world that I hope will bring some joy and inspiration into your life — if even for a moment. Enjoy! 


Greenpeace Austria visits the apricot orchard in Wachau area, to observe the apricot trees in full bloom. This documentation is part of a market research where several apricot jams were tested. Half of the conventional products were found contaminated with pesticides, and all organic products were free of pesticides.


Beluga whales feeding at the ice edge. Greenpeace is conducting an expedition bringing scientists to take sea ice core samples, measure snow and ice thickness, and water column properties below the ice at the Arctic ice edge in Fram Strait, between Svalbard and Greenland. NOTE : Wildlife images captured from the fast ice by a professional photographer, accompanied by a professional wildlife guide, to advise and observe proximity to wildlife.


Brown bear in Swedish forest.


The landscape north of Clyde River, near Sam Ford Fjord. This region is at risk from seismic blasting and potential future Arctic oil drilling. Greenpeace has been invited to the Clyde River community to support their fight against seismic blasting, assist with solar panel installation, and to participate in a series of knowledge sharing events.


Deer at the Kanha National Park.


Hawksbill turtle off the coast of Mahe, Seychelles.


The moon hangs above icebergs in Baffin Bay. Greenpeace is on route to Clyde River, Nunavut, where it will deliver solar panels for the community.


Flamingos at Lake Natron, Rift Valley, Tanzania, Africa.


Greenpeace Croatia joined a beach clean-up activity on an Adriatic island in cooperation with local partners. The organization also carried out a brand audit and formed a 5-meter dolphin made of plastic trash found on the beach.


An Arctic fox hunting lemmings along Point Barrow, Alaska. The Arctic fox can survive some of the most extreme temperatures on the planet with its thick fur and low surface area to volume ratio. Brown in the summer to remain camouflage on the tundra, this fox has recently turned white to blend in with the first snow of the season.


Areal view showing rainforests in Brazil and encroaching industrialisation. Images from the photo project „Markus Mauthe – At the edges of the world“ in cooperation with Greenpeace Germany. Portraits of indiginous people, their way of life and natural habitat to show the impact of climate change and globalization. Rainbow and clouds over rainforest. Amazon rainforest, Serra do Divisor.

These photos are more than still images. These talented photographers are turning their shots into sparks that push the environmental movement forward – from climate change to conservation to deforestation and more. And together, we’re urgently fighting to protect priceless ecosystems and wildlife as part of our larger resistance movement to unravel the ball of injustice, hate, and corporate profiteering that is rolling across our planet right now.  Thank you for choosing to stand with us in the fight for a just, green, and peaceful future.

Mariah De Los Santos

By Mariah De Los Santos

Mariah is the Online Content Associate at Greenpeace USA, based in Washington D.C.

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