Greenpeace activists occupy Frances Fessenheim nuclear power plant

by Justin McKeating

March 18, 2014

This post originally appeared on the blog of Greenpeace International.

Around 60 Greenpeace activists from 14 countries entered Frances Fessenheim nuclear power plant this morning to send the message that the aging plant should be closed.

Our people unfurled a banner next to the Fessenheim Number 1 reactor with the message “Stop Risking Europe”. Others activists are on top of the reactor and on its spent fuel storage pool.Theyve flocked from France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Slovenia, Austria and as far away as Turkey, Israel and Australia.

They followthe 240 activists who two weeks ago occupied nuclear power plants in Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and Spain to warn of the dangers of to warn of ageing nuclear reactors.

About 60 Greenpeace activists from 14 countries protest this morning at Fessenheim (France) against the risk caused by ageing nuclear power plants in Europe. The activists from several European countries (France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Slovenia and Austria) and non-European countries (Australia, Turkey and Israel) have unfurled a banner next to reactor n1 with the message "Stop Risking Europe". Others activists are on top of this reactor and on its pool. With barrels at the entrance and a banner at the building they demand the shutdown of the plant. The nuclear power station Fessenheim is an old plant and only 1 kilometer from the German border. In case of an accident Germany will be also affected. Germany has decided a phase out from nuclear power until 2022.

At 37 years old, Fessenheim is the oldest nuclear power plant in France. Greenpeace has identified its reactors as two of the most dangerous in Europe and they should be shut down immediately.

The area around the plant is vulnerable to earthquakes and flooding. It lies in the heart of Europe, between France, Germany and Switzerland, with seven million people living with 100 kilometers of the reactors.

The closure of Fessenheim should be the first in a long series of European nuclear power plants that need to be closed in the coming years. These other plants include Le Bugey, Tricastin, Gravelines and Le Blayais.

Were entering a new era of nuclear risk in Europe: 66 of the continents 151 nuclear power plants are already older than 30 years with seven over 40. Despite upgrades and repairs, the general long-term state of these reactors is deteriorating.

Two weeks ago Greenpeace published a report, “Lifetime extension of ageing nuclear power plants: entering a new era of risk“, which proves the older a nuclear reactor gets, the higher the risks of serious accidents.

Frances President Hollande has promised to shut Fessenheimby 2016 and says he aims to reduce Frances reliance on nuclear power from 75% to 50% by 2025. Despite these assurances, extensions of some reactors planned lifetimes to beyond 40 years are currently being discussed in France.

Were demanding Mr Hollande keep his promise by limiting maximum reactor lifetimes to 40 years by law and ensuring more nuclear plants are shut down.

With climate change upon us it should really go without saying that Europe needs a real energy transition based on renewable energy. This needs to happen fast.

Europe is expected to decide its energy policy framework for 2030 during a European Council in Brussels later this week. The proposed target of “at least 27 percent” of energy generated by renewable sources is far too low to make the vital leap from coal and nuclear energy to solar, wind and other renewables.

Greenpeace calls Franois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to demand a 45% state-binding target for renewable energy for Europeby 2030. The world is watching.

For more information, visit ourOut of Agewebsite where you can see where Europes ageing nuclear reactors are located and take action yourself.


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