Give back this #GivingTuesday to save the Arctic

by Cassady Craighill

December 3, 2013

September 11th, 2012. Arctic Ocean. A polar bear and her cub on an ice floe in the Arctic Ocean seen from the Greenpeace MY Arctic Sunrise ship. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, on September 16th the sea ice covered only 1.32 million square miles, or 24 percent, of the Arctic Ocean, the lowest amount ever recorded. ©Daniel Beltra/Greenpeace

© Daniel Beltra for Greenpeace

The 28 Greenpeace activists and 2 independent journalists who were detained in Russia after protesting Arctic oil drilling were released on bail.

But theyre not free and could face years in jail if convicted.

Meanwhile Russian oil giant Gazprom is planning to extract the first offshore oil from icy Arctic waters this month. And Shell is trying to get permission to return to drill in Alaska, despite causing a series of humiliating and dangerous accidents there last year.

Weve won the first battle — but the race to save the melting Arctic continues. And to succeed, we need your help. Shell and Gazprom have billions of dollars at their command, but our work is supported entirely by people who care about the environment, like you. We dont take a penny from any government, company, or political party. Our greatest strength, quite simply, is the support of people like you.

This Giving Tuesday, stand in solidarity with the Arctic 30 who are facing jail time in Russia by supporting our campaign to save the Arctic and all the work we do to protect the environment.

Ive worked at Greenpeace for a long time, and lived through a lot of intense situations, but the last few months surpass it all. Ive never felt more inspired and determined. Ive never felt like I was part of something so big and so important.

For the first time ever, weve put Arctic oil drilling front and center on the world stage. Weve turned Gazprom and Shell into dirty words, exposing their reckless plans to drill through the melting ice on frontpage newspapers and primetime TV, at rock concerts and soccer games, in art galleries and UN climate conferences.

Weve joined the voices of almost 5 million global citizens to tell oil companies that enough is enough: the mad rush to extract oil from the worlds last pristine places must end. The only thing standing in the way of an oil disaster in the Arctic is the support of people like you.

Contribute today to the ongoing mission to save the Arctic, protect the climate and defend peaceful protest.

Weve worked relentlessly to free the 30 men and women who were jailed for two months in Russia following a peaceful protest to defend the Arctic — in a case that drew support from heads of state, superstar celebrities, and iconic activist leaders.

The movement to save the Arctic is as strong as we are, together.


Cassady Craighill

By Cassady Craighill

Cassady is a media officer for Greenpeace USA based on the East Coast. She covers climate change and energy, particularly how both issues relate to the Trump administration.

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