In Action: Behind the Scenes with This is Zero Hour

by Katie Nelson

August 7, 2018

What does it take to make a march a reality? Before This is Zero Hour took to the National Mall recently, Greenpeace met them behind the scenes. Take a peek at some of our favorite photos from the youth-led climate movement and their weekend of actions in the nation’s capital.

Attendees dance during Xiuhtezcatl Martinez's performance. This is Zero Hour's inaugural Youth Climate March on Washington D.C. Led by 16-year-old Jamie Margolin, the youth-organized march seeks to highlight climate issues on a global scale. The action on the National Mall culminated the weekend of activities, including a Lobby Day and an Art and Community Building session.

After a year of preparation, the This is Zero Hour team launched their inaugural march on Washington D.C. on July 22. The Youth Climate March was happening rain or shine — even the day’s cool rainstorm did not deter attendees wanting to fight for climate justice.

“A small crowd of people willing to endure this weather is so much more meaningful than a big crowd on a sunny day,” said co-founder Jamie Margolin to the crowd gathered on the National Mall.

The rally included speeches from youth activists, including a coalition from Standing Rock and local Indigenous youth, and performances from artists Dispatch and Xiuhtezcatl Martinez.

“It’s really important that we’re people of color youth-led. That’s something we said we wanted to do early on… Just to see that [in action] is amazing,” said co-founder and Art Director Nadia Nazar. “Youth has enthusiasm no one else really does.”

Take a peek at some of our favorite photos from the intense preparations to the march itself. To learn more about the This is Zero Hour platform or to find out how to bring the movement to your community, you can visit them here!

Katie Nelson

By Katie Nelson

Katie Nelson is a Senior Communications Specialist at Greenpeace USA.

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