Hot on the trail of climate criminals Charles and David Koch

by Mike Gaworecki

April 7, 2010

Our Climate Crime Unit is still hot on the trail of the worlds most wanted climate criminals: Charles and David Koch.

Today they responded to a climate emergency outside the David H. Koch Theater in NYC, but they were too late. A dead polar bear was foud on the scene.

Greenpeace NYC climate crime scene KochYou might recall that last year a number of polar bears were spotted in Washington, D.C. panhandling for less climate change, not spare change. Seems they were down on their luck because global warming is melting their Arctic home.

No word yet on the exact cause of death in todays tragedy, but one thing is certain: The climate denial funded by Charles and David Koch is delaying action to stop global warming and usher in a clean energy economy, all but dooming more polar bears to a similar fate of homelessness and death thanks to runaway climate change.

David Koch spends a lot of money on fancy exhibits and theaters to whitewash his real legacy: From 2005 to 2008 alone, David and Charles Koch funneled some $25 million to a network of climate denial front groups.

You can read more about the Kochs Web of Dirty Money and Influence at Our Climate Crime Unit was passing out Wanted posters for the Kochs today to help bring them to justice, and you can help too by following that link and using the tools provided to help spread the word.

You can also find links to our report, Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine, which exposes the role of oil conglomerate Koch Industries and its owners Charles and David Koch in obstructing clean energy and climate policy by funding climate denial organizations, lobbying federal legislators directly, and spending buckets of cash through their PAC to support candidates for federal office. David and Charles who tie for 9th richest man in America are the two principal shareholders of Koch Industries, an oil supply and refining company that is one of the largest private corporations in the US.

Yesterday, we delivered a letter to David and Charles Koch seeking a response to some unanswered questions and offering an opportunity for the Koch brothers to explain their funding of organizations that distort climate science and oppose climate and clean energy policies.

Given your interest in an intellectually honest debate, are you willing to participate in an open debate at the National Press Club on your role in funding climate denial organizations and think tanks? asked Kert Davies, director of our PolluterWatch project, in the letter, which was delivered to David Kochs Manhattan office.

We’ll let you know how Koch responds.

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